
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

Saving Her Life

With tyres screeching, Jay stopped in front of the hospital. Screaming his head off for help, nurses immediately dashed out helping Jay.

The scene was a very scary scene. They carried Belle out and rushed her to the emergency ward. Jay was shaking all over afraid that he might loose the love of his life. He kept pacing up and down outside the emergency ward.

Finally one of the doctors came out.

"Sir, are you her family?", asked Doctor Alice.

"Uh, yes. She's my fiancee. How is she? Tell me she's all right", replied Jay.

"We have operated and checked. Luckily no damage was done to her internal organs but she loss a lot of blood. We need to get her for blood infusion as soon as possible. She has a very rare kind of blood -AB. We don't have enough of her blood type in the blood bank for her. If you knew her direct family members, please contact them. We need her blood type to save her".

Jay was on the verge of tears. He was so close to loosing her. He needed to calm himself and get help.

If he could, he would have given her his blood but his blood type was O. Jay quickly rummaged thru Belle's bag and dialled her brother's number informing him about Belle.

At the same time, he called his sister, Cecil and Shiela for help. Word was spread out. He needed to save her life.

Everyone rushed to the hospital and gotten their blood tested but none of them had -AB.

Jay couldn't take it and sat in a corner and cried. He couldn't loose her. Little did he know what he had fallen head over hells for her. Every time he looked at her face, she was pale and gave him the feeling that she would leave him very soon.

Jay's parents, Danny and Claire got to know about Belle's plight thru Cecil and also rushed to the hospital.

"Jay! You should have called us. Don't worry about Belle, she will be alright", said Danny, Jay's dad.

Although they haven't met Belle personally but they knew that Belle played a huge role in Jay's life.

"Mom, Dad. I don't know what will I do without her. She hasn't even become my girlfriend and I'm already loosing her", Jay broke down and cried.

"Son, my blood type is -AB. I'm going to save her. I will not let my future daughter-in-law go without a fight", said Claire and she left to see the doctor for blood transfusion.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family were waiting in the lounge anxiously. All of them could not bear the thought of Belle leaving them.