
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

It's Her Birthday

Saturday finally arrived. Belle got woken up by her little nephew, Jayden. He pounded on her door until she opened it for him. Jayden then jumped and smooched Belle until she couldn't hold her laughter.

Joe prepared a scrumptious breakfast spread for them to feast on. As it was Belle's birthday, Jayden could have a slice of sugared doughnuts. Sugar was a no-no for kids in their household.

Ding-dong.. the doorbell rang. A parcel and a bouquet of roses arrived for Belle. There was no sender's details. Puzzled, Belle, opened the parcel and it was a beautiful white gold necklace with 7 pieces of 0.8 carat diamonds each.

"Oh my, this is beautiful. Who is this from??", exclaimed Belle.

"Is it from loverboy, Jay? Hehe??", snickered Joe.

"I don't know. There's no sender details. But it's so beautiful. But wait, there's something written on the clasp".

Belle read out "A&B Forever". She then gasped and realised its from Alex.

"Joe, I need to return this. It's from Alex. It's written here "A&B Forever". I can't accept this. It's too expensive and I don't want anything to do with him".

"How dare he. Give it back to him", growled Joe.

"I will but I got a date with Jay later. I'll return it to him tomorrow", Belle tiptoed and gave Joe a kiss. She then set out to get ready for her date.

Belle chose a pair of skinny denim ripped jeans and paired with a black off shoulder top. Finishing it off with a pair of canvas shoes. Her outfit may be as simple but she looked stunning like a model walking down the catwalk.

Soon, Belle heard a message. It was from Jay.

"Hey, I know I'm early but take your time. I'm already parked outside your house. I'm gonna ring the doorbell and send my greetings to your family. Just wanted to inform you before hand so you won't get a shock".

At the same time, the doorbell rang. Joe opened the door and Jayden was jumping all over.

"Hello, I'm Jay and I'm here to pick Belle up", Jay extended his hand towards Joe.

Joe was surprised and at the same time felt relieved. Never had any of Belle's previous dates nor ex, ever came to the door and introduced themselves.

"Oh come in. My sis is still getting ready. I'm Joe by the way. I'm her only brother and this is Jayden, my son. Jayden, come say hi to Uncle Jay".

"Hi Uncle Jay. Are you here to take Aunty Belle out? Could I come too??"

Stifling in a laugh and embarrassed, Joe quickly responded, "I'm so sorry! My son is very much attached to my sister. Jayden!! Your aunt is going on a date. You would want Uncle Jay to come more often right. Please behave!".

Jay was amused by the sight in front of him. He felt more at home than ever. Their relationship reminded him about his family.

"Hey Joe, don't worry about it. I understand. He's still a kid. Hi Jayden, today I'm taking your Aunt Belle out but if your daddy allows it, maybe the next time we can go out together too".

Joe was really surprised to how friendly and nice Jay was. Jay had already gotten into his good books.

While waiting for Belle, Jay chit-chatted and played with Jayden.

Belle took one last look into the mirror and waltzed down the stairs. From upstairs, she saw a good looking guy in a white tank top matched with a pair of black jeans. It was simple but Jay just looked so good in it.

As Belle was approaching, Jay immediately stood up. His heart fluttered as Belle looked so god damn ravishing good.

"Hey Belle, Happy Birthday. Here's a small gift for you. Not roses but Sunflowers as you look as bright as the sun" said Jay and he passed Belle a bouquet of Sunflowers.

Belle was in smiles and they both headed out to the start of their date.

"So where are we heading?" asked Belle.

"You would know when you get there. It's a surprise." said Jay.

Belle then smiled and they both continued with small chitchat getting to know each other again.

After 1 hour of driving, they finally arrived their destination.

They were at the beach. Just by the beach was a small port where they had a mini funfair.

Belle's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"How did you know?? I love beaches! I love funfairs! Omg, you are the best. It's really the best surprise. Do you know how long I have not been to a funfair??" Belle was responding excitedly.

"Babe, I hope you like this mini surprise. I really didn't know what to do but I really wanted to do sometime meaningful for you. If you don't mind, could I walk hand-in-hand with you today? I would really like that", said Jay and extended his hand.

Belle blushed and laughed. She accepted his hand they walked towards the funfair.

First thing they did was to get some ice-cream and hotdogs. After that, they spent the next 3 hours playing games and riding on the rides.

Came 7.30 pm and they both headed down the beach. They strolled while enjoying the breeze. They came to a lighthouse and there was a no-entry sign but little did Belle know, Jay actually rented the lighthouse.

A guard let them thru and as they walked towards the lighthouse pier, Belle saw a blanket, basket and on it was full of her favourite food.

She gleamed in excitement and turned to Jay. "You did this? You did all this? It's better than going to a 5-star restaurant. It's just my birthday. You didn't have to."

"Belle, I wanted to give you an experience that you could always remember. I would rather put my hands into it than dish out money and pay others to make you happy. If I could to this myself, why not? I'm glad you like it".

"Jay, thank you so much. This is the best birthday ever. Now, can we eat? I'm starving", clucked Belle.

They both dug in and enjoyed each other's company until late at night. As it took one hour to head back home, Belle initiated them to head home as she didn't way Jay to drive back so late at night. Reluctantly, Jay agreed only if Belle allowed him to take her out for lunch the next day.

Driving back home, Belle fell asleep and she looked like an angel with the moon light shinning down on her. Jay had never felt this way for such a long time. He felt at home. He felt loved and he felt the love of his life was next to him. The smile on his face stuck as long as it could. He was love-struck.

They finally reached home. Joe was throwing away garbage when he saw Jay's car turning into the pathway. Joe smiled as he saw his sister fast asleep and Jay getting down from the car, carrying her like a baby.

Joe lead the way for Jay to her bedroom. Jay removed Belle's shoes and tucked Belle into her bed and kissed her forehead, "Good night my love. Sleep tight".

But before he left, Jay clasp on a bracelet with two butterflies made out of diamonds on her hand. He then left a post-it note writing "Happy Birthday Belle. I had a great time today. I hope you did so too. Btw, please look at your left hand. Hope you like it. Love, Jay".

For the longest time, Belle didn't have good sleep but tonight was different. She had the best sleep ever.