
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

Feeling Conflicted

Jay was in a happier mood and everyone around him could tell that he was in the mile high club. His family suspected it might be because of a girl. They were happy but very worried for him in case history repeated itself.

Belle's birthday was coming up and Jay was planning something mysterious for her. He picked up his phone and called Shiela.

Jay: "Shiela, err.... I need some advise."

Shiela: "What about? Let me guess, Belle?"

Jay: "Uh yea. Well her birthday is this weekend and I wanted to surprise her. I have Plan A and Plan B. First I planned to pick her up and we will shop for her outfit of the day. Then we will go for a nice candlelight dinner and the night will end with fireworks. But again, I'm not too sure if she will enjoy this. I'm leaning more towards Plan B but it seems most girls enjoy and love Plan A."

Shiela: "So what's Plan B? You gotta tell me both plans before I can give you any advise".

Jay: "Uh, well, I just thought to get her a bouquet of flowers and then take her for a stroll on the beach. I would also pack a picnic basket for our beach dinner".

Shiela: "Jay, what am I to do with you. First, she is not the normal typical girl. She runs a chain of cafes and she is also rich. Of course not as rich as you but you know what I mean. So what do you reckon? And what about her present?

Jay: "He he. Thanks Shiela. Love you loads. I know what to do. I already bought her a present. I do hope she likes it."

With that confirmation of plans, Jay called Belle and asked her out.


Pacing back and forth in her room, Belle was stressing. She just said yes to go out with Jay on her birthday but she wasn't ready for a relationship.

Knock knock.

"Belle, you in there?" asked Joe.

"Yeah. Come on in."

"Belle, I could hear you walking up and down like an elephant. What's your dilemma now?" Joe knew his sister better than anyone and a situation like this is a situation for her.

"Umm, I said yes to go on a date with Jay this Saturday. Remember the guy I told you about?"

"Yeah, so what's the problem? You like him don't you?"

Belle could feel her face getting red. "Joe!!!! Don't laugh at me. I kinda fancy him but I'm just not ready for another relationship yet".

"Dear sister. Stop over thinking things. Just go for the date. It's just a date. It doesn't mean you will get into a relationship with him this weekend. Omg, what is in that brain of yours."

Joe did worry for his sister but he felt it was good that she put herself out there. Instead of cowering and hiding, it would do Belle good to mingle with others. After all, her previous life revolved around Alex only.