
love is destiny

mslora224 · Celebrities
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9 Chs

advik's revange on kaira

whan kaira saw advik coming towards her .

she is shocked and And started thinking that why is he coming towards me.

Advik came to her and gives her award and

congrats her

now kaira is in awkward situation.

kaira give a strange smile and Shook her head.

while taking the picture with kaira advik said - hey I Didn't expect that you win ,but you did it so I also got a chance to revenge on you,now wait and watch.

kaira - you.

advik - hey don't react There are a lot of people here. everyone is watching us.

after that kaira went to the riya' s cafe.

shikha and riya is also waiting for her .

they already had news about winner of compition.

when they saw kaira , they run towards her and hugged her. and said - congrats kaira . we know you can do this.

kaira - hey guys let's sit first.

shikha - you know, you are so lucky.that you have a chance to work with advik , I really envy you.

riya - hey wait . kaira _ what happened ? You don't look happy .

kaira - What does he think of himself . How could he do that to someone , He did not even think once how I will feel when I know the truth ...

riya - calm down kaira ,Will tell us what happened ?

kaira told tham everything.

shikha - oh

kaira - hey what oh .

do you know what he said to me that he will take revenge on me . now tell me how can I work with a person like him .

he just...he is really annoying.

shikha - then what are you going to do next ?

kaira - I don't know. I am just thinking that...

riya -" cut her point " hey Are you thinking of not signing a contract with the company?

kaira - NO , are you mad , this contract is an opportunity for me to fulfill my dream.How will i let it go.

riya - that's good

shikha - than what are you thinking?

kaira - I will meet him tomorrow and l will try to solve this problem with peace . and say sorry to him for hitting him , i should not slap him .

shikha - ok . but if he will do something wrong to you than tell me , I will teach him a lesson ok .

next morning when kaira is on the way to go to the company , her bag were snatched by a thief

kaira - hey my bag '

She started running after him . and said thief, thief ,

Then a man caught the thief and helped Kaira to get her bag .But they could not catch the thief for a long time and he run away.

man was trying to caught the thief but Kaira stopped him .

kaira - thank you ,thank you so much.

The man was watching Kaira closely.

kaira - Is there anything on my face .

man - are you kaira ?

kaira - yes but How do you know me?

man - can't you recognise me I am Siddharth ( sid )

kaira - sid ( she is thinking )

Siddharth - yes , do you remember me?

kaira - yes, I can't believe that is you, when we are kids we used to play around together and do naughty things and after that we also got punished, after that your family was shifted away from the town but i never thought we would met like this

Siddharth - yes, you are right

kaira - by the way thank you so much for helping me .

Siddharth - hey we are friends so don't say this .

where are you going ? I will drop you

kaira - ok .