
love is destiny

mslora224 · Celebrities
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9 Chs

her childhood friend is her boss

they went to the company.

kaira - When did you came back from abroad .

sid - just few days ago . hey this is your last semester of graduation right ?

kaira - yes , last semester .

sid - So what will you do after graduation . if you didn't think about it than you can work with me .

I know you are a talented designer .

kaira - thank you for this but today is my first day of my work .

sid - ( disappointed look ) oh I think I am late .ok let it be . which company are you working for .

kaira - me , royal group of company .

sid - ( smiled. ) ooh

kaira - yes , recently a competition was organised by the company. and I won this competition so I signed a contract with this company as a designer .

sid - that's good , (he stopped the car)

kaira - why did you stop?

sid - here is your destination , your working place .

kaira - oh thank you ,(she get down to the car ) now you can go . hey one minute would you like to go on a dinner with me.

sid - Why are seeking permission when you are doing a good turn to .

kaira - ok . see you later bby by .

sid - smiled , ok .

kaira totally forget about advik .

she looked at the company while taking a long deep breath. and said , just go on kaira , never ever give up on your dreams .

she went inside the company. she looked around her . she saw many of the employees are working around her . but she saw advik is also there , and she cover her face tried to hide from him . suddenly she bumped into the one of the employee of there .

kaira - sorry , sorry . are you okay .

employee - ok, it's ok , I am fine don't worry

kaira - that's ok but sorry

employee - it's ok . you are...

kaira - oh i am kaira

employee - oh I heard about you , the winner right ?

kaira - yes

employee - by the way I am Kriti , your colleague

kaira -( smiled ) nice to meet you .

Kriti - let's go I Will show you your working place .

kaira - ok .

Kirti - you know what, you are very lucky

kaira - ( smiled ) , why

Kirti - because today our new boss taking his position as the a CEO . and your working place is out of his cabin . you will have a chance to see his handsome figure daily . i wish I can have a chance like you . look here we are , from now on, you will sit here .

kaira - thank you Kirti

Kriti - your welcome .

other employee came there and said - hey Kriti new CEO is here ,see how handsome he is . perfect boyfriend type , no ,no perfect husband type .

kaira saw him she is surprised she said - sid ,but how

Kriti - did you say something .

kaira - no , no

Siddharth came towards kaira , he stopped in front of kaira and said move . kaira was in a shock ,that what Siddharth said she didn't heard anything .

Siddharth - hey Ms. I have to go to my cabin so please move .

kaira - ok. (She give him space)