
Love In The Castle

In the grand royal palace of Valtoria, a forbidden love blossoms between Prince Richard, the charming and rebellious youngest son of the king and queen, and Lisa, a beautiful and strong-willed slave captured from the defeated kingdom of Azura. As they navigate the secrets and expectations of their social roles, they must confront the dark forces threatening their love and the future of their kingdoms. Will their love prevail, or will the weight of duty and destiny tear them apart?"

Erhovwo_Erhovwo · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 3 - Royal Expectations

The king and queen had always envisioned a high-society marriage for their son, hoping it would tame his rebellious streak. They had their sights set on Princess Luan, a stunning beauty from a neighboring kingdom, who had been making overt advances towards Richard, much to his discomfort. During state visits, Princess Luan would often accompany her father, the king of AI, and make a point to "accidentally" bump into Richard, her flirtatious smiles and lingering touches making his skin crawl.

Richard and Lisa, on the other hand, had been carrying on a secret affair, stealing glances, exchanging whispers, and sneaking kisses in hidden corridors. One day, as they shared a passionate kiss in a deserted hallway, a palace guard caught sight of them. Richard's lips abruptly left Lisa's own as he made haste to chase the guard, who was trying to slip away unnoticed. But Richard's keen senses detected him, and he took off in pursuit.

Lisa was left standing alone, bewildered, as she felt Richard's lips part from hers and then she saw him chasing after the guard, which made her worry. Maids and stewards began to stare, whispering among themselves as they wondered why the prince was pursuing a lowly guard. The chase generated a buzz throughout the castle, but Richard didn't care. He was determined to catch up to the guard and offer him a deal he couldn't refuse. He could have easily sent other guards to stop the guard who spotted them, but he was afraid of his secret being exposed. If the guard revealed what he had seen, Richard's parents would be furious, and his relationship with Lisa would be over. So, he decided to chase him down himself, hoping to catch up to him and silence him before it was too late. However, the guard had already reached the throne room and reported the incident to the king and queen.

When Richard's parents discovered his secret trysts with Lisa, they were incensed. "A slave?" his mother spat. "She's beneath you, Richard. You need a queen, not a servant." Richard's heart ached. He knew his parents would never approve of Lisa, but he couldn't help how he felt. He loved her, and he was determined to find a way to be with her, no matter the cost.

Richard's father, the king, summoned him to his chambers, his face stern and disapproving. "Richard, you need to end this affair with Lisa. She's a slave, and she's not worthy of your love. You're a prince, and you need to marry someone who can help you rule the kingdom." Richard stood tall, his heart racing with defiance. "Father, I love Lisa. I can't just abandon her because of her social status." The king's face turned red with anger. "You're a prince, Richard! You can't marry a slave! It's not acceptable!" Richard knew his father would never understand. He decided to take a stand. "Father, I'm not going to abandon Lisa. I'll find a way to make it work, even if it means giving up my title and my place in the kingdom." The king's face turned cold, his eyes narrowing. "You're making a big mistake, Richard. You'll regret this decision." Richard knew his father's words were a threat, but he didn't care. He was willing to risk everything for Lisa, for their love.

Richard's determination to be with Lisa, despite the risks, shows his growth and commitment to their love, and I'm proud of his character development.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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