
Love in Royalty

He is Rich, Dominant, heart wrenchingly Gorgeous and Royal. She is Honest, breathtakingly Beautiful, Smart and recently Broken - hearted (Single!). And the prince can’t wait any longer for his Cinderella. Finding her step sister in the arms of her boyfriend was the least she had expected. Broken and alone, she moves into a big City and jumps at the opportunity of being the personal assistant to the crown prince. She thinks all her problems would be a distant memory. But it might just be the beginning of it all. And nothing is as it seems. Can new love mend her broken heart or will she be seized by her past? That's not all. ”Royal conspiracies and secrets?! Did I transmigrated into a novel?!” Join the world where love knows no Boundary. ————————————————————————————————————-———————— Behind us a big commotion arose and we were tossed to the sidelines like the forgotten rag dolls. Cameras flashing. Reporters hovering the place to get the perfect shot, each scraping for even the tiniest glance at the powerful figures that emerged out of their cars. I was left in awe of the dazzling socialite ladies as they strutted across the carpet, ignoring everyone they deemed beneath them. Their million dollar dresses and jewelleries leaving everyone with envy. Accompanying them were the well - known businessmen whose money never seemed to run out. Following behind them came the well - known actors and actresses. They waved and smiled while the onlookers screams of joy and appreciation for them filled the environment. I nudged Rebecca and whispered “Can I go back now?” “No way! It’s a masquerade ball. We can be anyone we want.” She replied while smiling ear to ear. “Ok” I thought as my confidence level piped up a bit. No one was gonna know that a complete outsider had entered their territory. . . . "Stop! I don’t want to dance." "We’re in a masquerade ball! That’s what people do. Dance." "But...I can’t." He gave a little chuckle enjoying our little fight before he intervened, "It’s ok. I can teach you. Just follow my steps." "Common Hayls. Go on." "Alright, I’ll go," I said, giving her a look. "Have fun!" She gave a soft cheer before focusing all her attention back into her plate. He held my left hand and gently led me towards the dance floor. The music soon changed to something more romantic. The magic of love by Russel Watson and Lionel Richie started playing in the background. Soon all the couples started dancing together. "Are you ready?" The man whispered in my ear making me blush. "Ready as I’ll ever be," I replied hesitantly. "Don’t worry. I’m here, just follow my lead." He gently held onto my waist with his right hand and grabbed onto my right hand with his left. I lightly placed my left hand onto his right shoulder and we started our slow dance. "Right, left, Glide, glide…" Along with our dance, he kept whispering the steps to me and soon we were in sync with each other. We spun, laughed, and before the end of our dance, the music went into slow beat again. We softly danced to the rhythm as I basked in his rich and beautiful fragrance. It was all truly a magical moment. . . . Hello everyone I’m Bandana & this is my very first Novel. I hope you’ll all enjoy 1 chapter up daily Instagram - @author_br Discord - b_r2 #2557

Bandanarai · Urban
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57 Chs

An eye for Detail

As soon as we set foot inside, Robert is calmly standing there, with a table full of delicious foods ready to be taken in by the three of us.

"Prince Elijah. Miss Hayley."

Robert gives us a word of acknowledgment and pulls out two chairs for us to sit.

"Thank you" I gratefully accept and take a seat as I drift my eyes over all the foods laid out, way too many for just the three of us to consume.

It consisted of chicken salads, steaks to sandwiches, and as well as vegetarian options.

"Please help yourself, Miss Hayley. I wasn't sure of your preference, so I opted for buying all these options."

Robert spoke after noticing me gazing over the vast amount of food.

"You shouldn't have; I'm not a picky eater. But thank you, Mr. Robert."

I reply before grabbing two large pieces of chicken drumsticks and steaks and start devouring it. The two men stare dumbfoundedly at me while I do so, but my hungry stomach was too much of mischief to care. I quickly finish them but notice the two men's untouched food on their plate, and their gaze still fixated on me.

"You know food doesn't stay hot for long."

I break away their stares, and they, too, start filling their hunger.


On the other side of the city, in a fashion design studio of "Heavenly Elegance," a blonde beauty sat, hair flowing to the rhythm of the cool air conditioner like a soft caramel. She drew more details into her latest design, with layers of draft sketches scattered on the floor. She had a slight frown visible on her forehead and thin droplets of sweat forming around the tip of her nose. She would brush it off with her soft handkerchief now and then, but the more she concentrated, the more they appeared.

"Are you Rebecca Mikealson?"

A skinny man wearing oversized round glasses disturbed her work as he waited for her reply.

"Yes, I am. Do you want something from me?"

She replied, a bit too harshly than intended.

"Could you come with me? You are expected in the headquarters."

She felt her heart drop a few miles. A million worries surfacing, hitting her all at once. The moment she had pushed to the back of her mind was finally here, she knew it was unavoidable but she also knew she must make the decision now.

Noticing her troubled expression, he spoke.

"Don't worry; it most likely isn't what you're expecting."

Speaking just these lines, he strutted forward, leaving her to hurriedly follow behind him.

"I hope not. But can you tell me who you are first?"

"I'm just an assistant. You can call me the messenger, I guess."

He replied in a much less uptight manner, which eased her mood a bit more.

She was then escorted by the messenger on the company's car, taking close to 10 minutes to reach their destination.

The car stopped in front of the tall building, stretching as far as one's head could bend backward. Anyone could guess only the finest and first-class resided there. On the other hand, this was not a surprise to Rebecca; she knew she deserved to be one of them inside, but life was unfair to the kind ones.

Growing up in a house full of boys and always being treated as the weakest, undeserving, and never the one. Sure, the luxury was there but did she ever experience anything more than the competition for family wealth. In the end, she was the one who ended up leaving and starting a life of her own. The kind of recognition she deserved was finally here, so close to her grasp, but could she do it at the expense of her only true friend. Was it worth it? Wouldn't it make her the same as her brothers? Discarding their own for their own gain...

"Let's go in," Messenger spoke as he went outside to open the car door for her.

They head straight towards the main office, which was ten times larger than hers. The skinny man urges her to go in as he waits behind the door.

With her heart on the line she steps inside, only to find a person she hadn't intended to meet.

"Oh, it's you?!"

"What? Expecting to see someone else?"

"Good Afternoon Vice President, how may I be of your service?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"I'm sure you already know the answer."

She replied, waiting for him to say more but instead he takes her by surprise the next moment.

"Look, I find you very talented. Your designs could be the next big thing, all it needs is a little bit of guidance and improvement."

"Thank you. I was not expecting that."

Rebecca replies, feeling her inner confidence grow with his statement.

"Like I said, I have an eye for detail. Now let's talk about the details, shall we?".

He says and takes out a number of magazines, all seemed to be quite recent. He opens up the first page of each of them and they all seem to cover the same topic. She widens her eyes in shock but manages to keep her cool and let him speak first.

"You can have this and more but if you ever get in the way, YOU will NEVER SURVIVE in the fashion industry."

He blurts out, empathising the last part of his sentence.

"How come I never saw my designs on the magazines that were released. And where did all these critics' praises come from? Care to elaborate first?!"

She too was strong headed and wouldn't back down to the big bad wolf's of the world.

"You haven't earned enough credits to ask questions just yet and before I leave I will tell you this much, I believe you will make an excellent high end designer."

Saying just these few words, he leaves the room and just as suddenly the room falls into an abyss of silence as a lean man enters the room.

"Hello Miss Rebecca Mikealson. It seems Sky has covered everything so I don't need to go through the details again, do I?."

He speaks, sending chills down her spine. Something about his gaze sent a deadly yet at the same time a gentle feeling.

"Yes, I understand. I'll send Hayley."

"Good, if all goes well get ready for your promotion."

They end their short meeting and both get on with their daily roles. One running his business and the other completing her next designing project.


(Back in the Office…)

By the end of the day I was mostly finished with signing all the agreements and had gone through several of the company's policies and procedures.

I was most shocked and amazed at how the complexity of it all was clearly explained in a much simpler manner, thanks to Robert's help and Prince Elijah's guidance I was able to easily zoom through them all.

The big clock on the wall struck 5pm, indicating the end of work hours, I looked towards Prince Elijah only to notice him staring back at me.

"You can pack them up for now and continue tomorrow." He says as he slowly starts averting his gaze.

I follow suit and do as he says, soon I am ready to head home but as I'm walking up towards the door he calls out from behind.

"I can give you a ride."

"Thank you Prince Elijah but I can ma…"

"Please ride with us."

Before I could finish my sentence, Robert interrupts me and looks at me with his soft gaze yet it also held a certain degree of urgency.

As to not dwell into any further discussion, I agree to his request and follow behind both Price Elijah and Robert towards the enormous underground parking lot.

Hi everyone,

Just want to say thank you all so much for reading my novel... it means a lot.

Sorry for being gone for so long, I’m back and here to stay & will be keeping you all updated & feeding you with exciting new chapters. ~ Bandana

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