
The symposium

Chapter 1

The symposium

At Rusconi's restaurant, there is a recovery party held in honour of young Miss Olivia Smith. She had been down for a long time and so as a member of the Golden board forum, members had decided to pay respect by attending this recovery party.

She sits with her three high school friends she couldn't let go off.

She looks at them in awe at the way they drank to stupor.

Olivia's POV

Come on girls this is so absurd, you girls are giving the look of a whore. Enough of the drinking already.

I said looking at my friends with a bit of disgust as they drank.

Olivia you are a very successful business woman, the daughter of Mr Smith, so you really have to take precautions in stuff like this but take a look at us we are just mere business ladies with just enough for ourselves and no reputation to keep so spare us your gospel likewords okay??. Nora said, making me sigh,I don't even know how I got entangled with them, tho they act reasonably at times, they were my friends in high school so I couldn't just put off with them because of who I am today.

But that doesn't mean you have to look like some crazy whore, whatever you become tomorrow is as a result of your today. I emphasized.

Olivia it's your recovery party, I would have invited you to try this out but no no no no no, you will only get grounded again but I swear this is more fun you know, it's better than your daily routine of work and work, no time for love or even a little fun, I can't imagine myself in your shoes so bae let us alone with your lectures.

Lilly said in her drunken state leaving me to wander off and actually consider her few statements. She is kind of right tho, all I have ever done is to work and sometimes I even get to worry myself into an I'll state, maybe she is right but this will certainly not be how to have fun if I ever want to, and talking about love, I know very well this is an inevitable part of life but till when it encounters me, I'll just focus on my work.Hi. I heard someone say jerking me out from my thoughts.

Shhh I sighed in realization of who it was. I wonder why Justin had to invite him, is there anything Justin will do without him? I pondered.Hey, I'm greeting at least one word. Ryan said, making me glance at him in disgust.It's not like I'm committing a crime if I don't.

I said obviously showing how much his presence irritated me.Olivia that's so unfair of you, it's just a kind gesture and your response is pretty bad Justin said and I just sighed, rolling my eyes simultaneously.

Common dude let's have fun, this attitude of hers isn't new, I pray she changes. Justin said taking his leave with Ryan tagging along.

Such a jerk. I spouted and caught my friends staring at me in awe.What??? I asked.

Olive we are your friends, if there is anything Ryan has done to you to get this side of you, there is no problem in letting us know.

Lilly said giving me the serious look.He hasn't done anything, I mean I won't even give him a chance to. I said and Andrea sighed.So why this strong repulsion towards him, come on he is your colleague so far your company is concerned and if I'm not mistaking he is practically number 2 in your field and you are number 4 so why this unnecessary hatred, I'm sure if you can partner with him then you can go higher but no you wouldn't. Lilly emphasized.

I'm happy you know I wouldn't. I said and they all stared at me in disbelief.Ryan the renowned playboy, I don't think I'll ever get to work with him, his features irritates me, and the annoying part is that girls still flock around him all because of his money.

I said inwardly turning my head to a direction and there, my eyes got a sight of him flirty with a girl making me groan and regret turning at first.

Okay Samantha when and where is this meeting?Hhumm Miss Olivia, from the description I think this is more of a get together for the members of the board at Carnegie hall, and one more reason you shouldn't miss. She said in her best calm manner.Okay then when is it taking place?In two days time ma'amOkay then, do a reschedule for me a day to the meeting so I can have a good rest and be in good spirits. I said and she nodded, bowing her head and taking her leave after seeing I was done.What is Mr Li Luxian up to now? I pondered, everyone knew I was sick but I won't give them a chance to tag me weak in place, so I will attend and I must be in my best state. Now I'll have to see those annoying jerks and so-called members of the board again. I muttered to myself ending it with a sigh. Two days later.

Tanya's POV

I walked into the hall stylishly having the eyes of the males on me, I am fully aware of the impact I have on them and so It doesn't really matter if they still cannot control themselves especially in such a place. I scanned through the crowd while heading to my seat which had already been kept. Where is the bitch? Practically referring to Olivia for clarity, yeah she is a real bitch to me, the only obstacle on my way and I have sure made it a decision to outrun her this year, I actually heard she was sick but had recovered, is she still down or trying to use her recent sickness to cover up her weakness and not attend the meeting? Mr Li Luxian already stated it is a compulsory meeting, well her coming or not doesn't really bother me, but if actually she doesn't come then she will be missing out on this important discussion .Shhhh.... Whatever is not like I care, I said sighing again.Hey miss Tanya, someone called and I turned to see Alex, he is a member of the board and had been having a crush on me tho, I don't like him I still tag along being the second don of Mr Li Luxian, I could get him to settle some crucial cases at times.Hey Alex, it's been a while. I respondedYeah indeed this meeting is important as we get to see each other again, he said, making me curve my lips into a smile and nodding simultaneously.Hey guys Lucy greeted waving us as she walked past. Alex replied and I just sighed. She is so disrespectful, I'm higher than her in the list and yet she greets me like we are on the same page. Riffs-raffs everywhere, I muttered.

Yvonne's POV

Oh my, take a look at Olivia. I said drawing the attention of my colleagues and others around.She is looking glamorous. Lucy complimented. I heard she was sick and she just recovered, she doesn't look like someone who just recovered Matilda added.

Tanya's POV

Humph I scoffed listening to their frivolous comment. I guess they are so ignorant.

Writer's POV

Olivia walks in dressed in a royal blue sequin gown stopping right at the end of the glittering silver hill she wore, walking stylishly.

She looks damn cute Ryan said.

And that's my sister we are talking about Justin said sounding protective.

Hey calm down, it's not like I'm going to eat her, it's just a compliment. Ryan said amidst chuckles.

Okay everyone let's come together and get seated. Carl the second son of Mr Li Luxian announces making all side chat and discussion end as everyone gets sitted.After a while of introduction, Mr Li Luxian comes up. A strict looking man in his late70's mounts the stage, with the domineering and serious look he always carried.

Mr Li Luxian POV

Welcome everyone, I appreciate the presence of you all, I indeed am proud cause despite the short notice everyone showed up especially Olivia who had just recovered, please I'll like each and everyone of us to applaud ourselves. I said staring keenly at Olivia and seeing her aura had increased due to the fact I had just acknowledged her and could also see the envy in Tanya's eyes.

The two had always been at loggerheads but are certainly one of my best pupils.

I am not growing any younger and will soon get to my end point, and so I desperately need a successor and yes, I won't be handing over to anything for just no reason that says you are my heir. I started getting their fullest attention.

The position I occupy is too critical to be occupied based on heredity, so I have decided that it won't be that way. Everyone here has a chance of occupying this position as the access to it won't be limited. Yes the enterprises here all have one goal, and ambition and that is making the world a safe place by providing necessary treatment to various health cases herbally and naturally, reducing the side effects which non- herbal drugs cause.

So far chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases has been a threat to that goal, Golden Ltd is the only enterprise that has the herbal solution and no one has asked me how I worked it, well if I do need to pass this position on, I need someone who will be bothered and disturbed if he or she doesn't have a solution to a particular illness.So In essence all I'm driving at is this, the formula for Golden pulmonary remedy is not out but still within me, now everyone here has an opportunity to produce a remedy themself and I want to see if we will arrive on the same formula or not. You all have 5 good months to do so, I said and earned a gasp from some of them, so till then, the ball is in your court. I said, ending my speech and leaving the stage.

Ryan's POV

I stared at her from where I sat. She wasn't drinking and had her face buried in her phone. I wonder why she decided to live this strict and distant life though that's what I like about her so I shouldn't be complaining. I pondered. At the Smith's residence.

Writer's POV

Olivia lays on her bed with a glass of milk on the bed side table, she takes a sip and drops it back while surfing the internet.

Olivia's POV

I saw a heading, "Members of Golden board drop a video expressing their reaction to the new project given to them".

Hmmmmmm seems interesting. I muttered clicking it and opening the page.It went on saying two members of Golden board dropped a video.

I scrolled down and got to the video, the first was Tanya's video so I clicked on it and it started playing.

I was done watching hers and just scoffed at the end. She had stated that no matter what she would provide a remedy and that no one, not even me, could stop her, I don't know why she mentioned my name or if she was scared of me.

It seems she thinks I will outshine her in this, well it's a matter of time, I will be foolish to reply to this video.

I went through the comments and I could see some people asking her why she had to mention my name and her fans helped her out. I sighed and went over to the second video and it belonged to Ryan, I clicked and started watching.

What the hell is he trying to prove by saying he will not participate in the project, so is he now a god or what, gush this guy irritates me. I said leaving the page. I went over to view other things and not long after, I heard a knock on the door. Who is it? I asked

It's me.

I heard Justin's voice.Oh come in. I said sitting up,

Hi. He greeted me and I nodded in response,I heard about the project, it's really a hard one.

Yeah, I know, I have scheduled a meeting tomorrow with the staff to see if they put in their best.Hmmmm, that's a nice step but I actually came to discuss something with you. Justin said and I gave him a gesture to go ahead. I believe you've seen the videos, he asked and I nodded. Ryan isn't going to be participating.I know, I wonder what he really thinks of himself, does he think he is better than any of us? Everyone is supposed to participate in this no matter your status.

I said in disgust. Come on Olivia I wonder why you hate Ryan so much, anyways there is a benefit from that. He started making me pay more attention to him.So tell me how. I asked.

Good. Ryan isn't participating despite having a wide knowledge about this, it wouldn't be such a waste if he helps you. He said, making me almost choke on the milk I was sipping.

Did you say help? I asked sarcastically. Olivia this isn't funny at all, this is your goal we are talking about and to achieve it, you will need to put the unnecessary behind. You wouldn't risk your goal just because of your untold distancing towards Ryan. He said, making me sigh. Listen Olivia I want the best for you and this is the best opportunity, I bet you if Tanya has this opportunity she would use it so you better grab it now. He addedDid you really have to mention her? I asked, getting pissed off.Sorry but it seems it will make more sense to you if I do, he said and I had to hit him Ouch he groaned and I smiled wickedly.

At Omega's Company Ltd

In the conference room, Olivia addresses her staff.

I called for this meeting due to a project given to us by the Golden board forum. This is a goal and personal aim we must achieve at all costs. I employ every one of us to do our best at any level we find ourselves and that is why even the cleaners are not exempted from this meeting whatever findings you engage in, do not forget to upload your result to Mr Hunt, he will be in charge of the updates coming in. Please let's join hands together let no one's contribution be neglected, teamwork has always been the best. Together everyone achieves more so with this motto I will want us to strive hard and I promise you at the end we will have no cause to regret.

Olivia said motivating her staff.

Olivia's POV

I sat down in my office reconsidering Justin's idea, tho it makes sense, the proud peacock will he succumb, Justin is going to inform him today, I pray he doesn't turns him down cause that will be a disgrace on my side and I'll not hesitate to make him pay, I said going back to work.

Cure World Company Ltd

Justin drives into the company's base, heading towards Ryan's office, he gets to the secretary office which is just before Ryan's.

Is your boss in ? He asks

Yes sir, I'll inform him right away that you are here. Malcolm says. He taps a few keys on the land line and Ryan picks in a minute.

Sir,Mr Justin is here

Oh let him in okay. Ryan said and Justin smiled, they've been best friends for a very long time now.

In Ryan's Office

Okay so what you're trying to say is that, I should join hands with your sister?

Yeah, and I'm really serious about it.

Of course I know but your sis we do not really flow along so are you sure she will want to do this?

Yes, though we've discussed this already and she has agreed to it so she is probably awaiting your response. Justin says.

Okay then, so when do we meet?

I think the day after tomorrow will be okay for you guys.

Sure, I'm looking forward to working with your sister dude.

Ryan says stretching forth his hand and recieving an handshake from Justin.


Olivia awaits Ryan's arrival, Justin had fixed today for the meeting and would be coming with Ryan.

Olivia goes through the updates from her staff, they have really shown so much interest by responding positively. She is so engrossed and jerks up when her office door opens, she sighs realising it was the two.

Olivia's POV

Oh my God, they should have informed me before startling me. I said Inwardly.

Did we startle you? Justin asked, receiving an eye roll from me.

Okay so let's go straight to work, Ryan meets Olivia and Olivia meets Ryan. Justin said, sounding weird.

It's not like it's our first time,he is my colleague, so stop the formal introduction. I said Ryan?? He smirked and what was he supposed to mean by that? I said, taking a glance at him.

Well since I'm not a stranger as you said then I can have my seat without your need to say,he said having his seat and I sighed subsequently.

Okay so guys I actually have something to do, so I'll excuse you guys now. Justin said

Hurry, your presence is already itching me. I said getting a seriously? face from Justin which made me just smile.

Justin walks out leaving me with the jerk, I actually felt sad though I didn't show it.

So it seems my partner has been waiting for me and her to be alone. Ryan said, making me wish I could shut him up.

You would do me a favor by Keeping quiet till you need to say something. I said and he did the stuff again. He smirked.

Can you please do less or none of that act? I said I was already getting upset.

He didn't reply and so I continued

Okay so tell me what you know about the chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and your possible ways to cure it. I asked and waited for a reply but didn't get one.

Am I talking to someone? I asked and he did nothing but stare at me.

Hello. I called, tell me your opinions on the project and probably all you know. I said again but got no answer.

Hey! What's the matter with you?, I asked and after some seconds of waiting he stands up walking over to my side and stopping right by my side he leaned on the table and looked at me keenly,

If we must work together, then you will have to recognize me as someone important being here to help you and make less use of your unnecessary words. He sounded so serious but his facial expressions gave a different meaning. He said and went back to his seat. You said I should be quiet so I did, now I'll be grateful if you put my request into consideration. He said and I only stared at him.

Well, it seems you've actually won a lot of awards and nobel prizes,he said touching the various awards trophies on my table, didn't know this, you know it will be important we know at least something about ourselves before we start so we don't get in each other's way. He said staring at me and he is actually damn cute even if I hate to admit it.

So Miss Olivia what do you think of it?

He asked me to sign out of my thoughts, he is more annoying than I thought.

Well the latter is considered as you wouldn't like the consequences of getting into my way...

Miss Olivia, I think we've had enough of your verbals and you will do more good if you really work on that. He said cutting me short and this time around his face showed it.

I exhaled rubbing my temples with my two fingers.

Fine Mr Ryan, can we get back to work now?

Sure of course but don't blame me for getting in your way since you do not accept my offer of introducing ourselves.

He said and I repeated the earlier question ignoring his latter comment.

At the Smith residence:

So tell me Olivia how did the meeting go? Justin asked me while we were having dinner together.

Annoying, he is worse than I thought. Olivia replies

Come on Olivia your attitude won't help,I had asked Ryan the same question but he said fantastic and sang praises of you but here you are condemning him, can't you see you are making things hard? Justin said not happy with Olivia's response.

Fine, I know he is your best friend and you will stand by him. Olivia said

Olive, this has nothing to do with that. Justin said calling her the name he calls her when he meant something serious.

Fine, fine, fine, the meeting was fantastic. Olivia said getting pissed off

You are something else, Ryan replied, shaking his head in disdain.

Writer's POV

Ryan and Olivia engaged in meetings regularly to discuss their ideas though they hadn't really gotten along.

Today's meeting is scheduled at Ryan's place due to some reasons. Olivia drives into the company's base, she comes out with her secretary who carries a briefcase containing their development,some staff of cure world company who are aware of Olivia and Ryan's opposition are surprised to see her.

Has something gone wrong? Mr Ryan would be in big trouble if he really has offended her because Mr Li Luxian won't hesitate to punish him.

Olivia acts oblivious of their comments as she walks into the building, a man comes to welcome as soon as she comes in, directing her to the elevator meant for VIP's

Mr Ryan already told me to welcome you ma'am, you are welcome to cure world company.

The man said and Olivia nodded in response.

Samantha marveled at the way they were welcomed, Ryan had not received any form of official welcoming apart from the gestures and comments from the staff of omega who had a crush on him.

Maybe her madam is being too harsh on him.

They got to Ryan's office and the man led them in.

The two walk in and Olivia raises an eyebrow seeing Ryan's serious attitude to work, unlike in her office he had flir and teased her at every passing meeting.

Samantha drops the briefcase on the couch which Olivia sits and excusing them together with the man

You're welcome, please give me a moment to round this up, Ryan said looking serious for the first time to Olivia who just nodded and brought out her call phone, going through the hundreds of messages she had,she took a glance at Ryan and was a bit impressed at his work atmosphere.

2hrs later

This is the Seventh time they have been meeting.

Okay miss Olivia, Ryan said as soon as he finished.

What would you mind I offer you? He asks in his best calm manner

Nothing, I'm okay. Olivia replies.

Okay then so are you okay there or do you mind coming over to my table?

Oh yeah, working on the table is much better. Olivia says walking to the table with the necessary. The two discuss for a while on their information which seems to be important and productive.

They come across a hurdle which requires them to come up with a solution, so the two engage in intense research personally.

Ryan raises his head a bit to free himself and catches sight of Olivia who makes a serious face as she works with her laptop, he stares at her for a while and smirks but she doesn't notice being so engrossed.

Okay I think I've seen a remedy. Ryan says drawing Olivia's attention, so what is it about? She asks and they both go through the reports together, Ryan sees another hurdle but Olivia helps in resolving that with her findings and they both take a break seeing they have gotten a head way.

I guess this is okay for today, Olivia says leaning back, she already felt exhausted and like Samantha was reading her mind, she walked in with a glass of milk.

Oh my Samantha you are the best. Olivia says getting the glass of milk and gulping down a large quantity.

Samantha excuses them.

I have actually been noticing you Miss Olivia, for the past few days, you seem to have a custom of having a glass of milk at this hour everyday. Ryan says and Olivia smiles unaware of the effect it had on Ryan.

Well yeah, It has actually been my custom from childhood. Olivia says, taking another sip and Ryan smiles.

You know you look cuter when you smile

Ryan said and Olivia gave him a look of not again.

But I'm serious, why the look? Can you stop being flirtish and let's get back to work.

But you just said you wanted a break. Ryan interrupts.

Which you are denying me off. So it will be best if you are serious, I think I can entertain you longer when you are serious. She says.

Wow so you are saying you like me when I'm more serious and so you need me to be serious so you can keep liking me right???

Ryan says, making Olivia wonder why he couldn't ever stay without flirting or teasing her. She sighs, being short of words.

Are you short of words? Well it's normal, girls get shy and short of words when their feelings are being told.


Olivia half yells and Ryan chuckles.

This isn't funny at all, and I'm serious here.

Of course I know and...

Not a word. Olivia cuts in getting tired of his teases.

Okay then, come on why don't we go have dinner it's late already.

It's okay, I'm not hungry. Olivia objects.

Go tell that to the trees, well I'll make an order for us and I don't need your permission. Ryan says and Olivia opens her mouth to say something but no words seems to come out down she just closed it with an exhale, earning a wink from Ryan.

Soon the two get used to each other's company and Olivia gets used to Ryan's continuous teasing and flirting acts.

Tanya's POV

I sat on my chair swindling from side to side trying to digest what I had just heard from my secretary.