
Ordeals Of Life

Tanya gets to know of Ryan and Olivia's periodical meetings and collaboration and she has decided not to let it work as she has refused to let Olivia take another step higher than her in the Golden board forum, she comes up with a chance which can't be taken casually leaving Olivia at a risk .

Tanya's POV

Patricia had just told me that rumors were everywhere about Ryan helping Olivia in the project. I felt surprised pondering how the two could ever be close to each other to even pass pleasantries was an issue. But I had to verify the possibility of the rumors tho, before taking any serious action.

I pondered not letting my secretary guess my reaction to the just told news. I wouldn't risk letting that bitch be ahead of me than the position she is in now. She is already acting so annoying by just leading me by one, I wonder what she would do when she assumes the leader of the board . No I shouldn't be thinking such she can never get close to that position not while I'm still alive and the Alpha company still exists.

But, why would Ryan even want to help her? I know he is a social and friendly person who wouldn't mind helping her, I guess her brother must have been involved in this or else there is no way, wait a minute what am I even thinking, she said it's a rumor which means it could be fake.

You can take your leave, I told Patricia so I could have the liberty to express my thoughts with my facial expressions.

She nodded and bowed before leaving.

But how do I intend on doing it? Because I do not want to involve any of my subordinates. They get suspicious and think I'm jealous.

I can't remember the last time I went to the Omega's Company but like I said earlier I'm not ready to give her the slightest chance to have that position, I think I'll be visiting there tomorrow with a friendly approach.

Few days later

No this can't be! It can't be possible, how ? I yelled, scattering everything on my dressing table.

Patricia had sent me a video proving that what she said wasn't a rumor.

At first I hadn't taken it seriously in anyway seeing that the possibilities of them working together was actually low.

The most annoying part is actually that aside from the fact that Ryan is actually helping her, they seem to be on friendly terms and knowing Ryan he didn't spare Olivia his flirtish acts but she didn't seem pissed off, in fact they acted like cool friends. Worst of it all i could see Ryan stealing glances and smiling at her and this affected me because I am the only one who should have the right to those actions of his even tho I know he is a playboy and that is just the reason why I haven't acted on my feelings yet but it couldn't be Olivia she is already contending with my career, I wouldn't let her also have to contend Ryan with me that won't work. I need to act fast. Besides, Ryan is Mr Li Luxian's son and could have an essential idea about this project so I wouldn't let this work be cheating, Mr Li Luxian had already said this is a personal work, each company would have to work on their own to prove their abilities and she is going against it. I fumed.

Writer's POV

Ahhhhhhhh! The screams of passers by were heard as they rushed to the scene, everyone let's help it's a lady and the car is catching fire. They screamed as they tried to open the door of the car.

Oh my God it's Miss Olivia. Someone said and others repeated in shock,

How possible, from the look of things the driver of the car seems to have been drunk because the car had been swaying from side to side. Did Miss Olivia get drunk? Someone had tried to explain the situation.

Well let's try to save her first. That's the most important thing now, a Man said.

Yeah, thank goodness it wasn't so disastrous.

Olivia is rushed to the city hospital and in less than an hour it's on the net that Young Miss Olivia has an accident after being drunk.

Nonsense, pure nonsense, how much more trouble does she want to get into, she rarely just escaped from one today and now she is into another. Mr Li Luxian says as he watches the news in his room.

Drunk? I was with her and she wasn't drinking, besides she only had a glass of milk which had been her custom since I started working with her. How is it possible? I don't believe this, I think I need to see Justin before things get out of hand. Ryan says after seeing the news update.

What the hell is wrong with your sister and why has she decided to bring shame on herself? Mr Smith asks Justin who sits adjacent to him in the family living room.

Dad I don't believe this, Olivia doesn't drink so why will she do it today? Justin defended.

That's exactly the question I am asking. Why did she decide to drink today when she rarely just escaped a scandal? I'm sure her enemies have been able to manipulate her into drinking and staining her image like this, thank God she isn't dead.

Dad! Your daughter is in the hospital bed and all you do now is sit and condemn her. Justin says in bewilderment.

Your mom and her Nanny and secretary are there already so what do you want me to do? I won't go to see a daughter who has decided to bring shame on herself and family. Never!

Mr Smith said firmly stunning Justin.

Dad this is totally unfair, you should know Olivia very well to believe that she doesn't drink and that if she ever did then there must be a suitable reason.

Did you say a suitable reason, there can never be any suitable reason to justify this hypocritic act of hers, I kept warning her to stay away from those whores she called friends who would drink without leaving a single ting of self respect for themselves behind.

Dad this has nothing to do with her friends and I'm so disappointed in you, you do not even trust your own daughter. Justin says standing up and walking out of his dad who sighs in detest. Spoilt brats. He mutters.

Tanya's POV

Oh my this seems to be more interesting than I thought, Tanya says taking a sip of the orange juice she had on the side table.

Oh my I can't wait to see Olivia's face in the next meeting and how tearful she would look when she realizes that she won't have a chance to be the leader of the board after being stopped from participating in the project. This is so interesting. Tanya says, smiling wickedly.

Finally she isn't too tough to take down as she thinks, and now Mr Li Luxian won't be able to help even if he wants to and Ryan would be helpless even if Justin has to cry before him,I would just sit and watch how this goes.

Next Day

Olivia is discharged and taken to an hotel at her brother's order who tries to help her escape the nagging of her dad who had come on a visit with their mom.

Olivia sits in the bed facing her brother who is resting on the dressing table and sternly looking at her.

What, why are you gazing? She asks ignorantly.

Really? I should be the one asking you a question here, I guess you are not aware. Justin says.

Olivia's POV

Aware? Of what?

First tell me what happened during the meeting with Ryan yesterday. Justin asks.

Oh that, well it wasn't my fault but what did he do this time? She asked, getting curious.

Would you stop being unnecessarily annoying and answer me? Justin says already getting overboard with Olivia's questions.

Calm bro, it wasn't my fault, he was behaving so flirtish and I couldn't bear it again so I asked him to go and flirt with Kim and not me. Olivia said and Justin gasped

You mentioned Kim. He asked

Yeah I didn't mean to but he didn't seem like he was going to stop teasing me.


So he just stood up and left without saying a word.

And what next?

Samantha brought my milk and seriously I was so grateful cause I was already extremely tired from the days work that I couldn't even pay attention during me and Ryan's meeting.

I took it and in no time I was done, I started feeling dizzy and knew it was as a result of my weariness so I decided to come home but then, Olivia says getting serious

I started feeling so dizzy and finding it hard to close my eyes, and before I could absorb what was going on I drove into a pole and then everything went blank. I wondered what had happened.

I can't really tell but something went odd. I said engaging in deep thoughts.

Well from the look of things, it seems you had been drugged cause this whole thing started after you had your glass of milk. Justin said, making me frown, why will Samantha want to drug me? I asked him

Maybe not Samantha.

Who then?

Don't know but this has caused a heavy rumor on the internet with everyone saying you had gotten drunk.

Oh my! Another scandal, how do I get over this now? I have barely been able to escape Tanya's video today and now this, God this is just so bad. Olivia says in self pity.

Don't worry we will get over this but not without Ryan's help, I wonder why you had to mention Kim, Ryan won't let that go off easily, you will have to apologize to him.


Yes, that's the only way.

Now that jerk would use this against me. Olivia mutters.

Olivia's phone rings, she sighs before picking it up and seeing the caller she looks at her brother.

Who is it? He asks


Pick them. Olivia picks the call on her brother's order.

Hello. She says calmly.