
I Could Be

Morning of December's seems heavy with cloud running in such a chilled weather wearing sweat pant and shirt that I was wearing, its not easy to run 4 kilometres everyday aside from the fact the I can't afford anything else .

I stop for a second to catch the breath looking at my watch which was solely a reminder of my win . 2.5 kilometres that's all I thougth I have done it well .

After completing my walk I sat in the park quietly, looking around finding kid as my age playing if my coach is really right and I really have a hope of becoming champ in next ten years then by exactly 21 I would be far from my misery I thougth .

"Hello "I heard a soft voice , I turn and looked at the girl covering head to top with the coat and socks 🧦.

"You are talking to me?"I asked pointing finger at my self .

"Yes , what's your name ? " she asked , by now I was already annoyed, like why is she talking to me I bet she is the type who had never seen bad days , the type never gone to bed with empty tummy .

"My name is Ace "I told her , I don't know why but I did even though I don't want to talk to her I just did .

"Well are you taking a morning walk " she asked again . I observed her silently.

"Isn't about time you told me your name ?" I asked again surprise at myself .

"Valery "she replied .

"Well there are alot of people and kids in the park why talking me " I asked .

"Well why not " she asked , she looked at me from head to toe .

"Well actually today is my birthday, my friends ditch me so can you be that friend for me "she continues.

"So you are saying if you had your toxic friends with you , you wouldn't mind talking to me ?" I asked her , I quietly watched her for few seconds , she is moving her fingers left and right quietly looking and we're other than me .

"So does that mean it's a no " she asked .

I looked at her as I stand from my seat not gonna lie that happened to me so many times as well . One time they even gave me the wrong address and I sat there for hours only to realised I been treated badly and tricked what they seems as fun games.

"Well I could be " I replied to her , her face lid up on an instant.

"OK follow me then " she said.

The party was really fun , I ate alot there , all this time Valery was really nice to me . Beside her there was here no one else other than her maid.

"So Ace what do you wanna be when you grow up?" She asked.

"Proffesional boxer 🥊 , what about you v ?" I asked .

"I want to be actress " she told me .

We talk for ages and that's when I got to know she is not much different than me , we actually had alot in common.

She is sweet but people don't treat her well misunderstood her all the time .

"Well I gotta go now Valery " I told her as I stand . She grap my shirt corner and looked at me .

"Well does that mean we are friends now ?" She asked .

"Ofcourse silly "I told her as I rub her head .

Only time will tell how long his friendship gonna last between us .