
Evening With You

as I step out of the gym , i put my hoodie on there are alot of paparazzi I have deal with because of this all shooting , it is getting hard to keep on my track these days but I am not the one to give up this easily I lived up to this life for a decade , running with my sweat shirt on chilly days .

I jog to my apartment which was only 4 kilometres away might be alot for some but not for me.

As soon as I open my apartment I found a basket full of goods with a tag .

From Valery ,

To ace,

Take it as a token of sorry , I don't know what I did but I am sorry for that hope you can forgive me.

I toss the card to bin , she is still very stupid I suppose she really don't remember that she was in greater danger back then 4 years ago , I was in a bad spot and she arrived at wrong time I think its better to avoid her .

"Hey when ever you leave take that with you and enjoy " I told my maid .

"Thank you " she said .

"No need to thank me , thank that stupid girl" I told her as I turn to my heel , a stupid girl that I was once in love with .

After meeting my dad today I am positive that I am gonna be meeting him more often than I was used to . I am glad that I go out with him , read some books, share some opinions with him and had lunch at his favourite place .

I stood in the park waiting for max, signed poster in my other hand .

"Hope you didn't wait for long " Max asked as he greeted me.

"Not really , here's the autograph you asked for " I replied as I handed him the poster .

"Wow this means alot to me , thank you " he told me as he hand me oreo .

" Don't worry I am gonna take good care of oreo" I told him .

"Thanks I will be back by 8 , ohh and heres the food for oreo " he said as he handed me the bag .

" Oh dear where did you get this dog ?" Mom asked as I separated my shoes from my feet.

"His name is oreo , he is my friend dog , I will be taking care of it for like 3 hours " I told her.

"Wow its so cute "she said as she pats oreo .

"So how did it go with your dad?"she continues the conversation as she looked up at me .

"It was amazing " I said as I took oreo away from her hand and put it down.

"That's great , I will be home late tonight so don't wait up on me ok " she said as she puts her coat on.

"Where are you going?" I asked her , my mom rarely goes out .

"I am seeing someone actually " she told me as she smiled.

"Good for you " i told her.

"Yea good for me , bye " she said as she closed the door .

"Well it's just you and me huh " I said to oreo as he ran into my hands and started licking my face .

I opened the bag where it was clearly written on how to take care of dog kinda like manual I thought to my self .

I turned some pages and found out that oreo feeding time is at sharp 6 , I looked at clock well few more minutes and I will be able to treat this cute angel.

After setting an alarm, you know just in case . I told oreo and pat it . I thought to myself of ace received my gift its not much but I am hoping to get some answers .My thoughts were disturbed my loud alarm that I set.

" here you go oreo , you deserve some treat angel " I told him as I give him the required amount written on book .

Oreo is such an obedient dog , he came as some as he heard my voice and started eating.

I heard a knock on my door .

"Coming " I said , I looked through camera and found max standing there bruised on the side of lip, bleeding heavily.