
Chapter 18


SANYA and her wickedness. Is there still a chance for her to change? Even if she's not excessively kind, she could at least have a heart, even if it's just a little.

This morning, I was looking for her. I was already at school early, and she and Kyra arrived together, but it's as if I were just air that she walked past.

When they got on the bus, I was just waiting for her to at least look for me. I waited for her to glance in my direction, but when she saw me, she just covered her window with the curtain.

I handed a mocha latte to her, and when Lee said he accepted it, I got off the bus again and saw that she just threw it to the guy she embarrassed.

Honestly, I don't know why I liked her. In the two days I didn't see her, I kept looking for her. When I saw her again, I couldn't explain the happiness. I just feel it, but even though I feel that, I still know that what she's doing is not right.

Did she get so annoyed that she vented her anger on the guy in front of her and then just threw away what I gave her?

I got annoyed too. I didn't get off the bus again. I am trying to be nice, but it seems like Sanya doesn't want to reconcile with me. It seems like she doesn't want to talk or see me anymore. It's frustrating to think that I mean nothing to her, I have no effect on her, and she might even prefer not to have me beside her.

Another thing that annoys me about her is that she doesn't know how to be thankful. I gave her a mocha latte, helped her set up their tent because they were almost an hour late, and it was getting dark, yet she still had the audacity to scold me.

It's even better with her friend Kyra; at least she knows how to say thank you. But Sanya... what am I expecting?

"Okay, guys, why don't some of you have tents?" I heard Miss Valderama say to us.

"Well, Miss, we thought the school would provide," one of our group mates said.

Miss Valderama shook her head. "You won't pass as scouts."

She thought for a moment and talked to other teachers and facilitators. After a while, she approached us. "Okay, guys! Since some of you didn't bring your own tents, if it's okay with some of you, share so that others have a place to sleep?"

"It's not our fault if they're irresponsible," I looked at Sanya when she said that. "Why do we have to adjust for them? Let them sleep under the tree the whole night."

"Really, Miss Evangelista? What if you were in their position? Would you prefer to sleep under the tree while it's freezing? I can't believe you can say such a thing. Where's your humanity?"

Sanya rolled her eyes and sighed at Miss Valderama's words.

"Guys, who here is willing to share their tent?" Some of us raised our hands, those who had tents.

We organized ourselves into groups. "Dude, we should have just bought one tent each; this one won't fit all of us."

"Is there anyone else here with space in their tent?" Sir Mendez asked others.

"Sir Mendez, there are two girls who don't have a tent here too," Miss Valderama replied.

"Isn't Evangelista Zhymian's wife? Why not let them share a tent, and Kyralle Merced can be with the two girls, and I'll be here."

"Sir, isn't Evangelista Zhymian's wife? Why not just let them share a tent, and the two girls can be with Kyralle Merced, and I'll be here," the guy who was supposed to be in our tent said. And of all people, I'm the one who would be losing a tent?

"It's not allowed because it's one of the rules; females and males should be separated."

"But they're married, right? Can't we make an exception?" the guy reasoned. Really? Is he going to insist on that?

"Zhymian," Sir Mendez and Miss Valderama looked at me. "You're a married couple, and we can make an exception for the two of you."

"Adam," I turned to Sanya as she threw something at me. "Set that up," she ordered.

I looked and saw a small tent that I think could only fit two people.

"Well, that's good! Go ahead and set it up! Guys, cooperate!" I didn't hear what the teachers were saying anymore, because I was just staring at Sanya.

"What? Are you just going to stand there? Hurry up and set it up properly."

"What is this for?"

"Maybe we can make a hotel out of it," she sighed and grabbed a flashlight from the bag she threw earlier near the tent. "That's the tent I bought. Luckily, I thought of buying one for myself. The two girls can just share with Kyra."

"So, we'll be in the same tent?"

She stared at me for a long time. "W-why?" I felt a bit embarrassed because it seemed like she was reading my mind, and I was afraid she might realize how fast my heart was beating now.

"How can you be so stupid?" she asked sharply. "Does everything need to be spelled out for you?"

"I just want everything to be clear," I replied. "Is it okay with you if we share a tent?"

"It's not okay, but do I have a choice? If those other students weren't so irresponsible, it wouldn't be like this," she said irritably. "Just make sure you don't do anything funny!"

She pointed the flashlight at my face. "As if I would do anything to you. Before I even touch the tip of your hair, you might have already buried me."

She raised an eyebrow. "Well, at least you know." I just shook my head. "You're lucky."

"Yeah right. Like it's a blessing to sleep beside you," I laughed at what she said.

"Yeah right. Like anyone would consider it a blessing," I just finished setting up the tent. "I'd rather have someone else beside me."

"Is that so? Then sleep outside. Under the tree," she said that, then entered the tent and closed it from the inside.

"Sanya! Am I supposed to sleep outside? Open this! After I worked hard to set it up?" I angrily went back to Lee's tent.

"Why the sour face?" he asked.

"After I set up the tent, she tells me to sleep outside."

"What did you do?" I glared at Lee.

"What did I do? Dude, that's Sanya for you. When she's involved, there's no need for questions. She's known for being mean and having a bad attitude."

He laughed. "Maybe she's just teasing you. Go back there."

I returned to the tent and talked to her again. "Sanya, what's going on? If I get really annoyed, I'll drop this tent."

My voice was getting louder, but the teachers were still far from us, and others were still busy arranging things. "Just try it."

"What?!" I got even more annoyed at her response. She threatened me. "Sanya—"

The tent suddenly opened, and she came out. "What?! Can't I change anymore? What do you want, to stay inside and watch me change? You're feeling lucky," she said that and bumped into my shoulder, and went to Kyra. I just scratched my head and fixed my things.