
Chapter 16


I shouldn't be worried about her, but that's what's happening now. I can say that the kiss between Sanya and me didn't mean anything to me, but deep down, I know it does. Despite trying not to, I find myself hoping that we can sort out whatever we have.

I know it sounds crazy, but I've thought about this. I'm not that numb to not realize that I could fall for her. It wasn't intentional, and I didn't plan to feel these things, especially for a woman whose only purpose seems to be making my life difficult.

Maybe the heart is really foolish; it understands things that my mind can't comprehend. I shouldn't like her, but here I am, calling her, not caring if I sound overly concerned for her.

When she closed the door after our kiss, I stayed outside. Sleep didn't come immediately; I just stood outside her door, contemplating whether to knock. But fear overcame me, so I went into my own room instead.

I thought I'd talk to her the next morning, but as expected, she left to avoid me. When night came, I started worrying because I thought she might come home.

Luckily, Lena's number was saved on my phone. At first, I hesitated, but I thought about Sanya's situation, so I decided to bother Lena first.

"Hello, Az? Did you accidentally call?"

"I'm fine. Are you still awake? Sorry for the trouble."

"It's okay; I'm finishing some things anyway. So, what's up?"

"Um... I just wanted to know if you have Sanya's number?" I heard her slight laughter on the other end.

"Seriously, Az? Your wife's number, and you don't know it?"

"Well, you know our situation, right?"

"Yeah, I know, but why do you need her number now?"

"To know if she's okay. It's late, and she's not here yet. She didn't tell me where she was."

"As far as I know, Kyra and Sanya are at Alexa's condo. They'll be there until Monday morning for a three-day outing."

When she said that, I felt a bit relieved. "Oh, really? She didn't tell me or leave a note."

"It's okay, Az. I also know that Sanya isn't the type to say goodbye or inform, especially to you."

"I know that too. I'm well aware."

"Okay then, I'll give you her number. I'll send it to you in a text message."

"Sure, thank you."

"Okay, bye." As soon as she hung up, her text message arrived, containing Sanya's number.

I texted Sanya, but she didn't reply. Maybe she's already asleep given the late hour, but here I am, unable to sleep. I should have packed my things for camping, but I couldn't because I was too worried about her.

When she replied with 'Huh?' I was stunned. I didn't expect her to still be awake and respond, but her reply clearly showed that it didn't even cross her mind that it might be me who texted. At that moment, I debated whether to call or just text her, but I wanted to let her know how much she worried me.

When she answered the call, she sounded angry, but that was okay with me. I preferred hearing her yell at me over the phone than not knowing if she was okay or if something bad happened to her.

I tried to force myself to sleep, but the drowsiness still eluded me. I got out of bed and walked to Sanya's room. I knew she wasn't inside, but I still wanted to enter her room.

I turned the doorknob, and to my surprise, it wasn't locked. Sanya probably thought I wouldn't enter her room when she wasn't there.

I entered and was greeted by the melancholy atmosphere of her room, but it felt okay, maybe because that's how I felt at the moment.

I touched her bed as if she were there. I lay down and could smell the fragrance that I knew belonged to Sanya. "Hmm, it smells like Sanya," I smiled, and gradually, sleep enveloped me.

I woke up to the sunlight streaming in from the window. I checked the time; it was 10 am. I had slept for almost eight hours. I forgot to close the curtain, so my skin felt a bit scorched from the morning sun.

I quickly got up and tidied Sanya's bed. I felt a bit sluggish this morning, but I didn't know why. Maybe because I would see her again tomorrow. I don't know, but it seems like I've gotten used to seeing Sanya every day, whether at school or here at home when I wake up, even if it's just for a short while.

I saw my phone ringing when I returned to my room, so I answered. "Hello, dude? I've been calling you for a while now."

"Sorry, Lee, I just woke up. I slept late."

"Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Not really, what's up?"

"It's my first time joining an outing, and it's a camping trip. I just wanted to ask what important things I should bring."

"Do you have a tent?"

"Do we need one?"

"Aren't you smart? Where did you expect the camping to be, in the hotel lobby?"

I heard him laugh on the other end. "I meant, I thought the school would provide that for us."

"It's better if we bring our own."

"Okay, let's go together to buy the things we need, Dude."

"Sure," I replied, and then I ended the call.

I met up with Lee at the mall, and I found his gaze toward me quite strange.

"Why?" I asked.

"Is that really how you always dress?" he inquired.

I looked at myself. "Huh? What's wrong with it?"

"Well, nothing, but your clothes are always so loose on you. You look like a hip-hop dancer rather than a student."

I shrugged. "Dude, don't bother about what I wear just because you're fashion-forward. You don't have to tell me stuff like that."

Even though Lee might seem like a nerd because he's smart and wears glasses, what I said was true. He's stylish, always looking good in his outfits, and he carries himself with dignity.

"I didn't mean that. It's just that your clothes always seem to be twice your size. If I didn't know you, I'd think you were just a loiterer."

"You're so mean," I defended myself. "I'm comfortable with this."

"Well, I'll tell you, it doesn't suit you."

"You're probably just embarrassed to be seen with me," I joked.

"You're so dramatic. But fine, just to help you improve. You're starting to look like my assistant."

"Are you messing with me?"

"Change your clothes, throw them away, donate them, or give them to someone. It seems like we're not just buying camping gear."

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Let's just say it's a request from someone to me."

"From whom?"

"Lena," he answered briefly.

"Lena? Wait, you guys know each other and talk?"

He nodded. "It's not important, but she asked me to fix you up. Your hair, it's too long and curly, looks like you never comb it. That needs fixing too."

"Wait, we don't need to do this. You can tell Lena that."

"Just follow along, Zhymian. Believe me, this is for you. That's what Lena said." He smiled and walked away, and I just followed.

Instead of a quick shopping trip, we ended up spending more time looking for clothes, with Lee making the purchases using my credit card.

At first, I was reluctant to go through with it, but seeing myself in the mirror changed my mind. "You look respectable," Lee commented.

I chuckled at Lee's remark. "Your hair, it's really long, and it's curly. Get a haircut."

I touched my hair. It had been almost a year since my last haircut, and it reached my shoulders. Since we were in college, no one really bothered to comment on it. Sometimes, I tied my hair in a back man bun, like I did now.

"How else will your wife notice you, right?" Lee said.

"Huh?" I asked because I didn't catch what he said.

"Never mind. Come on, let's get that haircut."

We passed by a bookshop, and Lee bought something while I was getting my haircut.

I couldn't help but smile; it felt like I was undergoing a mini-makeover. But he was right; I needed to fix myself up, especially since our graduation was approaching. I couldn't keep looking like a guy who hangs out on street corners.

After the haircut, I stood in front of him. "How do I look now, Dude?"

He patted my shoulder. "You look great. You really look like a respectable person."

I just shook my head. "Fine, I'll admit it. I spent my money well on this."

"You should still be thankful to me, Adam."

"Jerk!" I said, and he laughed.

He went home ahead of me. I didn't know why people were staring at me as I walked, making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

I changed into a plain black long-sleeved shirt, rolled up to the elbows, black pants, a brown belt, and leather brown shoes. My naturally brown hair complemented the outfit. Passing by a mirror, I couldn't help but smile.

I looked presentable, just as Lee had said. Would Sanya like this? I smiled and shook my head. Somehow, I doubted that someone like Sanya would ever like me.

I sighed and went home immediately because it was still early for school tomorrow. I was happy because I would see her again. I would see my wife again.