
Love From Galaxy

COMPLETE Do you think being a supernatural is easy? Is controlling outstanding power, saving Earth, fighting people is easy? And the most important factor is finding love even after being different, is it easy? Meet Ari an alien who came to earth with her most trusted pet bird Zoa to find more about the planet Earth but is stuck due to an unwanted accident. She saves a CEO of a mall from an accident on the first day itself but in the process looses connection with her own planet and has to survive on Earth. She has superpowers and meets someone unwanted of the same species as her but with the an intention of distraction. The CEO and his brother both like Ari. With two men liking one woman making it tough for Ari to save Earth. Ari has to Save Earth, keep her identity secret from everyone, unravel some mystery about herself and her power and find love in the way. This is how tough is a life of a supernatural. Let's see will Ari return to her home and Save Earth?

Kiara2 · Fantasy
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55 Chs


I saw Catherine inside the car. She silently opened her car door and opening her shades she asked me to get inside the car.

I saw Zoa and with a positive nod from her, I sat inside. We drove to a coffee shop nearby and sat on a table far away from people.

She opened her shades at once and took out a tab.

The coffee shop was really big and seemed very sophisticated.

I without any delay asked her "What happened Catherine? why did you call me here?"

She kept her arms on the table folding them and came near me and said "I know why aren't you helping."

I kept looking at her calmly without saying anything to it because I didn't know what will she say further.

She went back and rested on her chair to say "You are scared of getting caught, aren't you?"

I knew it!!! she was going to say something useless and idiotic. Why must an alien with powers be scared of some humans without any power?

But still I stayed silent and kept looking at her.

She still continued "We have a full proof plan. You won't be caught."

Again idiotic!!! She had the book of myth why will she need any other plan. No wonder they have been failing everytime.

Now she still continued "See the plan is....."

She talked and talked and talked without stop. The plan was actually good. So sas it was getting used for destruction.

"....you would be very helpful to us."

Now I rolled my eyes on her and extended my hands to the table folded them and went near her to say "I don't fear anyone. I fear just one thing... Nature. And that is what you seem to be playing with the same thing."

Her face was worth watching. Her face was completely red even without blush.

I walked up from that place when she stopped me and said "Then you and I are gonna have a problem."

"Then let it be."

I walked out of the shop and and walked till the office.

I saw Leo coming in my direction who saw me angry. He came to me and asked "woah....woah... woah my angry little girl."

"shut up Leo."

"Come on you look cute when angry."

I gave him a sarcastic laugh and then he put his hand on my shoulders and we walked together. Little did I know that Elijah watched us going like that and last night talking to each other.

We went to the canteen to drink coffee. Elijah came there and said "Ari I have to talk to you. Come with me."

I gave a confused look and walked behind him.

We came out of the office building and he said "we have to go to the doctor."

But as per I remember the appointment was at afternoon after lunch.

"But Elijah isn't the appointment after lunch?"

He gave me a angry look and said "I changed the timings."

"But, why?"

He now was furious and asked "then what? do you want to stay with Leo all day?"

I was confused. Was Elijah getting Jealous of the fact that I was with Leo? or something else?

"Okay, okay chill."

We drove to the hospital for checkup.

The doctor was quite astonished to find out that the boss was sleeping well and tightly at night with me.

The doctor said "sometimes it happens when you are relaxed with the person next to you."

We agreed but Elijah was still wearing his angry face. God knows why.

The doctor hypnotized him and asked about what he exactly felt with me that he could sleep so easily. He answered "Mom."

The doctor said "Mom?"

"she feels like mom."

I have heard about friendzoned, brozoned but did he just mother zoned me?

Elijah was sleeping and continued "I feel like I can be like free with her and no one will judge me."

He woke him up and said "Elijah feels free with you. And that is the reason he sleeps well with you on his side."

But why? Why does he feels free with me particularly. There is no reason for that. He has never met me. He doesn't know me then why?

We left the hospital and on the road U saw Leo. I asked the driver to drop me there and met Leo.

I and Leo walked on the road freely talking and went to a coffee shop to eat.

Elijah definitely saw that when Adi said "Mrs Smith is too free with your brother, I see. They would make a nice couple. I guess after your treatment done we must set them to a date."

Elijah said nothing and drove back his home.

At the road I saw people running. I said to Zoa "Zoa check what is happening."

I freed him from my bag, she transformed and flew to check what happened.

Zoa saw and came back to me and sat on my shoulders she said "E19 it is Catherine's book of myth."


"she created a freaking dinosaur."

"Dinosaurs are not myth. Then how did it come in the book of myth?"

"Dinosaur is extinct which is why it now is a myth."

I agreed and said to Leo aloud when he was frowning about people running "Leo you must leave. I will come a little later."


I pushed him and said "Leave."

He said nothing and walked back. I now ran towards the road wearing my spacesuit.

I reached there and saw that big thing. Reporters started reporting.

"See A girl in a spacesuit again. The same one who stopped that train earlier."

"Is she going to make it this time again?"

"what do you think? who is she?"

My powers were not that helpful because as I always say everyone in this universe has a right to live, to love and to be loved. I didn't exactly want to hurt it because my powers are too much for this little being though not little.

Reporters again reported...

"Is she confused?"

"Is her power less for it?"

"Is she thinking of some bigger plan?"

"Is she scared?"

Zoa now came flying to me asking "What are you doing E19?"

Now I tried to match mine frequency to his.

"Dinosaur?" He couldn't hear it. I changed the frequency

"Dinosaur?" Again

"Dinosaur?" And he reacted. That was the correct frequency to talk to it.

"Dinosaur, what are you doing?"

"I am just taking a walk."

"you don't want to hurt?"

"No!!!not at all. I am a good Dinosaur not like bad ones."

"But humans are scared of you and might hurt you so, You should better return to where you came from. Where did you come from by the way."

"I am the last one of my species. I hatched just few years ago and now grew this much."

So, this wasn't Catherine this time.

"Go back to your jungle."

"But, I want to stay here with humans."

"Humans are scared of you and like you said last species they might hunt you. So, It is better if you go back. I will come and meet you, ok?"


And then he returned back.

Reporters said....

"Omg did you see her?"

"So easy to sent the dinosaur?"

"did she scare the dinosaur with her stare?"

I rolled my eyes and teleported myself back to the place I was standing and came out of my space suit.

I now got a call from Elijah who asked to come back home.

I went to his house. He was waiting for me near the swimming pool in his house.

I reached him and gave him voice. "Elijah!!!!"

I went and stood beside him. Behind me was the swimming pool.

He seemed angry.

He started saying "why were you with Leo?"

"I....." Before I could say anything.

"Why did you leave with Leo?"

Then with this he started nearing me and I proceeded backwards....

"Why did you have to talk with someone else? you have me. From today you can't talk to anyone except me, not go on a walk with anyone except me, not do anything with anyone except me. I am you Boyfriend and I don't allow you to do anything with anyone."

That is when the land behind me was over and swimming pool started. I was just going back blindly so, didn't know when the land was over.

I put my leg at the edge and was about to fall when Elijah caught me by my waist and pulled me towards him and kissed me.

I was too shocked to respond. He kept kissing me and I couldn't move.