
Love for Yandere!

After dying from the hands of a yandere , Kim Joon was transported to world which he only read in novels . The world filled with dangers of dungeons will help Kim to uncover his new side and ofcourse dating several yandere waifus along the path. __________________________ A/N: I wasn't able to add Yandere tag as I use my phone to write stories but don't worry there will be yandere characters in the story. The potential love interest are: 1.Momobami Ririka- Kakegurui 2. Yuno Gasai- Mirai Nikki 3.Zero Two- Darling in the franxx 4. Cha Hae In - Solo leveling 5. Not decided... Note: All girls won't become yandere and it will take time for them to fall completely for our mc but it's not going to slow the romance. Drop a tip... https://ko-fi.com/svneighter40560

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs


"What are you doing baby?" A certain day Sasha asked Subaru who was scribbling a fancy little wand over his shirt.

The tip of the wand was sparkling with blue light and some spells started to form on his clothes.

"These are protective spells I am adding to my clothes just in case". He said something which might appear foolish to someone who doesn't know him but to Sasha , this was truly something fascinating.

"So you finally figured it out . Now add these spells too , it will give you resistance from ice and fire magic". She drew magic circle in the air which Subaru took a look of.

After checking it for a minute he nodded and returned back to his work.

"It's will surely help when you will start your school next week". A deep sorrow reflected from her voice. But there was no chance that Subaru will sit around when he reached the required age to attend middle school.

It been 2 years since Subaru faced his first and only dungeon during the (BSD) certification test.

Since 2 years he made different type of spells and learnt various kind of fighting styles . If not for the possessive nature of Sasha then he might have faced several dungeons up until now .

But he didn't blamed his mom for this, as he also realised how weak he was from the perspective of this world' and without complain, focused on becoming stronger before he could walk in the outside world all alone.

From barrier and resisting spell to offensive and destructive spell, Sasha taught him everything which she knew. Obviously she had some of the spell hidden in her deepest darkest corner of her mind, which she couldn't share even to her beloved son .

(A/N : You know what kind of spell;)

Only one thing , which Sahsa was unable to teach him was weaponary.

"I guess you have to wait until you enter the hunter's school ". Sahsa said after she started to prepare dinner in the kitchen.

The hunter's school is just like High school however it will majorly focus on the fields which a student requires to being a hunter.

"Yeah I also think so. The main thing is , what weapon will suit me best". He contemplated as after entering the hunter's school, which established some years ago, a student had to pick a weapon as their primary or secondary whether they are healer , mage or even mercenary.

"With your lean physique and sturdiness , and adding your reflexes to it , a short weapon will help you the best". She thought deeply before answering him.

"Yeah you have a point".

Subaru height was 5'7 now which was ofcourse, unusual for the boys who are at the age of 14 and his physique had already took perfect shape with his chiseled toned body adorned by his sharp face which seemed always serious even when he was not.

At this point , Subaru was sure that his appearance was not similar to Sung Jin woo but he was himself Sung Jin Woo, with different background .

So to maintain the order, he shortened his hair to look exactly like the character he saw in his previous life.

"Son, you need anything else for the school?"

"Um..just face masks and a new phone."


{After one week}

"Good morning class my name is Aiko Shiragawa and I will be your homeroom teacher for the two years you will spend here. " A green haired woman in her late twenties introduced her in a polite manner , eyeing toward each corner of the class. Her eyes paused for a brief moment on the boy who was sitting at the backmost of the class, gawking toward the window.

"Okay then , we will discuss about motion today..." The class started which literally wasn't interesting at all for the certain student who already had the knowledge upto PhD level.

(A/N: I will detail his past life after some chapters)

Suabru kept on playing with mana ,while noting down new formation of spell which he might use to create a new offensive type spell.

He had already assumed this situation that what could happen in the school that's why he prepared himself to bunk classes , and check out the dungeons in the mean time.

Sasha won't get suspicious if Subaru disappers from the school campus and that was the whole reason for Subaru's eagerness to join the school.

At lunch break when the school became the busiest he started executing his sneak out plan.

The last three periods were electives that means a student can choose which subject they wanted to study and can move to that respective class.

It was the greatest opportunity for Subaru to suddenly get disappeared so he won't get noticed by any other classmate.

He concealed his mana and with fast pace ,went to the backyard where a 15 ft wall was facing him .

'I wish , I could have done this in my last life too." He smirked and with a light run up , jumped over the wall. There were cameras all around , but he made sure to avoid them (well he thought so) and for precautions he wore a mask .

'This might backfire , but whatever.' he knew that after coming upto this point there was no turning back.

He jumped out the campus and after avoiding the guards, left the school with his watch set with a timer of 2 hours 40 minutes.

He was not planning to enter dungeon soon, but to wait and observe it's patterns and all .

By pattern, it meant how much time it takes for hunters to clear up a gate and what were the frequency of mana of different kind of gates.

He found a gate not so far away ,where 10 low rank hunters were discussing something .

After observing them and similar types of other gates around the city, he found out some information which wasn't mentioned on any social media sites or webpage.

The minimum requirements were 8 hunters , that was already known but what made him interested was a porter.

A porter was common in many teams which he surveyed that day. Porter weren't mandatory as what he had read in gate regulation guide , but hunters takes atleast two porters with them to carry the stuffs, whether it was their personal belongings or the material they get from the dungeon. It was the duty of porters to carry them.

'I can try aim my luck at this'. He dashed back to the school and continued surveying for another 2 weeks until he found an opportunity.

"Hey , where the heck this Parker ran off to? We only have an hour left to clear this or it will get transferred to some other shits". A blurry man with a huge axe on his back shouted .

"Beats me. He might have ran away because of last time or somethin. " A man with twin blades on his waist spoke in a aloof tone.

Subaru was listening to their conversation , from a distance .

"So what we gonna do. We doesn't have a single porter to carry these stuff and in this short time I dunno whether someone will join ." A black robed woman said who was holding a staff and not a weapon in the whole group.

"Excuse me, if you don't have a porter then I can do the job. Just pay me whatever you paid the last one". Subaru made his appearance from the darkness, with his mouth covered with his black mask, and a black robe on his upper body. Only his sharp eyes were visible .

"Eh? Who..." And the normal interrogation with mockery happened before they agreed to take him on the adventure.

The raid captian who had the big axe , agreed to pay 10% from the loot they will recieve from the dungeon .

"Are you okay , is it not heavy?" A boulder sized round bag was loaded on Subaru's back which contained the necessities and armours of the hunters. This gate was low ranked but , all the hunters carried high grade armours , in case the gate changes its colour.

(A/N: A red gate ...don't worry I will explain it in future)

"Yeah I am fine". Subaru stood up from squatting position, comfortably lifting the bag on his back and walked toward the gate where everyone was approaching.

Soon , after the mage which asked him before, also followed others and they entered the dungeon.

The dungeon from inside was the same as Subaru expected.

The cave was pitch dark with disturbing sound coming from another end.

Subaru smirked inwardly after he recieved a certain mana presence from that end point .

"Be careful where you step". The team captain warned everyone before leading forward.

Everyone took a torch from the bag, Subaru was carrying and walked forward cautiously.

Subaru already sensed the amount of monster present here and he wasn't worried even in slightest .

'They are much weaker than those green dudes". He kicked a stone in boredom.

After some minutes , a stampede of mutated spider started approaching toward the group in hundred of numbers.

"Here they come". The blurry man took out his weapon and started the massacre.

Apart from the team captain who was rampaging the spiders like a wild bear, all the others weren't that brave and attacked carefully .

After about 30 minutes , the annihilatiom stopped . Subaru didn't even flinched from his spot and used his invisible ariel darts for those spider who approached him , sneakily.

"Now we will take rest for some minutes. Porter go collect the material". The man with twin blade ordered Subaru.

Subaru was pissed to the point that he wanted to slaughter the glasses shithead who killed the least amount of spider. But Subaru grinned and nodded .

'I will get the big one'. Subaru took the axle and approached the spot where all the spiders were killed . He didn't started extracting the shell which was the only collectable thing immediately ,but ran toward the other end of the cave where his desired destination was..

'The boss" A spider similar to the size of an elephant was resting comfortably in its nest , completely oblivious about the fact that someone breached in its territory.

Only with its raw mana, Subaru guessed that this monster was upper A class .

"Let's see , the fruits of my hardwork". Suddenly a whirpool of air started forming on the palms on Subaru.

The whirlpool started getting bigger and bigger and after some second its size became just like the gate through which they entered the dungeon.

'Hmm, this spidy is still sleeping , maybe I took this too casually'. He thought that this attack might not even interest the boss but soon after he shrugged off the useless thoughts and released his attacked .

The cave started shaking just after he released it, and this made the boss spider open her eyes too.

The whirlpool was bigger enough to cover the whole spider , and it did gulped the spider by surprise , resulting in...

'It died without a good show'. Without any scream or fighting back, the boss spider died with all its body parts crumbled and blood painting the whole surroundings. The whole thing happened in so short period that it didn't even seemed like someone was fighting.

With disappointment , Subaru returned back to the place where the hunter were resting , obviously after collecting the spider materials in his hand.

"Good , good you did a great job. " The twin blade put his hand on Subaru's shoulder before he said in drunken voice.

'Now I don't have any interest to keep this act going'. Subaru grabbed his hand by his wrist and gently pressed it.

*Crack* "Huh...ah..aahhhhhh" a scream followed by the cracking sound .

The other hunters were shocked but no one came to fight Subaru as it seemed that others already sensed the reason why the cave shook a minute ago, except for the idiot who was crying in a corner.

"Here take this and I don't want anything. I will be leaving now". Subaru handed the material to the raid captian and left the cave as soon as possible, because his timer already crossed the limit .


{Back in the cave}

After Subaru left , the mage quietly walked toward the captain.

"Don't you think that kids these days have become more dangerous than these monsters?" The mage said while remembering the incident which happened some days ago.

"Yeah, first that pink haired girl now him. I wish I never meet both of them again". The captain shivered while recalling, how a certain someone cleared a whole dungeon, just with a regular wall hammer in hand.

"Aaaaaahhhh he broke my hand".

"Aah.... heal this bastard first".