
Love for Yandere!

After dying from the hands of a yandere , Kim Joon was transported to world which he only read in novels . The world filled with dangers of dungeons will help Kim to uncover his new side and ofcourse dating several yandere waifus along the path. __________________________ A/N: I wasn't able to add Yandere tag as I use my phone to write stories but don't worry there will be yandere characters in the story. The potential love interest are: 1.Momobami Ririka- Kakegurui 2. Yuno Gasai- Mirai Nikki 3.Zero Two- Darling in the franxx 4. Cha Hae In - Solo leveling 5. Not decided... Note: All girls won't become yandere and it will take time for them to fall completely for our mc but it's not going to slow the romance. Drop a tip... https://ko-fi.com/svneighter40560

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs


"Would you like to explain yourself , ba~by?"

"Mom how are...wait so you were the one in that black robe right ?" I suddenly recalled that person whose mana I was unable to sense.

Since that person was wearing a full body black robe with a mask , I never realised that she could be my all time stalker.

"Yeah I was following you and see I was right, you did something stupid today too." She said while swaying her finger infront of my face.

"You used a unknown and overpowered spell despite I told you not to and can you imagine, what would have happened if any of those hunter had saw you using that spell?" Her voice was cheerful as always but I knew she was seriously angry with me.

"You say , 'what if , but they already saw me". I averted my gaze .

"Don't forget who your mother is, little Subu. I used a barrier just after you jumped to save that little bit-..I mean that masked girl." I felt relief after I heard her words and felt miserable for my own foolishness.

"Listen, once this world comes to know what skill you possess then there is no chance that you could live peacefully so you better get stronger so no one would dare to meet your gaze directly , understood?" She said something reasonable for the first time which doesn't required my safety but to get me more stronger.

(A/N : I will elaborate what actually, the skill spell weaving is , in the near future.)

"Yes mom I understand. Then please help me to get there. I know you always hold back when you train me. I have to start school in 2 years so until then-"

"Shh...I got it. Now let's go back . A pest is eavsdropping on us". I took a look at our surroundings and found no one. But suddenly I felt a mana presence disappearing near the alley.

'She totally desrevs her title of 'Witch Queen ''. The admiration for my mom increased again that day.


Ririka teleported back at the entrance of the examination centre when she felt that she had been discovered.

'Tch, she is cunning and what the hell with that killing intent ?' A shiver ran down her spine as soon she recalled the murderous gaze which Sasha directed toward her.

It was clear that Sasha meant only one thing through her glare that was to stay away from Subaru.

Ririka was confused as the threat wasn't like what a guardian would direct but rather it was more like how a lover threats other women to stay away from the person they love.

While contemplating Ririka sat inside the black benz which came to pick her up.

(A/N: POV of other than MC would be from 3rd person perspective)

After she entered the car, she started recalling each moment she spent with Subaru and how his smell still lingered on her whole body.

(A/N : Fantasy Fetish)

'I have to enquire about him as he might help our clan too in the future. Anyway I have to make sure that others doesn't notice about him or he might get snatched away'. Ririka was trying to make reason to persuade him but in reality she was just mesmerized by Subaru even she saw him in person for about 8 minutes at most.

The car arrived at a massive japanese gate where dozen of guards were patroling and keeping their eyes on the surrounding with high grade weapons which might could handle A class monster easily.

The gate was opened after the guard saw her mask and bowed deeply to greet the 'only' young lady of Momobami clan.

After she got off the car, half dozen of maids greeted her in unison.

"Welcome back young lady".

She nodded and started walking toward the Minka( Japanese traditional house) with quiet steps.

The servants were following her to her room. After she entered her room , a woman came to informed her " Lord Yama wants an audience with lady Ririka". She was the personal assistant of the lord .

Ririka nodded and spreaded her arms to get herself changed.

All the seven maids started undressing her and changed into traditional kimono on her body which was mandatory for her to wear whenever she was inside the residence .

All the time her face was covered with the white mask . No one dares to ask her about her mask , not even her biological mother .

Only the Lord of the clan had the guts to question the unpredictable young lady .

After wearing a white kimono she moved toward the big hall where her father always spent his time , surrounding himself with political matters.

"Good evening father. " She bowed before t the sturdy yet old lord of the clan who wasn't able to awaken his skill. Doctors have already gave up on him and it was uncertain when he will drift away in eternal slumber or maybe die on spot because of intolerance of mana .

"Sit down Riri. How was your test? I heard something happened at the examination centre."His stern voice always gives a chill to anyone who hears him but not to his daughter.

"I got my certification . And a random dungeon was spawned at the site but it was settled by the hunters." She reported in one breathe.

"Are the hunters the one who settled it. I know that this gate was an exceptional one". Her body jolted for a second however it wasn't visible to others.

"Yes the hunters came for the rescue. I apologise, that I wasn't able to handle it on my own". She bowed again but there was no grievance in her voice like she was programmed to say so.

"It's okay Riri. I know you will only rise from now on. You have a better future and since you are the only one left , be sure to prepare yourself to become the next head of the clan. As you can see , your father is getting old."

"Hai..father . I will keep that in mind". A devilish grin formed , under her mask before she left the hall .


{After two months of the incident}

"You need to focus more. If you keep going like this then there is no way you would ever be able to hide it ". Currently mom was giving me lesson to control my mana .

I wasn't the only one, in this world who can sense other's mana capacity.

This fact made me realise how small my perception was, for this world . Before, I was feeling kinda invincible to think that I can judge others but it all was just my false imagination.

'I guess, I got ahead of myself'.

"Baby, here drink this". She gave me a red liquid . I didn't knew what it was but I knew she won't poison me so I drank it up .

"Hmm it's sweet what is it?"

"Just your mother's love♡♡". She giggled and started forming another mana binding spell.

(A/N: I will leave this upto the reader's imagination XD)

"Now remember this feeling and start adapting to it. It's the fastest yet most painful way to restrain your overleaking mana". And boom, a red light enveloped me.

"Haah". I started panting within a second as it felt like something was sucking my life force but I knew that it was just my imagination so I stood up and started feeling the mana flow which was slowed because of the binding spell . I memorized the formation and immediately after the spell disappeared , I initiated my part.

Sasha POV:

'My baby look really cool when he gets serious like this. I really want to devour him right now'. She cleaned her leaking drool immediately, before he could notice .

'I tried to control it baby but my love kept on increasing day after day'. She sat across him and started gawking over his half naked body while remembering those moments where she tried to keep her distance from him only to get herself more attached.

'Anyway, I have to keep the track of that white witch . ' Her gaze sharpened as she recalled how a certain someone was kept on trying to achieve some information about Subaru but Sahsa already took the counter measure , on the same day she saw the predatory look in Ririka eyes when she eavsdropped on them.

'You are mine baby. No one can take you away from me...fufuf'.

"What happened mom? You look happy".

"I always feel happy when you are around ".


At the same time, a boy with hairs which appears like burning flame, was training his swordsmanship in his family dojo. The boy has only thought about improving himself since the day his father died in a dungeon 2 years ago. He awakened his skill on that same day when he lost his father.

*Slash *

His family had only him as an awakened memeber who will shoulder the responsibility of the whole clan in the near future. His younger brother was 9 years old so no one was certain that whether he will go through an awakening or not that made the older brother more burdened yet it didn't bothered him a single second of his life.


"Hoh". With a fierce howl he finished his swing with his katana slicing the 108th wooden doll in one go . The Nichrin sword which he herited from his deceased father, always seemed to be thirsty for more even it was slashed countless time before.

"Patience my friend. The time will come when you will be able to taste what you desire the most". Anyone would have called him maniac,to talk with a sword but in this uncertain world his sword was the only companion on which he truly believed.

"I will avenge you father, by slaying that queen".