
Chapter 2: The Dinner

Chapter 2

Taylor's POV

It was almost 6 as I kept glancing at the clock in the living room, as I was watching tv. They should be here any minute I thought to myself. Then suddenly the doorbell rang. My mom came from around the corner in the kitchen and asked me to get the door. So I gathered myself, ran my hand through my hair once, smiled, and opened the door. All I could do was stand there and stare at Sophie with my mouth hung open. My mom came into the living and invited the Harts into our home. Riley ran and jumped onto our white leather couch and put his feet up on my moms new coffee table. All of a sudden the house is filled with Katie's (Sophie's mom) voice as she yelled, "Riley William Hart feet off the table and you know better than to jump onto furniture!" He opened his mouth to speak but Robert (Sophie's dad) cut him off by sternly stating, "Off the couch now and come introduce yourself like the gentleman we raised you to be or else!" Riley got up and they all introduced themselves Sophie was last. We all went into the kitchen to find my mom finishing setting the table.

Sophie's POV

We walked into their kitchen to see his mom, Deborah finishing setting the table and his dad, Daniel helping his younger sister, Makena stir the instant mashed potatoes. Makena hopped off the chair she was standing on in front of the stove smiled and said, "Wow Taylor she's even prettier then you described her to be!" All I could do was blush. "The roast and potatoes are absolutely restaurant quality!" my mom exclaims.

Taylor's POV

"Dayum Sophie looks stunning in that dress. She looks just as delicious as my moms red velvet cake that she made for dessert," I thought to myself. Then her parents stand up and say, "Its great to meet you but we have a business trip tomorrow so we have to leave." Riley walks out with them, an before Sophie walks out I asked her dad if she could stay for awhile. Rob says, "Ofcourse but Taylor bear in mind that is my little princess so don't try anything or break her heart or else" I look out of the corner of my eye and see Sophie blush and whine, "Daddy I'm not a little girl anymore and besides we aren't even dating!"

Sophie's POV

"I can't believe Taylor asked me to stay after dinner!!!" I thought to myself and mentally screamed. We played video games for awhile until Makena came in and asked if we wanted cake. "Heck yeah I do!" I exclaimed and Taylor just chuckled.

Makena grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen and I helped her cut the cake. I gave her two pieces and told her to bring them to her parents and come back. When she came back she took the piece that was for her and brought it to Taylor. "Awwwwwh," I thought to myself. "You must really love your big brother huh?" I asked her. "Taylor's my best friend in the whole wide world Sophie! I love him with all of my heart, and that means if you break his heart you have to deal with me got that sister?!" she threatened. I just smiled, she was too adorable! I handed her a piece of cake and she ran off to her room upstairs giggling like a mad woman.

I put a piece of cake on my plate and walked back into the living room. I sat down next to Taylor and picked up an xbox 360 controller. He said we were going to play Call of Duty and when I smiled he knew he had chosen wisely. I took a bite of my cake and pressed start. As I was chewing my first bite of cake I couldn't help but realize how amazing it was. It wa so light and moist and very porous. "This is probably THE best cake I've ever tasted! Your mom must be like a gourmet chef and baker or something because, her food is spot on! Very excellent." "Why thank you Sophie I dabble a little bit in the culinary area." "DABBLE?!" I exclaimed "I'd say that's more than dabbling Mrs. Lautner!" She smiled and thanked me and then politely said, "Oh please call me Deborah."

Taylor and I were sitting there killing people and all of a sudden out of nowhere he jumps in front of me with his guy in the game and yells, "SURPRISE!!!" and proceeds to kill me. Did I mention that I jumped a couple of inches off of the couch? I mean the kid came out of nowhere and scared me half to death--- talk about giving someone a heart attack why don't you.

"Oh that's it!" I screamed and jumped on top of him giving him a noogie. He yelped in pain, and scooted as far back as he could until he was up against the couch arm. He poked my stomach and I squeaked.

"That's not yours, that's my tummy!!!" I yelled in between giggles. "Not anymore. I'm claiming it as mine!!!" he yelled back, smiling a devilish smile. He held up his hand and wiggled his fingers. "NOOOOO!" I shrieked, as he started tickling me.

I bit his arm, and he yelped as he pulled his he pretended to be hurt. "I'm so sorry Taylor! I didn't think I bit you that hard. I am really so..." I was then cut off when cake came smashing into my face. I took one look at him and stated, "OH NO YOU DIDN'T LITTLE BOY!" I picked up a piece of my cake and squished it into his hair. "NO NO NO NOT THE HAIR!" he shrieked. But it was to late.

By the time this had happened he had some more of his cake in his hand, and smeared it all over my chest and dress. I looked up with an innocent smile on my face and said, "Come here I just wanna give you a huge bear hug." Taylor jumped off the couch grabbed a throw pillow off the couch and held it up in the air saying, "Don't come any closer I'm armed and dangerous!" I grabbed my cake and sat down on the coffee table and started eating, pretending I had given up but boy was he wrong and in for a surprise! He put the pillow down and came over and smiled saying, "You give up to easily." I smiled up at him sweetly and grabbed some more cake off of my plate when he turned around to pick up the pillow. When he turned back around i smushed the cake that i had in my hand into his face. Then I smashed the rest of my cake that was on my plate onto his shirt.

Taylor's POV

I picked her up by the waist so that our eyes were level. Sophie softly cleaned the cake from around my eyes. When she did that our eyes finally met, and looking into those gorgeous sparkling ocean blue eyes I felt like I could just go weak in the knees right then and there, and melt into her eyes. "You know I never realized how beautiful your eyes really were until now." I whispered softly to her. She blushed and smiled slightly. I leaned forward a little and she closed her eyes, and I closed the distance between the two of us.

Sophie's POV

Kissing Taylor was like fireworks going off in my head and music playing... you know the whole cliché romantic kiss and all. When I was kissing Taylor it just felt so right. I felt so safe an secure. Like no one could hurt me. It was like time stood still and everything around us was a frozen blur.

Taylor's POV

Kissing Sophie gave me goosebumps. Her touch sent electricity through my body. I never wanted that moment to end. Just then, I heard Sophie's phone ring. It started to play the song Whistle.

Can you blow my whistle baby. Whistle baby let me know. Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it and you start real slow. You just put your lips together and you come real close. Can you blow my whistle baby. Whistle baby here we go.

It stopped ringing and then buzzed twice. Sophie pulled away and checked her phone. She smiled and looked up at me. "My mom texted me and said I could be home whenever just not to late, and that they were going to bed." She looked down at herself and a look of horror washed over her face.

Sophie's POV

My dress its totally ruined, I thought to myself. Taylor must have noticed that I was worried about my clothes because, he yelled at his mom and asked he to come down to the living room. Deb came down the stairs and took one look at the two of us, and i swear that her jaw dropped to the floor.

"What happened to you guys?!" "It's my fault I scared Soph, then killed her in Call of Duty." Taylor said looking down at the floor. "Sophie's dress mom, what do I do about it can you help me get the cake out of it for her? Please?" asked Taylor.

"I can't let Taylor take all of the blame Deb! After Taylor got me with cake I got him back with some cake,and yeah well... It just kinda spiraled out of control from there." I said sheepishly.

Deb sighed and then smiled and said, "Kids will be kids." I laughed at her comment and agree with her. "Taylor take Sophie up to your room get her a pair if your sweat pants,a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt and show her to my bathroom." "Yes ma'am," Taylor replied.

Taylor's POV

I lead Sophie upstairs grabbed her some clothes. I showed her where my mom's bathroom was, and told her to take off her dress and set it outside if the door. Then i asked her to tell me when she had set her dress outside the door. After she said, "Okay my dress is outside the door, now I'm going to get into the shower," I grabbed her dress took off my pants and shirt and walked down stairs in my boxers. I handed the cake covered clothes to my mom and ran upstairs to take a shower.

I stepped out of the shower and heard laughing coming from the kitchen. So I put on my boxers and a pair of sweatpants and walked down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen gaining both of theirs attention. My mom went back to talking, but Sophie had her eyes glued to me. My mom waved her hand I front of Sophie's face and looked at what she was staring at.

"My dress it looks perfect! As good as new, like no cake ever even touché it!" exclaimed Sophie. "It was no big deal I wouldn't want a pretty girl like you going home in a not so pretty looking dress covered in cake'" my mom said. "You're the best Deb! I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been able to clean my dress. It was a gift from my dad. I wore it to our daddy daughter dinner and dance." said Sophie. "We'll it's very beautiful. You look stunning in the dress honey. It really flatters you figure," my mom gushed.

"Right. Ill just leave you two alone to talk then." and with that she got up to leave. "Thank you so much for cleaning off my dress Deborah!" exclaimed Sophie. "You look sexy in my clothes," I whispered in her ear. She shivered and stood up. She posed and then said, "Thanks, I know I do! I make your clothes look good!" and with that she smiled and then winked at me.

"I think it's time I get you home before it gets to be to late!" I told her. She smiled and nodded I grabbed her dress, which my mom had hung up on a hanger and put into a garment bag.

Sophie's POV

We walked home in silence. I wonder what's going through Taylor's head right now?

Taylor's POV

"Just ask her you idiot!!! But what if she says no?! I really like her though," I was having a mental argument with myself. We got to her porch and I stopped her.

Sophie's POV

"Hey Soph?" he looked at me and I almost lost it I just wanted to kiss him until the end of time. "Yeah Tay?" I ask after recollecting myself and my thoughts. " I know we haven't known each other that long but I was wondering if you maybe ummm i don't know like you wanted to be my girlfriend?" Awwwhhh he looks so cute when he's flustered and nervous!!! "Ofcourse I will Taylor!"

He smiled his sexy grin and picked me up by the waist, and spun me around. I couldn't take it any longer. I crashed my lips onto his and ran my hands through his hair. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip and asked for entrance. I granted him permission and he deepened the kiss. He set me back down, and cupped my face in his hands. I smiled into the kiss as the porch light came on sensing our movement. We pulled away and Taylor kissed me on the cheek. "Night beautiful," and with that he pecked my lips. "Good night handsome," I replied and pecked him back. I watched as he walked down my driveway and disappeared into the darkness of the night. I walked inside shut my front door and locked it up. I trudged up the stairs and walked into my room I smiled at the purple and black zebra stripes that were painted on my walls. I turned off the light and climbed into my comfy bed. I smiled before closing my eyes and drifting off.