
Flirtatious guy

There was another guy who was reaching the stall before I did . Taking a closer look at him , it was Brenz . I shouted at Jeslyn to ask her to get away . But it was somehow late . He already arrived at the spot . I ran as fast as I could to her . " Excuse me ! Don't touch her . She is mine . " To drive him away , I created a lie . He stared at me , smiled and pushed me aside . " Oh really ? But I just don't trust you , " he said , " Maybe I should ask her . " He then gave Jeslyn a look . She didn't say anything but avoided any eye contact with Brenz .

She came to my side , signalling that she wanted to get away from Brenz . Brenz's eyes were bright red in colour , too scary for a girl like her . " Haha ! I got rejected huh ! " He brought up a laugh and turned his way towards the jungle . " I thought you're gonna die . " I hugged her tightly , after the scene . Well , I was also scared .

To chill me down , she asked me if she could still buy the teddy bear . When we were paying for it , Mr Gray came to us telling that Kathie was gone . He was afraid that Brenz brought her away to eat her . I didn't see any probability until Mr Gray told me that her stall was in a mess . The scene looked like someone had caught her or kidnapped her . I took the teddy bear over and asked Jeslyn to go back to my house . In my mind , I had the idea to go with Mr Gray to save Kathie .

We took the shortest path to go to the jungle . Unexpectedly , there were no blood anywhere . The good news was that no one had died yet . It was still horrifying that Kathie might be in danger . " Oh oh my dear friend . Who gave you the courage to come to my place ? " A creepy voice came out of the hidden area of that jungle .

" Handle Kathie out , the one you caught just now , " Mr Gray yelled at him , with a trembling voice .

" I didn't catch or kidnap anyone . By the way , who is Kathie ? I wasn't targeting on her at all . " He came out of the leaves and gave us this reply , telling that he didn't catch Kathie .

" Sorry to interrupt then , " I said .

Just right after I turned my head over , Jeslyn appeared in front of me . " Why you come here ? Didn't I ask you to stay ? "