
Love Fell Apart

Chasing her dreams she moved to Boston for further studies. While living her best life she comes across someone very special, but destiny has something decided for them from which they can never run from.

_authorjm · Urban
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23 Chs

Josette Marshall

I've finally experienced my first kiss. I never in my life imagined it to go this way. Some people want to experience their intimate moment in the rain, but I don't except I want a clear dark sky full of stars twinkling and shining as if they're wholeheartedly blessing us for a bright future and forever shining just like them. Some people want everyone to know they're a couple, but I don't. However, I don't want a secret relationship either, I want a private one, where people know the two of you are together but you don't show off to anyone about anything. I don't want to 'try' things out, I want a long-term relationship which is technically not found in this world anymore. 

I've always believed that true love is something that comes along once in a lifetime. However, based on my own experiences, I can't say that I've found it yet. I think that when someone truly loves you, they won't cheat on you.


I'm still not able to figure out what Christian did last night. First, he helped me overcome my panic attack then he kissed me for a dare, and then he saved the unconscious me from creeps. And not to forget, he was the one who brought me to this hospital. All thanks to you, doc. And when I prepared myself to ask him about all that, the doctor came in. Double thank you, doc.

The doctor said I could go home now, she just needed to prepare the discharge papers. "You better take care of yourself, and call me in case of any uneasiness, okay?" She handed me a paper with her phone number on it. "Abbey, Abigail Bennett." She said, serenely, and smiled at me with her eyes full of love and genuine care. I wonder if this is how she treats all of her patients or is it just me? An elder sister I never had.

"All ready to go back?" Sadie exclaimed. I appreciate her help with the hospital bill during a tough time. I told her I'd pay her back, every single penny, and of course, she insisted not to, but I will. Having such supportive people around me felt safe and I had an amazing conversation with Sadie, it felt like we were old friends catching up. I can't believe how well we clicked right from the start. It was such a pleasant surprise to meet someone so easy to talk to. "Yes." Audreya and I looked at each other and squealed. Her discomfort with hospitals began during her teenage years when her mother tragically passed away. Despite carrying the weight of her past traumas, my appreciation for her knows no bounds. She'd chosen to stay, not out of obligation, but out of a profound sense of care and love. She didn't have to, but she did, and that meant the world to me. 


Noah had come to pick us up. He said Christian apologized, and he had some last-minute work to do which made him leave. I never knew he worked too, guess there are a lot of things he's hiding behind just a pretty face. 

The whole car ride was filled with awkward silence. The bodyguard was behind the wheel with Noah in the passenger seat, while Sadie, Audreya, and I occupied the back seat. In no time we were home and I relaxed with the smell of lavender in my living room⎼Audreya loves lavender⎼and sat on the couch. Audreya bid goodbye to Sadie and Noah and made her way shortly thereafter. 

"Okay, what the hell happened last night?" She sat beside me and examined me, by the look on my face, she stated, "Sadie did tell me, but I want to hear it from you." 

"Marco left early and I wasn't ready to leave yet so I stayed." I divulged every single detail about last night to her. The dance, the broken nose, the chat with Christian, the encounter with Nailea, the drinks, the dare, the kiss, and the robbers. Everything. 

"Oh my god, all this happened in just one night?" Her eyes widened. "If I would've been there, maybe things could've ended up differently. I should've not left you alone."

"No, you don't blame all this on you. Do you get it? It's all good, see. I'm perfectly fine now." I could see the concern reflected on her face. "You had to go to the hospital."

"It's a good thing then, right? If I were not unconscious, you wouldn't have met Sadie." A wicked grin flashed all over my face. 

Audreya took an off today to take care of me which she isn't leaving any chances for. Audreya and I have found ourselves in a busy routine. She's been working remotely from the comfort of our home office, juggling virtual meetings, emails, and project deadlines. Meanwhile, I've been buried in a pile of assignments, researching, writing, and studying to meet the academic demands of my courses. Our days have been filled with the hum of productivity as we strive to excel in our respective professional and academic pursuits. I also have to find a real job soon, but most of the firms are accepting the resumé of the students from the last semester, but I still hope they hire me as an intern based on my skills.

After a full 20 minutes of uninterrupted focus, I heard Audreya emerge from her room, hunger prompting her food search. Meanwhile, I remained in my room, diligently working on the assignments that still awaited my attention, and all of a sudden I heard a knock at my door. "What would you like to eat for dinner?" It was past 6 already. It felt strange how swiftly time had slipped away. "Home cooked. No takeout." She smiled calmly. 


"Wasn't going to anyway. What do you want to eat?" 

"Spaghetti Bolognese!" It's been a while, and when it comes to food, no matter how much time I spend working at cafes, Audreya will always hold the title of the best chef in my book. Her culinary skills are truly remarkable, and her dishes are nothing short of a delight to the senses. Whether it's a simple meal or an elaborate feast, her expertise in the kitchen never ceases to amaze me. "Good thing, we have the spaghetti and most of the ingredients at home. I just need to buy some veggies." She headed to her room and grabbed her purse and bag and was all ready to go.


"Do we have wine?"

"Am I allowed to drink wine?" Her expression was a little hard to decipher this time because she was probably feeling so many emotions at once. "I'll ask Doctor Bennett about it, don't worry. And we don't." She continued to beam and walked out. I reached for my phone to call Doctor Bennett, but I couldn't find the piece of paper where she'd written her number. I felt a surge of urgency as I scoured their room in search of the elusive small paper. I rifled through the cluttered drawer, desperation growing with each passing second. Papers on the bed were scattered like fallen leaves, and I shuffled through them, my fingers trembling. Patting down their pockets, I could feel the pulse of anxiety quicken, but the small paper remained elusive, slipping through my grasp like a wisp of smoke. My breath shortened, and I couldn't shake the mounting anxiety that swirled within me, all because of that small paper. It was puzzling; it was just a piece of paper, but its absence seemed to cast a shadow of unease over my day. My brows furrowed, unable to comprehend why this seemingly inconsequential object had the power to make my heart race and my thoughts spin. 

I tried to distract myself with assignments, but didn't work. I tried to distract myself from reading, but it didn't work, either. I had to find that paper to calm myself down. Finding that paper was crucial for me to calm myself down, so I was determined to search every nook and corner until I found it. Without waiting for even a minute, I hurriedly rushed out of my room to start searching the living room right away. As I walked towards the main door, my anxiety began to dissipate as I noticed a small off-white sheet lying on the floor. It was a welcome sight, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. piece of sheet lying on the floor near the main door. 

It's been 20 minutes since Audreya left and my panicked search for this piece of paper started. Relaxation felt better. I immediately dialed the number written on the paper which was supposed to be Doctor Bennett's. Just as the call connected, a cordial and familiar voice spoke, it was Doctor Abigail Bennett. "Yes, hello, Josette. What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, thank you, doctor. I just wanted to ask you if I could maybe have a glass of wine. Am I allowed?" 

"You don't need any permission from me, sweetheart, instead you need to take care of yourself by yourself. But I'd suggest not drinking at all, you just got out of the hospital this morning. It's better if you stay sober for a few days at least. Let your BAC control and then you can have anything you like, but till then you can have any kind of juice but not carbonated drinks, either. They can cause your BAC to rise more rapidly. Fruit juices are fine besides sugar digestion results in a slower rise in BAC." I bet she's smiling right now after explaining the whole situation. That's how she is, she always smiles while talking and it's very calming.

"I don't drink sodas, so fruit juices are my best friend most of the time. Thank you doctor Bennett, and call me just 'Jo'. Josette's too formal, just for the teacher from Norside or work." 


"Then you must call me Abbey, all of my friends do." She's definitely smiling. "Thank you, Abbey." Now, I'm the one who's smiling. Looks like I'm getting influenced.


I was so engrossed in my work that I didn't even realize how much time had passed until the doorbell rang. The gentleman towers over most at a height of 6'2". He is dressed immaculately in a navy-colored suit that has been freshly pressed to perfection. The suit is accompanied by a matching tie and a crisp white shirt that accentuates the navy color of the suit. The shoes he is wearing are brown leather formal shoes, which complete the entire formal attire.

The man stood tall, his strong hands grasping tightly onto a magnificent bouquet of soft, delicate sweet pink avalanche, accompanied by a majestic purple alstroemeria and a touch of purple Limonium, creating a beautiful and harmonious blend of colors and textures⎼ I studied Floriculture when I was younger. Looking at the flowers I couldn't help but wonder, 'How did he get all those flowers which are Audreya's favorite.' A slight shift to the bouquet, helped me to get a clear look at the flawlessly undeniably captivating facial structure. His sharp jawline gives his face a strong and masculine allure, accentuating his chiseled and defined features. When you look into his warm brown eyes, it's as if you're gazing into the depths of his soul, and they have a way of making your heart skip a beat, such magnificent, soulful, and dark eyes within lies a universe of depth and mystery.


But what truly sets him apart is the remarkable clarity and beauty of his skin. His complexion is so smooth and gentle that it's almost ethereal. It's like he has a natural radiance that makes you wonder if he ever experiences a bad skin day. And then there are his lips, small and inviting, with just a hint of pink, which adds a subtle touch of sensuality to his already striking features. "It's you," The one and only.

"These are for you." Christian's eyes never left mine, and his fingers trembled slightly as he extended the bouquet towards me, a silent declaration of his affection, or maybe that's what I'm thinking.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still as I accepted the bouquet. "Come on in." As I invited him in, the air was filled with the intoxicating fragrance of the flowers, and the world around us faded away. It was as if the bouquet held not just flowers, but also the unspoken emotions he had for me.

No, stop it, Jo.

My heart swelled with gratitude and warmth, knowing that this simple yet profound gesture carried a depth of feeling that words couldn't express. But that was completely different from how Christian Larsen was. This person standing on my doorstep radiated affection, warmth, gratitude, and kindness. Christian Larsen was full of arrogance, pride, narcissism, and conceit. 


I gestured towards the couch and invited him to take a seat, assuring him to make himself comfortable while I placed the bouquet on the kitchen counter and grabbed a glass of water to serve to Christian. "What are those for?" I gestured at the flower bouquet.

"Apology" He grabbed the glass off the tray with a sincere smile. 

"It's⎼ uh it's fine actually. Noah informed us about the last-minute work, and it's not like you're my fairy godmother who'd stay with me 24/7." He downed the entire glass of water and firmly set the empty glass on the center table. "You also didn't have to buy me a whole bouquet for just an apology."

"I'm not sorry for bailing. I mean⎼ I am, but that's not all," I hope Audreya has nothing to do with it because the bouquet seems exactly like her choice. "I'm sorry for last night."

Just when he said those words, it hit me that he wasn't apologizing for not being there in the hospital this afternoon but instead for what happened yesterday. How did I forget what happened yesterday? I slightly shook my head when he⎼

"If I hadn't invited you to sit with the group you would've never drank that much alcohol in the first place, the panic attack would've never happened, and I would've never spoiled your first kiss." We were both standing real close now. 

"I triggered you in every possible way last night and I'm so, so sorry."

Hello readers,

I hope you like this different turn to the chapter. I Apologise for not posting it sooner, I have not been well for the past few weeks. The next chapter will be posted shortly. Moreover, I have decided that I'll be posting on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays so stay tuned.

Till then "forever and forwhere" ;)

_authorjmcreators' thoughts