
Love & Crosses (A billionaire Romance)

Natalie is a 20-year-old girl, but her family wants her to marry Maverick as a fulfillment of a contract and a way to save her family. Even though it's against her will, and even if it meant forgetting about Law school, she accepts so her family would be happy and safe also. On the other hand, Maverick only wants to ease the stress from his family by accepting to marry Natalie. But will getting married to Maverick save Natalie and her family? And will marrying Natalie give Maverick the peace he wants?

Ogo_Salome · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Natalie's POV:

I suck badly at make-up, I just woke up but my mom has been going about with how I need to get my hair done properly, and how my cloth need to be appropriate. I was already tired of all her bombarded tips on what to do because my so-called husband-to-be was coming over with his family for breakfast.

"Honey are you ready yet?" She yelled from downstairs.

How the hell will I be ready? I don't even know what to do, or how to go about it, I had become very confused and I could lose it any moment, I just knew.

"Mom! Come I need you" I screamed

"Coming honey" She responded.

I could hear her footsteps clunking across the wooden stairs as she came right in front of my room pushing the door open.

"What is the problem? Our guests will soon be here" She examined me turning me around to check my dress.

"No, this is not the dress. You should wear the black one with straps" she said before dragging down the zip of the dress on my body open and making me pull it off.

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed the black dress she recommended. Flinging it on the bed.

"Fast, put it on," My mom said clasping the dress and fitting it on my body.

I reluctantly took the black gown from her and slipped in obediently, she helped tidy the straps of the gown.

"Now, this looks better and more appropriate" She exclaimed smiling to herself with satisfaction.

Looking at my hair, she scoffed and nudged me by the shoulder.

"Get your hair done," she said with paranoia.

" Mom, help me" I begged knowing I would lose my mind getting myself ready, getting myself suitable for my husband. I huffed.

Mom helped me as I requested to style my hair, and she fixed my makeup also. I didn't think I needed makeup but I let her do it after all. According to her, I had to appear elegant as the first impression mattered so much.

"We are all done. You'll sit very upright, do not act timid, okay?" She directed her gaze on my hair adjusting it slightly.

"Yes mum, I won't"

" Now put on a wide smile, they'll be here soon" She explained patting my jaw lightly, she used her hands and mouth to demonstrate a smile.

I smiled even if it was unwillingly, I did because mom said I should.

I grew up living the life my parents wanted. They said we owed them our lives.

She left afterward leaving me with my conscience and awareness.

There was no need to think or worry about why I needed to marry Maverick, I already accepted my fate and was prepared to marry him. If that was the only way to gain my family's safety. So they said.

After what seemed like an hour, I got my ground and began going down the stairs to meet my family.

I saw my mom's eyes lit with delight when she saw me, and my father's with admiration, I saw the smile on their face while I walked down the stairs. Andrew my brother stood beside mom smiling like I were his bride.

I knew I owed my family their happiness, the reason I am getting married to Maverick. And seeing my mom smile at that moment made me happy too. If getting married to Maverick Santiago gave them the happiness they wanted then so be it.

"You look amazing my dear," My father said to me once standing in front of him. Taking my hand in his, he kissed it softly.

"Nat, you look like a model, did you have this gown all along?" Andrew asked showing off his wide coy smile.

"At least Andrew tell your sister she looks great" Mom corrected

"You look amazing," Andrew said sheepishly.

"Our guests will be here soon," Mom said.

We all stood together waiting for the arrival of the Santiago family.

The doorbell rang, and Anita our cook who stood by the corner alongside went to open the door.

"Must be our guests" Mom said offering a motion that we move closer to the door. When the door was opened, Santiago walked in first with open arms.

"Hola! Buenos días" Santiago said with an obvious Spanish accent. He shook my father's hand, walked to my mother, and hugged her.

"Beautiful," he said to her, mom smiled.

Santiago glared at me when he was done like I was a ghost who just appeared.

"Sorry, that was a little Spanish, it's a way of saying Hi and good morning " Santiago apologized and smiled warmly, you wouldn't even imagine he was a Don. His smile was wide and comfortable.

I noticed Maverick had the same smile as his father, broad and cozy. He looked me over quickly and I returned a sly smile.

"You must be Natalie my dear?" Santiago's wife I guessed asked as she came closer to peck my cheek.

"Yes ma'am I am, Goodmorning" I faltered.

"No, it's fine to call me Vivian, I'm Maverick's mother. You look even better in person" she owned a clear American accent, I loved it. She had a perfect body, her red gown suiting her skin color most appropriately.

"Okay, Vivian thank you" that came out easier than expected.

"Good morning Tores" I heard Maverick greet with a thick brilliant Mexican accent. He shook my father's hand while pulling him into a hug.

My father seemed to have found so much delight in him from the way he smiled when Maverick spoke.

I took the opportunity to observe him well enough, he was hot no doubt. He looked finer in person than in social media photos, better than in magazines. He had a boyish look that only made him younger than his age, I mean the one I got to know of from the media. His beard looked well groomed. He wore a black leather jacket that suited his body like it was specially designed for just him.

His black hair had a perfect blend with his outfit, I wondered if only I saw the perfection in his clothing. Even his facial seemed perfect. But I hate him.

Santiago held me by the hand after being aware that I was Natalie. We all walked to the table decorated with enough food for maybe the whole of Chicago.

I was offered a sit opposite Maverick by Santiago letting me have the honor of more views of Maverick.

"By the way my dear, te ves asombrosa" Santiago whispered into my ears as he sat next to me.

I didn't know what that meant but I loved the way the words came out of his mouth. From the little I knew, he said something about amazing.

My mom gestured for Anita to help serve the meal which she did, one after the other she served us our meal. She stood aside waiting just in case anyone needs something.

"So have you picked a wedding dress yet?" Vivian asked once we started eating.

"Not yet. You see, we wanted the both of them to meet first then we would go shopping" Mom defended.

"Okay. That's better" Vivian agreed.

Maverick and I had not even spoken to each other but I guess the only thing our families cared about was getting us married as soon as possible.

I looked at Maverick most of the time while I ate my food. While Don and my father talked business, Andrew was eating quietly, and Maverick was on his phone sometimes. I gazed at Maverick with every package of animosity somehow trying to figure out what kind of a man he was. He was the beautiful beast.

The beast I know I'll dread for taking my life away, for snatching my dream, for taking me away from my family. I knew I wouldn't find solace loving the man opposite me, eating like nothing mattered enough more than the meal. Like I didn't exist and he didn't care what his family said.

"Maverick you both will have to buy the rings soon, yeah? Plus I'm sending some invites to some friends." Vivian said.

" Mom? I thought we agreed it would just be both families at least" Maverick spoke most simply and casually but his voice still possessed authority.

"There's no harm in-" Vivian tried to defend her opinion.

" Mom?" He stopped eating and looked at his mother. At this point, she knew he meant business.

She swallowed sipping in her glass of wine.

"Okay fine, I heard you, just our families." She said firmly.

" We don't have a problem at all, whatever plan it is, we are all in," Dad said with a confirmation thumbs up.

I sat still eating and listening to every plan and every word like my presence didn't matter.

From the way Maverick responded when asked a question, I sensed he was tired. Somehow, he didn't look like he wanted the wedding.

I wish he knew I also didn't want this wedding, I wish he stopped the wedding, maybe let our parents know I was too young. But he never said anything about stopping the wedding. I could only dream.

What a mama's boy, I inhaled deeply.

I remembered when he looked at me at the door, the reaction on his face didn't seem like he even found me attractive enough. But I didn't care, I didn't like him either.