
Love by Agreement

Getting married was never a plan for Juliet! She just wanted to change her name, make friends, and enjoy college. But when her friends set her up for a surprise blind date, destiny plays a wicked game and surprises everyone. Entering the café as the most ineligible bachelor of her time, she exits the gates with a fiancé at her side and walks straight into a church to hear the melody of wedding bells. What will happen when she realizes she is not a bachelor anymore, and not only is she married now but also famous? Marrying the heartthrob of the entertainment industry who also happens to be the CEO of one of the most famous publishing houses, might put her in problems. But what will happen when she finds out her fake husband also happens to be the son of the present mafia king? ......................................................................................................... “How am I supposed to not run? Why didn’t you tell me before?”, she asked. She was almost yelling. But Ben had already cleared the place for them to talk. “Because I knew you would run away. And I couldn’t have let you make that mistake.”, he answered. “But tell me, how can one not run?”, she asked with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Some people can’t. I am sorry you got dragged into this, but I promise I will protect you. And you will soon be free, but if you want to live and want your family to live, just do as I say.”, he tried to convince her. “Who are you going to protect me from? If your father is mafia king, it makes you what- a mafia prince?”, she asked looking at him with questioning eyes.

The_Luna · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Cameron mansion was no joke. It was a 12 floors house, with a fountain, helipad, own gym on every floor, swimming pools as in multiple pools, and their own orchards which were stretched as far as one's eyes could see.

And that is what Elise had read in a magazine. This means it was all true, but there was more to the mansion which was never revealed. Well, they definitely didn't mention a part of it was also an amusement park. She heard this from Ben.

It was Elise's first time to even see a Rolls Royce up close, but there is always a first time for things. And today Elise was having all her firsts, quite literally. Her first marriage, her first time sitting in a Rolls Royce, her first time going to the Cameron mansion and her first time sharing this beautiful ride with her husband.

Clayton was busy typing furiously on his laptop and not even once did he utter a single word. Well, he didn't utter a word since he got to know that he is now a married man.

"Why will Mr. Cameron not allow us to get divorced?", Elise asked for the umpteenth time.

"Maybe because the whole world knows about it now!", Ben answered with a tired sigh. People have said some right stuff about newlyweds- they are annoying!

She looked at Clayton, who was obviously listening to them, but his answer was just the clicks on the keypad of his laptop. Elise sighed and started to look outside the window. She never really got a chance to explore New York. Being in NYU she found herself always surrounded with books. With her weekends going into writing books, all she witnessed in New York was the struggle of writers.

"Wow!", she said as a huge building with Clayton's poster hanging on it was passed.

"I didn't know you were this famous!", she exclaimed but he was busy typing.

"I wish I could get this famous!", she whispered to herself with a sad sigh.

Watching the huge buildings pass one by one, Elise was now getting bored of all the gigantic things. She sighed twice in a span of one minute.

"When will we reach?", Elise asked Ben.

"Just 15 minutes more!", he answered. Ben was feeling the awkwardness in the air, but with his boss typing furiously in the backseat even Ben couldn't muster up the courage to crack a joke or two.

"Stop at Gucci!", Clayton's grave voice was heard. But that's it. Not a word more, not a word less. He went back to typing some stupid draft, which Elise managed to read while peeking into his laptop.

"Why stop at Gucci? Let's just meet your parents and talk to them about our divorce. I can't let my mom know about it before it's sorted.", Elise snapped out of boredom.

"You need to look presentable!", Clayton replied ignoring all the other things Elise said.

"Why? I am not going there to impress them. I feel it was better if I just came here in shorts and a t-shirt and not this dress.", Elise said.

"Their daughter-in-law needs to look presentable in front of the media.", Clayton was losing his calm. He hated people who asked too many questions.

"I am not their daughter-in-law!", Elise muttered.

"Yes, you are! For this world you are!", Clayton finally snapped and shouted at her.

"Not a word more now!", he said and went back to editing his draft. Elise wanted to scream too, but she knew it will only make things tough for her.

Knowing Clayton's image from all the posts circulating on social networking sites, she knew he was famous for taking stupid decisions in anger. And she didn't want him to refuse to get divorced only because he was angry with her.

Well, with Clayton that will always be a possibility, wouldn't it be?

The car stopped in front of Gucci's showroom and Elise could see, it was original! She had always worn t-shirts with Gucci printed on them and still felt confident, but now she will wear an original brand and all she felt was nervous.

"Ms. Elise! Please step out. Sir has already gone inside.", Ben called her out and opened the car's door for her.

She looked to her side, to see she was alone in the car with the driver. Clayton had already walked inside and didn't even think of waiting for her. Sighing she stepped out of the car.

Ben closed the door behind her and the car drove off.

"Shall I just walk in?", Elise had no idea why she asked this question. But it made Ben laugh.

"No, maybe try somersaulting inside.", he said and walked inside the door. These guys have no idea how to be a gentleman. Elise followed Ben and the turnstiles moved again.

"Wow!", Elise admired the chandelier touching the ground. She peeked through the stairs to see where it even started. But she couldn't make out.

"Can't you walk a little faster?", a voice interrupted another drooling session of hers.

"Can't you walk slow?", she muttered with a roll of eyes.

"Sir, Joseph is here!", Ben whispered in Clayton's ear before he could respond with another angry remark about how short Elise's legs are or anything demeaning.

"Bonjour!", someone announced their entrance, rather loudly. A man wearing a white jumpsuit with a black border walked through the gate flawlessly. He was bald, like shiny bald. He wore glasses which covered his complete face, and his shoes were pointed without a single speck of dust. Not even a particle.

A very keen observation about Joseph, he was not a huge fan of matching his accessories with his clothes. Every colour stood out and he didn't care.

"Jo!", Clayton smiled and hugged Joseph rather dearly. Elise stood there awkwardly glancing at the bromance unfolding in front of her.

"So! She is the new bride?", Joseph asked and walked towards his own showroom's employee who was dressed rather sharply.

"That is your employee Jo!", Clayton smirked.

"So where is the girl?", Joseph asked overlooking Elise for the third time.

"Here!", Ben pointed towards the actual bride.

"That! Sorry this person?", he was not at all hiding his disappointment.

"This person's name is Elise!", Elise introduced herself. She was used to such reactions and never did once they could break her.

"I like the name at least.", Joseph said and shook Elise's hand barely making any contact. Clayton smirked and Elise wanted to punch that smirk off his face.

"Shall we see what will suit you!", Joseph said and without wasting another second walked inside. Clayton followed him and they both were chatting about the new spring collection that Gucci just released. Elise followed Clayton slowly as she admired the interior.

"This one is too plain!", Joseph rejected another charming, yet simple piece of clothing Elise was wearing. She had changed into seventeen different dresses and none of them were able to impress either Clayton or Joseph.

"Nothing suits her!", Joseph was exasperated. Elise stood there clutching tightly to the fabric as she controlled her tears. Never in her life, she felt this humiliated.

"What about this?", Ben walked in with a beautiful summer dress, with pink and white flowers. The design was elegant, but the stitching style made it stand out.

"Try this!", he handed it over to Elise with a gentle smile.

"Yeah! Try this on!", Joseph said nonchalantly.

After 5 minutes Elise finally walked out of the trial room, and she was excited to show the dress. It did fit her perfectly. She expected gasps but all she got was a nod of approval from the designer and her husband.

"This will do!", Clayton finally said and Joseph agreed with him.

"Good job!", he said to Ben.

"Let's go now!", Clayton said and turned around without another glance at his wife. He walked straight out of the door followed by Joseph and his team. Elise was picking up her bag and sandals, while Ben waited for her patiently.

"You look beautiful!", he finally let it out. He gasped when she walked out, he gasped and awed.

"Thank you!", Elise said and smiled at him.

"Let's hurry now!", he said and took the bag from her hands and opened the door for her. At least in this world of money and arrogance, she did make one friend who was not like others.