
Love By Accident

A story of love between Meng and Dao because of an accident but Meng doesn't want to let Dao love him because of something he has done, can Dao win over Meng?

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Xin and Luo were stunned by Dao's question, Dao kept staring at the both of them. The doctor and nurse are coming out of the emergency.

Dao quickly stood up and asked about Meng's condition. The doctor explained to Dao that Meng was fine now and he can go back after he woke up, only need to consume the medicines from the doctor.

Dao thanked the doctor and nurse, he asked permission to stay with Meng and the nurse agreed, Xin and Luo want to go home first, "Luo, I'll talk to you tomorrow" Dao grinned.

Luo and Xin had left and Dao went inside to stay by Meng's side. He sat on the chair while looking at Meng.

Meng was taller than him, he was rather slim for someone as tall as himself, his eyelashes were so long that make his eyes look beautiful.

Dao keeps on looking at Meng like a beast who plans to devour his foods. Finally, Meng woke up, he opened his eyes slowly.

"Where am I?" asked Meng.

"You're awake, let me help you" Dao helped Meng to get up by putting a pillow on his back so he could feel more comfortable.

"How is it? are you feeling better?" Dao smiled, "I feel better now, where is this?" Meng looks around "Hospital?" Asked Meng.

"Yes, we are in the hospital, you are unconscious because of your allergy relapsed" Dao explained to Meng.

Meng remained silent and tried to get a glass of water on the table beside the bed. Dao helped him, he felt thirsty after waking up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had an allergy... I should have asked you" Dao feels sorry, "It's okay, I should have been careful too" Meng accepted the apology and patted Dao's head.

Dao looked surprised at Meng's action and looked at him. Meng just realized what he was doing, he quickly pulled back his hand and drank the water because he feels embarrassed.

"When can I go home?" Asked Meng tried to change the subject, "The doctor said you can go back after you woke up, I'll tell the nurse, you take a rest first" Dao walked out to inform the nurse and went to get Meng's medicine at the hospital's pharmacy.

Dao returning from the pharmacy and Meng is waiting on the bench outside the emergency room. Dao helped Meng to get up and walk to the lobby.

Dao asked Meng to wait in the lobby, he would drive his car to the entrance, so he would not be tired because the parking lot was far from the entrance.

Arrived at the dorm, Dao parked his car and planned to send Meng to his room but Meng stopped him.

"I can go alone, you have to go home to take a rest too, tomorrow you have to join a full day of activities, it will be tiring" Meng get out of the car.

"Wait, give me your wutsapp number" Dao handed his phone to Meng. Meng gave him his number and returned the phone to him.

"You must contact me if something happens" Dao looks worried, "Okay, I'll go in now, be careful on the way back" Meng waved at him and entered his dormitory. Dao went back home.

At Dao's room, he sat on his bed and opened his phone trying to find Meng's wutsapp.


Dao: Are you sleep yet?

Meng: Not yet

Dao: You should take a rest

Meng: Yeah later

Meng: you sound like a mom

Dao: or you mean boyfriend?

Meng: ...

Meng: I'm going to sleep

Dao: Goodnight

Dao closes his phone and smile while thinking of Meng.

The next morning, the freshmen gather in the college hall. Xin gave a briefing to the freshmen about today's activities.

Dao's group will go to the orphanage to help with the work there, there will be two groups working in the same place.

Dao and Luo walked to their assigned bus and meet Ping and Fei. They were the mentors who would accompany this group.

Looks like the others had not arrived yet, there was no one inside the bus, so Dao and Luo sat in the back seat.

The other students came one by one, it seemed like all the students had arrived, Fei called out the names of the freshmen one by one to check if anyone was left behind.

"Okay, it looks like you're all here, we'll leave after the other mentors arrive" Fei explained to the freshmen.

"They have arrived" Ping get in the bus, the other mentors who joined this group were Xin and Meng. Dao looked surprised when he saw Meng get in.

"Sorry we are late, I need to check all the groups before I leave" Xin told them the reason for being late.

"It's okay, so let me introduce myself again because you might not know my name, My name is Fei" Fei introduces herself.

"And this is Ping, this small guy is Xin, you should know him" Fei points at Ping and Xin.

"And this is-" Fei's words were cut off by Dao "Meng".

Dao and Meng looked at each other, the others looked confused. "Yes, his name is Meng" Fei tries to settle the confusion.

"So our group will go to the orphanage today, for girls will be with me and Ping, and for boys, you will be with Xin and Meng" Fei explained.

"I think we can go now, the other bus already gone before us" Xin walked to the front to inform the driver, Meng looking for an empty seat.

The empty seats only left the one at the very front and the other in the middle of the back seat, Meng sitting on the front seat. This makes Dao looks annoyed.

Xin returned and found that the only available seat was in the back, so he walked to the back seat and sat next to Luo.

The orphanage is quite far from the college, the trip takes about two hours to arrive. During the trip Dao keep looking at the back of Meng, Meng keeps feeling his gaze like a knife stabbing on him.

They finally arrived at the orphanage, it took longer because of the traffic. "Wake up, we've arrived" Xin walked to the front and got out of the bus followed by the others.

"Let's greet the orphanage owner before starting" Xin walked in from the front door, a little orphan girl is running happily to Meng.

"Big brother Meng, you are finally here, I miss you" the little girl looked very happy, "Hi Li, how are you" Meng held Li.

"Li, they are our guests, where are your manners?" The owner spoke to Li", but I miss big brother so much" everyone smiled because of this cute little girl.

After greeting the orphanage owner, Xin asked the owner what they can help with, and the students are placing their belongings in the bus to be ready for work.

"Okay, let's get to work" Xin asked the boys to work on the outside with him and Meng while the girls will be helping with the cooking and housework.

"You will help repair the leaky roof and paint the walls, also help clean the garden, let's go" Xin took off his alma and began assigning their task.

Meng walks behind the orphanage and Dao follows him, he sits on an old bench there. "Everyone has started working, what are you doing here" Asked Dao.

"This is the place where I grew up until I left to living on my own when I started my high school" Meng felt melancholy.

"Are you an orphan?" Dao asked, "Yes, I am an orphan since I was 9 years old" Meng answered him.

"What happened?" Dao asked Meng, it took a while until Meng began to tell him "My family and I had an accident when we were on our way to my parent's hometown".

"There was a car that suddenly cut off the road and crashing to us, I was the only one who survived the accident," Meng told Dao about the accident.

"I'm sorry for asking" Dao feels sorry for him, "This is all in the past, I'm fine now, let's go back" Meng stood up and walked back to the others. Dao followed him.

Dao and Luo were assigned to paint the wall at the front of the house, "Hey Luo, so what happened last night?" Dao suddenly asked Luo about what happened at the hospital last night.

"What? Nothing happened" Luo avoided Dao's question, "Don't avoid my question, what's your relationship with Xin?" Dao stopped painting and looked at Luo.

"What relationship? We happened to meet at there" Luo is avoiding Dao's gaze, "You know that you won't look at people's eyes when you're lying right?" Dao is still staring at him.
