
Love beyond time

A young woman born with an extraordinary gift of second sight who comes from the present time. She is hurled back into ancient Greece and must learn to adapt and protect herself in the past. For there are those who would use her gift of second sight for their own dark purpose. The mortals who serve the gods and Titian's will do anything for power, and a mortal born with a gift from the gods is seen to be blessed or some say cursed. Yet, this young woman finds herself in the protection of a warrior king. Among the people who would use her gift to their own dark purpose of being more powerful than they are now. The young woman finds herself falling love with the warrior, but she knows she mustn't because it could alter history itself. She knows must give her up possibly her one true love and find her way back to her time...

Samantha_Maffei · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 7

The young man had a look of shock on his face. "You're a sea nymph. Your the great seer of Naxos.

I can't believe this. Here I was scared for you, thinking that you might get swept away for being to deep into the water."

Actaea could only smile at this young man. "That was very caring of you for wanting to help me. But as you can see that I'm perfectly alright. I actually sometimes think about going back."

"You're a daughter of the sea couldn't you go back anytime?" He looked concerned for her, and Actaea couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked, and especially how he seemed to care about her. He was tall, at least 6 ft, he had dark black hair and blue eyes. His face was handsome to look at.

"I could never return home to the sea. I was cast out for a horrible act that should have never had happen."

Lysander sat beside her, and looked into her eyes. "You have such sad look in your beautiful green eyes. When I saw you standing there in the water I thought you were trying to end your life. Then I saw you turn around when I called out and you had that same look in your eyes."

"That's so very kind of you, but I'll be alright Lysander. Thank you for helping me back inside my home."

"As long as your alright, I'll let you be then. If you should ever need anything I'll be happy to help you." He smiled at her and gave her a small bow. "Until next time lady Actaea. I'm here to serve you."

"Lysander please don't call me lady."

"But you are, your a great seer and a daughter of the sea. I will come and visit you anytime you need to." She smiled up at him, and he smiled back her. He left then, and Actaea sat there for awhile thinking about Lysander and how she thought he might be the one person she could possibly open up to. She didn't realize how lonely it has been since she left Naxos, and the pain of losing Aeolus. Perhaps she could let someone in her heart, but she knew that he was mortal and she was cursed to live forever. She was afraid to loose her heart to him. Actaea thought about how he looked so concerned for her. Maybe she will get to see him again?

Like he said, Lysander came back a few days later, and as time went on and he came by once a day to visit her. And she looked forward to seeing him. They would walk up and down the beach just talking. Sometimes he would come with her when she went into the village ok market day. And help her sell her hand Mande jewelry. Actaea felt so comfortable around him, and knew she could trust him. Who would have thought when she left everything behind she would find someone to care about.

It was some form after that he came over on one of his visits, that he brought her some wild flowers. She was happy to see him. "I wanted to stop by and see how you were."

"That's very kind of you, and thank you for the flowers. They are beautiful." He smiled at her, and it made her heart jump. "I see that you love collecting sea shells and the sea glass on the beach. They very beautiful."

"Yes, they are. Thank you for coming into the village with me and help me selling my jewelry."

"It's no problem at all. I love spending time with you. I do have a question for you?"

"And what would that be"

"May I ask what brought you here to Lemnos? Of all the islands and places to live why here?" Actaea took a deep breath, and looked at him. That was the one thing she wasn't able to bring up with him. The reason she was here and not back on Naxos.

"I came here because of something that had happen on my home on the island Naxos."

"It must have been something terrible. Im sorry I don't mean to prey into your life."

"It's alright. I've been alone for sometime now, and it's quite nice to have someone to talk to. Well, the reason I had to leave my home was because,

I was cursed by another god. I was seen as a betrayer of my own kind. My adopted son Aeolus, we murdered by his own half brother. And he is father Poseidon turned his anger on me for not being able to save him. He cursed me to live forever as punishment." Lysander looked so shocked by this. "That's sounds so terrible. You lost everything; your home, your son, and can never see your family again." He took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. She looked back into his and she could see his sincerity. He really did meant it. Actaea felt like she could really trust him. "I'm here for you if you ever need anything at all."

"That is very kind of you. I never got to ask you what you do here on the island."

"I'm a fisherman. I live in the village, where I care for my mother and younger sister. My father passed away a few years ago. His boat got caught up in a terrible storm and capsized. He was lost at sea. It was hard on my mother at first. I stepped in to take care of her and my younger sister. My sister's name is Lora, and she is 15." Actaea smiled when he talked about his family. "And do you have anyone in your life, someone you love?"

Actaea couldn't believe that she asked that question. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what made me ask that question."

"It's alright. I haven't meet the right woman yet." He smiled at her and she couldn't help smile back at him. He suddenly leaned in and kissed her on the lips. It was so quick that she couldn't believe it. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to just kiss you like that. I've been thinking about you ever since I saw you that day in the water." Her heart was ponding, she felt the same way about him. But she knew that falling in with a mortal would only turn out to be doomed from the start. "I have been thinking about you too, but I've been cursed to live forever. And you're mortal. This would only end in tragedy." He looked her with sad eyes, knowing what she said was true. He would grow old with age and she would live forever without him.