
Love beyond time

A young woman born with an extraordinary gift of second sight who comes from the present time. She is hurled back into ancient Greece and must learn to adapt and protect herself in the past. For there are those who would use her gift of second sight for their own dark purpose. The mortals who serve the gods and Titian's will do anything for power, and a mortal born with a gift from the gods is seen to be blessed or some say cursed. Yet, this young woman finds herself in the protection of a warrior king. Among the people who would use her gift to their own dark purpose of being more powerful than they are now. The young woman finds herself falling love with the warrior, but she knows she mustn't because it could alter history itself. She knows must give her up possibly her one true love and find her way back to her time...

Samantha_Maffei · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 6

Present Day

Naxos, Greece

Maera didn't know what to say, she sat there in shock. Her destiny was in the past, she had always knew being born with second sight that she was different. Who would have thought her future is in the past. Actaea took her hand, "Aeolus was a good man, an amazing warrior, and respectable king to his people. He started out in life the hard way. His mother died soon after giving birth to him. His father Poseidon came for him immediately. His mother's family wanted nothing to do with a child born under a new moon, a dark night. It was consider a evil omen. Poseidon and my sister Amphitrite came to me on the island of Naxos. Where I was high priestess to them both. They both came soon after he was born asking for me to raise him. I was the only one they could trust to keep him safe, and one of the few of us sisters who had some powers. Aeolus was born with powers to control the winds since he was half god.

I raised him, and loved him like he was my own. I've always wanted a child of my own but never found the right man to love. I taught him to control his powers, but also not to fully rely on his gifts. I taught him that being only half mortal he was still vulnerable. And not to abuse his powers as well. For mortals would not respect him and they would fear us gods and goddesses.

Over the years that I raised him his father and my sister would come to visit him, and I know that he must have cared deeply about Aeolus's mother very much. When he was old enough Poseidon came to take him away to be trained in the way of a warrior. Aeolus traveled all over to learn different types of fighting skills. He was gone for years, and I prayed to the gods that he was safe. While he was away my home on the island Naxos was ruled by a cruel king. Who only cared for himself and treated his people terribly. The mortals suffered and the island was slowly dying. Nothing grew, and the sea barley provided for them. For it's king disrespected Poseidon's queen. When you disrespect a god or worse his queen they would find a way to punish that person. But made the entire island suffered for it.

Fifteen years had passed Aeolus came home to see me. He had been away for so long, he looked so different. His hair was longer, body built like a warrior, and he stood well over 6 feet tall. He and some of his men who he commanded for years in battles had traveled back here looking to settle after being away for a long time. The soldiers were loyal to Aeolus. He had their back and they had his. He closest friends were two men Cyrus and Xander. They were both loyal to Aeolus and warriors as well. Xander has amazing skills in archery, and Cyrus was very handy with anything sharp with blades and hand to hand combat. The three of them were an amazing team."

"Were his friends born demigods? Did they know that Aeolus was one?" Maera asked Actaea.

"They were mortals and yes they did know but it didn't change how they saw him. When they returned Aeolus had heard of what was happening to the island, his home. And wanted to stop what was happening and help the people here. When the king, Dorian had heard of Aeolus and his men were planning to dispose of him, the mortal king did nothing to stop them. The people on the island and most of greece had heard of Aeolus's great battles, knew he was a demigod, and son of the god Poseidon.

When the soldiers who served King Dorian heard that the warrior and demigod Aeolus was on his way the main palace to talk with their king the soldiers and captain in charge lay down their weapons. They had too had enough of King dorians rule. And wanted to change things for the better. When Dorian heard his own men would do nothing he turned and fled left the palace like a coward. The soldiers and people of Naxos learned that that their so called king had fled they rejoiced. They were actually relieved that they didn't have to serve a king who was a coward and let his people suffer. The people were so grateful to Aeolus that they asked him to be their king. Knowing he would serve as a better king then Dorian. He changed things for the better for the people and the island.

I was so proud of him, and same with his father. Poseidon gifted Aeolus with a powerful sword with the blade forged in Olympus by Hephaestus. The blade could cut thru anything or anyone. Also, he gifted him with the mystical green stone. The stone itself held incredible powers. It could heal, protect the wearer against poison, and the stone could sense when the wearer is in danger. The stone will do whatever it could to keep the person wearing it from harm. Poseidon also gifted Aeolus one his prized horses. For horses were Poseidon's animal familiar. Each god or goddess each had an animal that was attached to them.

Aeolus's horse was an Andravida breed, they can only be found in Greece. His horse was all black, with a long mane, he stood around 5 feet tall, and had dark grey intelligent eyes. His name was Pisces and he followed Aeolus anywhere he went. The two were inseparable. With the gifts his father granted him Aeolus was unstoppable and become a great king to his people. The island became prosperous, Aeolus rebuilt the army and started a small navy that were made up of very elite warriors. The men were loyal to him. The people of the island respected him, and other kingdoms of Greece wanted to align themselves with him. Also other small kingdoms from other kingdoms a had heard of the half god king and wanted to be apart of Naxos.

"You mentioned that he died protecting the woman he loved, which will turn out to be me. If I'm understanding all of this. Which I'm still confused on how I will end up in the past? And with a son that we will have together."

"I understand it seems all very confusing. But you will end up in the past. I've been there I've seen it."

"How though? Time travel isn't possible. It's not fiction."

"The stone, it has incredible powers that can't be explained. It will serve you, and protect you. It will take you to the past." Maera couldn't wrap her mind around all this. She knew that there were things out that couldn't be explained. Just maybe it was true, her being in the past. "You mentioned Aeolus, died by his own half brother?" 

"Yes, Otto was a half mortal offspring of Poseidon. He wasn't born with any powers, and he felt that it wasn't fair that Poseidon favored Aeolus over him. He was jealous and angry at Aeolus, for their father favored him over Otto. He wanted to make his half brother pay for taking everything from him. So, he stole a blade that was forged from the god Hephaestus and used it to kill Aeolus's two people he cared for most in the world. Otto had sent men to kidnap both you and your son Drakon. Aeolus went to rescue you both, but it was also set up as a trap. Otto told him that it was his life or yours. Aeolus told him that he would give up his own for you and your son.

When I heard what Otto had done and Aeolus went after them, I suddenly had a terrible vision of him dying to protect you. I called upon Poseidon to help, he came and gave me one of his fastest horses to ride like the wind, so that I could reach them in time to help. But I was to late, when I reached you both it was to late. Otto had stabbed Aeolus with the blade. This blade could cut thru anything and could kill not just mortals but also immortals.

Aeolus was badly hurt but he was able to use his own sword to strike Otto down once and for all. Otto was dead in the sand, and Aeolus was bleeding out. Yet, you and your son were safe. I did everything I could but I was to late. He died in your arms. Poseidon and my sister Amphitrite suddenly appeared on the beach. Both calming walking thru the waves and into the sand. I have never seen my sister sad or upset in our entire lives. She had tears streaming down her beautiful face. For she saw Aeolus like a son as well. The look on Poseidon face was pure fury. His beloved and favorite son gone. They were both silent for several moments, then he asked me how his other son Otto had gotten the blade. I told him I had no idea how it came into his possession, unless he had help from someone on Olympus or Otto stole it from Hephaestus forge.

Poseidon did not like my answer. He wanted someone to blame, since Otto was dead and he could take his wrath out on him. And that he was to late in coming to save Aeolus. He knew someone had helped Otto, could have been any god or goddess. Then there was myself who was part goddess, and I was the one only standing there, he turned his fury and wrath on me. He said he entrusted Aeolus to me, to keep him safe, and to protect him. I told him I loved Aeolus like he was my own son. That I got there as fast as I could. He was to late to save his son and he needed to blame someone since Otto was defeated. Since he didn't know who would have helped Otto, Poseidon turned his anger on me. My sister pleaded with him to not blame me. That the person responsible was out there who was plotting against them both. It could have been one of his brothers. Especially Hades, who was jealous of Zeus and Poseidon having the better kingdom to rule while he was trapped in the underworld. But he didn't want to hear any of it. Until he found out who helped Otto attain the blade he would hunt them down and make them pay for what they did.

In his anger and grief Poseidon cursed me to live eternally. To never die, and must live life knowing I couldn't save Aeolus, who was like a son to me.  I have been alive for a long time. All those who I have cared for have passed on, there are some that are still alive. The old gods and goddess still exist but the rest are gone. After Poseidon cursed me I fled and went into exile. I couldn't go back to my father's home which was deep beneath the sea for i would be seen as a disgrace. For a goddess who was cursed by another god I was seen as betrayer to my own kind.

I took only a few belonging with me and left Naxos. I traveled among the islands looking for a somewhere that I could be forgotten, to be alone and grieve for Aeolus. Once I traveled for some time I had finally settled on the island of Lemnos. It wasn't very populated island. Mostly just fishing villages with no major cities. I built myself a small hut near the beach so I could still be by the sea. It was still apart of me, being born in the Aegean along with my sisters, my father Nereus and mother. I decided to live my days alone, without family without anyone. I spent days fishing in the ocean, tending my garden or making jewelry from the sea shells or sea glass I would find on the beach. I would occasionally trade with the locals in the main market. The locals on the island didn't seem to concern about me. None bothered me, and most were kind. Some of them had a feeling that I was more than just a mortal. As if they knew I was a sea nymph. But none would get close to know for sure.

After some time had passed I got up early one morning to walk along the beach. I walked out towards the water and set my feet into it. I walked a little further into the water and until it was up to my knees. How I missed my father and sisters. I missed Aeolus, my son. I just wanted to go back to the sea to be with my sisters. Then suddenly I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see a young man running towards me. Even though the memory was so long ago, thousands of years back, she could still remember her first meeting with the mortal man she feel in love with.

She thought back to that time, and as if it was replaying in her head. She could see that he had a look of concern and fear on his face. I realized why he did because I was standing knee deep in the water. To him it looked like I was trying to hurt myself. I began to walk back out of the water towards the beach. "Please don't go any further!" The young man came was running up towards me and I was able to get a better look at him. Appeared to be in his twenties, he had long dark hair, in a tunic and sandals. "Are you alright" he asked. He came up to me and put his arm around me waist and helped me out of the water. "I'm alright, thank you for helping me." We walked up onto the beach, and made our way to my hut. Once we were inside he helped me sit down. "What were you doing out in the water that far out? You could have been taken by the tides." If only he knew I was a sea nymph and that the sea was my real home. "I was being careful but thank you for your concern. What's your name?"

"It's Lysander. And yours?"

"Actaea." He looked at her and suddenly realized i was not just a mere human. "You're a sea nymph? Daughter of Nereus?"