
Love beyond time

A young woman born with an extraordinary gift of second sight who comes from the present time. She is hurled back into ancient Greece and must learn to adapt and protect herself in the past. For there are those who would use her gift of second sight for their own dark purpose. The mortals who serve the gods and Titian's will do anything for power, and a mortal born with a gift from the gods is seen to be blessed or some say cursed. Yet, this young woman finds herself in the protection of a warrior king. Among the people who would use her gift to their own dark purpose of being more powerful than they are now. The young woman finds herself falling love with the warrior, but she knows she mustn't because it could alter history itself. She knows must give her up possibly her one true love and find her way back to her time...

Samantha_Maffei · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 12

After her sister left, Actaea made her way back to the house. She couldn't shake the feeling that the visions she was having would come to pass. Before she stepped into the house she turned back to look out at the sea. She could suddenly see out at the sky there were dark clouds forming far off into the distance. Actaea felt her heart racing, she feared her vision would come to pass and now she was seeing it playing out in front her. She feared for Lysander, because she knew that her vision would pass. She couldn't stand by while she watched as the sky darkened and the waves getting ever so bigger crashing onto the beach. Actaea then raced down to the water, she had to least find Lysander before the storm hit. She only had a little time left, and being a sea nymph the water was apart of her. She had to to try, or she it would haunt her forever.

Actaea ran into the water, the waves were only getting lager and they kept crashing into her, but she didn't let that stop her. She was determined to swim out and try to find Lysander. Once she got further out she could dive under and be able to avoid the waves. As she kept trying to move further out into the water but the waves just kept pushing her back, as if they were trying to prevent her from going any further. Suddenly there was a flash of lighting and the sky become almost pitch black out. Something was wrong Actaea thought, this was no ordinary storm. A large wave crashed into her and she got caught in it, the water pulling her down underneath. The wave pushed her back into the beach, and Actaea landed face first onto the sand. She stood back up, covered in sand and looked at the storm. There was something preventing her from saving Lysander, she knew it had to be the fates, they were the three sisters who controlled mortals destines. Was it Lysander's fate then to go down with his boat in the sea? Even though she knew that their life together would be short and she knew she would lose him one day but to unable to do anything she felt totally helpless.

As she stood there on the beach her heart ached knowing what will happen. Then there was another flash of lighting, and as she looked out at the sea there was a dark shape taking form in the water. It wasn't her sister but Poseidon himself. She was shocked to see him, he hadn't made his presence known in a long time. It wasn't since Aeolus's had died on beach that day. She watched as Poseidon made his way out of the water and onto the beach. The waves and the storm didn't effect him, and he just casually walked onto the beach. He stood in front of her, and stood at least 6 ft tall, he had dark black hair, a long dark beard and grey eyes. It was almost as if she was looking at an older version of Aeolus.

"Poseidon, my lord." She made a small bow to him, he was a god and she only a sea nymph, far below the gods. He nodded his head at her acknowledging her small bow to him. "Actaea, it's been a very long time since we have seen one another."

"Yes, not since that day on the beach on Naxos." He sighed and walked up closer to where she stood, until he was right in front of her. She wasn't afraid of him, even though he tried to look intimidating. "Why are you here after all this time Poseidon, and why torment me by coming here? Wasn't it enough to curse me but knowing I couldn't save Aeolus? I wish I could have been there to use my skills of healing to to save him." She was practically shouting at him, she didn't mean to shout at a the god of the sea but she was so angry and upset that after all this time he shows up at this moment. Once she was calm, Poseidon finally spoke.

"Are you finally calming down? If you would let me speak, I wanted to come to you in person and not send someone in my place. I know my wife, your sister has come to visit you. I know she has told you what has been happening with my brother and nephew, and what they have been up to. They have been going around killing demigods born to us god and goddesses. They believe that half gods shouldn't be allowed to have powers, and that are only reserved for full immortals. I've come here to tell you that I was wrong for all that has happened to you. For having to watch Aeolus die, my son covered in blood with the dagger that Hades sent to Otto. If I had known that I would have never turned my anger out on you. All I could see was rage, and anger ran thru me."

"Don't you think I would have done everything in my power to save him. Even with the gift of sight and skills at healing I couldn't save him, and I have to live with that every day. He was like a son to me and having to watch him die was the hardest thing I've ever had to endure." She couldn't help but shout it at him, she was angry and upset. Actaea didn't have time for this, not when she had to try and find Lysander before the storm got worse. "I don't have time for this Posidedon, I've learned to live with this curse you brought on me and I've found someone to love even after Aeolus's' death. I had my own children to love and care for and a husband to love me even being a cursed sea nymph."

"I have heard that you married a mortal, very bold move for you, being that creatures such as yourself or even goods and goddesses don't normally marry mortals. We may interfere with them, and have children with them, but to marry one that goes against everything we have learned. Especially you being an outcast, even you could never go back to your home with your father and sisters. It was a very bold move Actaea. Perhaps punishing you with immortality wasn't enough then. Maybe I shall take away the second thing you love the most."

Actaea's heart was pounding so hard, fear made her stood frozen. He meant Lysander, he would make her suffer even more than she already has. "You brought on this terrible storm, it is you controlling this! Make it stop, please Lysander did nothing wrong, punish me not him. He doesn't deserve this!" She screamed it at him, but it was useless, nothing she said would change his mid. Poseidon turned from her to look out at the sea, the sky was darkened now, the waves getting late her by the second and the sea itself was dark looking. "A mortal should know better then to fall in love with a cursed being, it would anger the god. He is at fault too, and needs to pay the price."

"How, how did you find out? Was is Amphitrite, did she tell you?"

"No it was not her, she was careful not to say anything. Your sister wouldn't betray you, she loves you far to much. I've have known for a some time now, I was able to convince one of the priestess who over sees my temple here on the island, who worships me report back to me. When my son died that day and I cursed you, you left soon after banishing yourself into self exile. No one knew where you left not even Amphitrite. Who would have thought you would end up here in Lemnos, another cursed place."

"Please don't punish Lysander, take it out on me, you have to stop this storm." She begged him but he had already made up his mind. "It's not up to me but the the three fates, the sisters know his destiny, only they can control mortals fates."

"So, this is what it's come to then, being only a sea nymph, I have no say in anything. What would Amphitrite say if she knew what you were up to? She doesn't know does she, she has no idea what you planned." He didn't say a word to her but turned away and looked out at the water. Him not saying anything confirmed that he didn't tell her sister what he had done. "She will never forgive you, Amphitrite would never let this happen."

He turned to loom back up at her, and said "you will not tell her, nor does she need to ever know. I have mad up my mind Actaea and that is final. Do not try to contact Amphitrite, your sister, or any others. You are forever banished, cursed to live eternally." With those words he turned away from her and made his way back to the water. He walked into the waves that were now only getting lager than before, he walked into them as if they were nothing. She shouted after him saying that none of this wasn't right, that he couldn't get away with this, but he was already gone. He became part of the sea and disappeared into it.

All Actaea could do is watch as the waves got bigger and the storm only got worse. She could feel tears running down her face, the last time she felt them was when Aeolus's was killed that day on the beach. How she wished she couldn't feel them, now she would be cursed to live forever with her grief.