
Love beyond time

A young woman born with an extraordinary gift of second sight who comes from the present time. She is hurled back into ancient Greece and must learn to adapt and protect herself in the past. For there are those who would use her gift of second sight for their own dark purpose. The mortals who serve the gods and Titian's will do anything for power, and a mortal born with a gift from the gods is seen to be blessed or some say cursed. Yet, this young woman finds herself in the protection of a warrior king. Among the people who would use her gift to their own dark purpose of being more powerful than they are now. The young woman finds herself falling love with the warrior, but she knows she mustn't because it could alter history itself. She knows must give her up possibly her one true love and find her way back to her time...

Samantha_Maffei · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 11

Actaea had finished with her story, and Maera just couldn't believe what she had was told, it was all so much to take in. "I can't believe that everything that you went thru that you still are all alone and cursed for eternity."

"I was actually happy with Lysander, we even had a family together. We had two daughters, Lily and Casandra. Both of our girls were the joys of our lives, they were both born with gifts of their own. Lily gained the second sight as I have, and Casandra had the gift of healing."

"You had children together?"

"Yes, we sea nymphs can have children, like the gods and goddesses, children born to humans are only half gods, like Aeolus and many others."

"What happened to your daughters, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, after Lysander and I got married it only it was only a year later we had our first daughter Lilly. We both couldn't be happier, but I was worried that our children could inherit some of my powers. Being only half sea nymph it would be harder for them to control their gifts, which concerned me cause who knew what their future would be. Lilly was born with the second sight, and I felt that it should have only been me to take on that burden. That gift alone could take over and possess anyone that would be born with it. That power takes a toll on the seer and eventually it consumes them. I didn't want that for my daughter or any daughter born afterwards. For Poseidon hadn't just cursed me with eternity, but any girl born after my daughters would inherit that second sight. He made sure I would suffer having to watch my decedents cursed with this gift. It wasn't enough for him to curse me but he wanted know how much it hurt to see the ones I loved be cursed as well. I'm so sorry my dear that you have to suffer for something that is my burden."

"I don't blame you for this gift, nor what has happened in the past. You have been so alone for so long, and almost everyone that you knew is long gone."

"Well, I do have you, you are my decadent, so we are family. I know that you mentioned that you have an aunt?"

"Yes my aunt Theities, she was also born with the second sight. She took me in when I was younger. We can be your family." Maera leaned over and hugged Actaea. "You're not alone anymore."

"Thank you dear, you reminded me a little of my oldest daughter lily. You both look alike and both caring."

"Do you mind if I ask what happened to your daughters?"

"No not at all, it doesn't hurt me anymore more knowing that they had lived full lives and it's all in the past now. We lived as a family for many years, until my daughters were old enough to be married. When it came time for them to settle down and start their own families Lysander and I were happy for them. Lilly was married off to the towns black smith, he was a caring man, he was a good provider and loved her so very much. They had daughters of their own. Then my youngest Cassandra married a fisher man, they were happy for a time until her husband became ill and passed away at a young age. He was only 20 when he passed away and my dear Cassandra never got over his death. They didn't have any children and she didn't want to remarry again for it was to painful for her. So, she decided to commit herself to being a priestess for Aphrodite at one of the temples on the island. I hoped she would find someone to be with but that was her decision and I supported her in that. It wasn't until some time later when I lost the second person I cared for most was taken from me. My beloved Lysander would be caught in a terrible storm, and would never return to me.

It started with him gathering supplies down at his boat which was sat next to a small fishing pier, which he had built it to keep his boat near our home, so he wouldn't have to go all the way onto the other side where the other boats were kept.

It was that morning that he was getting ready to head out and I woke up feeling that something was amiss. I kept having terrible visions of the sea during a raging storm. I ran down to the pier to meet with Lysander to warm him about the visions. He told me that everything will be alright, that there wasn't a cloud in sight, nothing but clear skies. He then leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. I wrapped my arms around him and just held him for a few moments, then we said our goodbyes and he climbed onto the boat. I watched him cast off, and watched him sail out into the sea. I stood there for the longest time until I couldn't see his boat anymore. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen, the visions kept hunting me. As I turned to head back to the path to the house I sensed someone was near by. I turned around and saw movement coming from the water. Then suddenly i could see coming up from the water was my sister Amphitrite. I haven't seen her in several years, not since that day she showed up on the beach to find me after Aeolus died. I knew she wouldn't be able to convince Poseidon to change his mind. From what I learned from my sister, that once someone either human or creature was cursed by a god or goddess it's nearly impossible to reverse almost any curse. Especially if the curse was placed in anger, almost never could be reversed.

"Amphitrite, it's been a long time since I've seen you."

"Hellos sister, it's so good to see you." She came out from the water and I meet her on the beach. She held out her arms and we hugged each other, which felt really nice since we haven't seen each other in so long. "I didn't think I would see you again."

"Neither did I, I know it's been years but I wanted to see you."

"Why are you here sister? It's been years since we have seen each other, and I know that your husband wouldn't reverse this curse of mine. And now my oldest daughter is born with the gift of second sight. It wasn't enough for him to curse me but my daughter, your niece Amphitrite." Her sister was quite for a moment, for she didn't know what to say. "I am so sorry sister, I didn't want him to put that on you or daughters. I came here to let you know that Poseidon found out who was behind Aeolus's death. I'm so sorry it took this long to know who was behind that terrible act. It was his brother hades and Zeus's son Ares. They felt threatened by Aeolus's power and being a favorite of Poseidon. The three of them have been fighting for power since then."

"I had a feeling it could have Hades, but Ares?"

"He felt threatened by Aeolus, for a demigod being gifted with powers."

"I cannot believe that the two would plot that together."

"From what I have learned it wasn't just Aeolus, they have attacked other demigods. They feel that half mortals shouldn't be allowed to have powers or walk this earth. They think that demigods would destroy Olympias and the ways of the gods."

"That is insane, finding other demigods and picking them off one by one? Please tell me that Maera and her son are safe?"

"They are alright sister, Poseidon has someone watching over them." I was relieved to hear that they were alright. I couldn't bear it if something were to happen to them. "Thank you for telling me sister, that's something I've been waiting to hear for a long time."

"You're welcome, I am truly sorry that I couldn't have the curse lifted, but I wanted to let you know who was behind it. I have to be going soon, no one knows I'm here."

"I understand, and thank you." I leaned in and hugged her, it was good to see her after all this time.

"Goodbye dear sister, until we meet again." She watched her sister made her way back into the water and she was no longer there. Actaea turned away from there water and then she turned back to the path towards her house. First the visions and now her sister came to see her after not seeing each other for years. Then learning that Hades and Ares was behind the act of Aeolus's death and other demigods death. Actaea felt that it was just a bad omen and knew something was going to happen she just didn't know what that was yet.