

Klhoe is the daughter of Mrs. Hale. Her dad pass away while she was young. Every since then, her mother automatically became a parent to her. She started catering as a father, and a mother to klhoe. They are very rich and own an important spot in the world. Numerous luxurious property. Klhoe is a belle that any guy would want her forever. She's very beautiful and very intelligent. She found herself in a mysterious situationship that struggles her mental health and her way of life. She doesn't want to spew it out to her mom, she pleaded Lia to keep it to themselves alone .. The situation is damaging her life and it leading to death and yet she kept it to herself and her best friend Lia. what could lead to this fear of not wanting to open up to her? Will she later spew it out? Who would find the solution to the mysterious situation she can't explain? Stay tune and grab your popcorn to bask every episode happily. Read and leave your honest reviews.

Lateef178 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Wilson Abode

"God day dad."

Dan enter the sitting room with an excitement written on his face. He must be very happy to see his dad after many years of dwelling in the place where he had no genuine moment or friends to rock with. Wilson didn't give him any glance at all.

Dan didn't bother about his father reaction towards him. He's used to being harshed on by his dad which he has no reason why his dad keep reacting that way to him. Even if his mother never stay long on earth but, they had undiluted bond together.

He shook his head and headed upstairs to keep his luggages in his room. When he got there,he found out that the room is locked. He didn't bother. He rush downstairs thinking his father locked the door because he wasn't around. He walk slowly as he got down from the stairs.

"Dad,my room is locked." He said smiling at his dad awaiting a response. He waited for few minute. Wilson didn't say anything. He then move closer and touch him "Dad. My room is locked. Do you have the key?" He ask as he touch him. "You don't have room here. You'll Scort with me in my room. Alright?"

He look at his dad in a surprise manner. He couldn't say anything because he knew anything can happen that could lead to violent if he question him on why he can't get access to his room. He went back upstairs to drop his luggages in Wilson's room. Immediately he slam the door behind him as he enter the room,he paused and clean his hands with his two hands. "What!" He exclaimed.

"Who's a bitch? Can someone name be a bitch?" He began asking himself rhetorical question looking around the room. He saw many many female pictures there but Klhoe's picture is very much in Wilson's room. "Who are this people?" He ask himself.

He was looking around the room which seem odd to him because of it changes. He left the house with no pictues of another female in Wilson's room only his mother but now, he's seeing neither his mom's picture nor his own. He scratched his head to try to understand what he's seeing but could understand nothing.

He drop his bag and gather himself back to the sitting room where Wilson was sitting. "Dad,you didn't me you've become an Artiste? He ask smiling at his Wilson who isn't reciprocating the energy. "Artiste?" He ask Dan. "yes,dad." .

"What do you mean?" Wilson ask with an harsh voice. "Dad,I wasn't trying to be silly but I'm serious!" He said stylishing raising his voice. "Well,I never knew this is what I'm spending my millions on" Wilson said with a grave voice. Dan didn't say anything. He was just staring at another direction.

"Who's a bitch? I don't understand the pictures I'm seeiing there dad. What's that for?" He ask burying his head down. "Don't bother about that, it's nothing" Willson said calming his nerves. It seem as though the moment he heard bitch,his body became calmer. Could it be because if Klhoe that he use to call bitch.

"I don't want to calm down dad. I left here leaving the house as innocent as it should be. I came back seeing all sorts of what words can't even express. It's annoying dad. Where's my mom's pictures? You Kept them somewhere and dished her pictures over. Alright. Just tell me you've gotten a new wife. And even if you've gotten,how come I'm seeing different pictures there?

Dan angrily brave up to yell at his dad. He didn't look at his face to calm down at all. He's burning in, and unleashing the anger and pain on his dad. "Oh! No wonder you don't even want to see me. I don't know why you gave birth to me when you know you don't even want me in this world. I'm just 16!! You are treating like an outsider. Was I being abducted? Talk to me dad. I was patience,I was tolerating, thinking one day you will change for me,for my health, for my Future,for my dream. You don't even know anything about me..you just ..."

Wilson interrupted. "Will you shut up and get upstairs NOW!" He yell at Dan who's still ranting and ranting.

"I won't unless you open my room for me. I don't even know if I'm in another world because, hey! I don't understand my dad anymore,just as I always being confused of him. Was I being abducted? Tell me..." His voice cracked as tears roll out of his eyes.

Wilson didn't look at him. He took his phone and his car key and a stake a few step out if his presence.

"Dad?" Dan call Wilson emotional thinking he's gonna turn back. "make sure you stay good" he said as he exit the sitting room.

All Dan could think of is how to hijack the room. He's very certain according to his instinct that the room is filled with something his dad doesn't want to allow anyone to see because he locked the room with different manual Keys. It's crazy on how a father could be this harsh on his only son.

He went in and arrange his clothes in the cupboard and arrange other stuffs too. He was checking a book shelf when a call rang in.

"You're at home right?" John said to Dan. "Yes. I just could believe what I saw." he said. "What did you see?" he ask with a grave voice. "Well,my dad told me i don't have a room in his house again. I just don't understand. I saw different pictures of different girls in his room. I ask him if he's an artist. He didn't answer. I've just confused Mr. Jon. my dad doesn't want me at all. please if you know about how I become his child please tell me. was i abducted? Please,I really need to know. I'm confused on how I don't even have a say in my father's house since I grew up. I've known him to be thus harsh. okay! I've been tolerating maybe he's gonna change. The more he keep getting worst. I'm...I just..I'm.."

Dan become supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. John abet him to keep calm that he's gonna talk about it to him as he cut the call.