

Klhoe is the daughter of Mrs. Hale. Her dad pass away while she was young. Every since then, her mother automatically became a parent to her. She started catering as a father, and a mother to klhoe. They are very rich and own an important spot in the world. Numerous luxurious property. Klhoe is a belle that any guy would want her forever. She's very beautiful and very intelligent. She found herself in a mysterious situationship that struggles her mental health and her way of life. She doesn't want to spew it out to her mom, she pleaded Lia to keep it to themselves alone .. The situation is damaging her life and it leading to death and yet she kept it to herself and her best friend Lia. what could lead to this fear of not wanting to open up to her? Will she later spew it out? Who would find the solution to the mysterious situation she can't explain? Stay tune and grab your popcorn to bask every episode happily. Read and leave your honest reviews.

Lateef178 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Unknown number

# Unknown number #

Lia stretches her hand giving Klhoe her phone. She collected the phone and look at the caller's name "Unknown Private number" she glance at Lia. Lia gave her an eye contact telling her to pick the call. She takes a deep breath in and out and pick the call.

"Hey bitch. It quite an age I messaged you. I just couldn't do that because of the stuff we always had everyday. I think that's enough to pleasured with." the caller said while laughing at the same time making it feel like she knew about the stuff he's talking about. "What stuff? I don't even know you" she said with a grave voice. Lia glance at her to calm her nerves so as not to fidget while talking. "Well, it's Wilson. The one you kissed at BIQ city" he said.

Klhoe couldn't bear the embarrassing conversation he's having with the caller but Lia keep calming her with a sign to calm down. "I didn't kissed you. You forced me unexpectedly and kissed me." She said hissing at the caller. "I just want to see you. I will send my address to BIQ city. Alright?"

Klhoe didn't give him response as she angrily use the red button on her phone. "I understand,you don't want to speak right now but you just don't have to unleashed your anger on everyone." She said camly to her.

"Who's it?" Lia ask looking straight to her eyes. "It's Wilson!" She said. "Oh!" Lia exclaimed. "what did he say?" Lia ask. "He said he's gonna send his address to me that I should come visit him."

"That not what is bothering me Klhoe. I've ruined my life Lia. I just don't know how tomorrow is gonna turn out. Mom is gonna Know I'm not a virgin anymore. Not even once did I experienced being banged by unknown person,till now Lia .."

She break down as tears roll out from her eyes to her cheek. "I don't know how to tell you the worst part of this Lia,I feel like. I'm gonna die while trying to spew that..." Her voice sounded more lower, Showing how low her voice have become.

"Calm down. What's it that happened again that you haven't spew to me. I guess you've spew the worst part of it Klhoe." Lia calmly said to her. "That's why I said you don't know how I'm feeling. I'm literally not me. You ought to understand!!"

"I understand you Lia. I do. I really understand you. Did I criticize you? I didn't discriminate you! I just want you to to hear from me too. I understand how you are feeling.."

Klhoe didn't let her finish her statement as she interrupted. "Have you ever been in this situation before? Don't tell me you understand the way I'm feeling. I might have explain few to you but you don't know how it feels. Do you even know how I'm feeling? Do you even know what I've been through? Do you even know how I'm surviving with this? Do you even know how miserable my life is now? Do you ..do you ..do...you..," her voice cracked as she fell down from the bed to the floor rolling on the ground like a little baby. The feeling must have been deeper that Lia could handle. She bend down holding her head implying how tired she's too.

"Klhoe I understand what you are trying to say. It's fine if you say I don't really know the feelings is because I haven't experienced it before. That's fine. But,your crying won't solve that you don't want to spew out and the one you've spew out. You don't even want me to talk.."

Klhoe interrupted her with a shocking statement that Lia could not help but screamed. "I've done an abortion during this ..." Lia couldn't made her complete her statement as they both look at each other like a caught thieves. "What!!" She screamed. Klhoe quicky stood up and cover her mouth with her two hands. "Do you want to implicate me?" She ask while still covering Lia's mouth with her two hands looking back if anybody will jerk in. Fortunately nobody knock the door after few minutes. "I can't believe this Klhoe." Lia shook her head as tears roll down on her cheek. ",I can't believe it myself..I mean..I am .. miserable!" Her voice cracked as she said that.

"And you didn't tell no one. Not even your me,if you can't tell your mom... I mean,I can't believe this!'

Lia isn't buying this with calmness at all. She stood up from where she was sitting holding her head while moving round Klhoe's room wearing a disappointed face.

"You should have .." Klhoe interrupted her with a grave tone. "shut up!" She exclaimed. Lia pause and look back looking straight to her face directly. "Do you think, I feel relive telling you this? Do you think I want to dwell in this situation? Do you even think it's a situation to boost to talk about? Like,you don't get this Lia, I'm being banged by an unknown person. Got pregnant by an unknown monster. Not once.."

Lia interrupted. "You aborted not even once?!" Her voice sounded more emotional that tears couldn't stop rolling out of her eyes. She doesn't know how to control the feeling behind what she just heard Klhoe said. It just feel like she's in a dream of unrealistic world.

"Lia,you are making it worst! Don't you know how this situation seem complex than you thought? I've done that. I did that. And I'm still going to do that if that happens again because that's the only away I can curb it obviousness!"

Klhoe said with a grave voice which sounded more pathetic than one could hallucinate of. "Jezz!!" Lia exclaimed.

"Do you realized how dangerous that seem to be? Don't you think your life is on risk? Who did tthe abortion for you? Where? How? Who got you pregnant? Wilson?! Khloe talk to me!!"

Lia adrenaline becomes higher than she could control. She doesn't know what to say to Lia. Different thoughts began slamming her head. Everything Klhoe have been telling her about her current optical situation flashed back to her head. She then pause and ask Lia sounding more like a banal being who's debile of this situation but still struggling to catch up.

"Tell me the truth,did Wilson did this to you?" Lia ask.

"what are you saying Lia? I mean,I explained few to you. An unsung soul did this to me. The funniest part is that,I only feel the pleasure alone. I feel the pain,I feel the human but I never see the 'U' in the MAN! I mean,i don't know if there's a mystery behind this. Was this supposed to be an act of showing love mysteriously?!"

How's it possible to be loved mysteriously? Maybe there's. Klhoe isn't sure of who did this to her. She doesn't know how to comprehend the feeling. The more she try to comprehend her situation,the more it becomes more blurry to her.

"MYSTERY?!" Lia ask rhetorically. It didn't sound more like it for her. She look at her Klhoe and repeat the question again "Mystery?" Klhoe nodded like an hagama lizard emotionally. She's in the space where one would say I'm supercalifragilisticexpialidocious through the way she nodded.

Knock! knock! knock!

"Dinner is ready Miss Klhoe and Lia."

Bint said she said wait for their responses. "Alright. We are behind you already." Klhoe said with a calm voice.

"There's something hidden about bint. I'm not sure but I know there is ." Lia said gathering herself off her mood to get set for the dinner. "What do you mean?" Klhoe ask as she stood up from where she was sitting to get set too for the dinner. "Just don't worry,a lot I saw but a thing will review all" Lia replied her idiomatically. "Oh! I didn't forget you always smashed the first position in English Language back. Does that mean,you want to use that to throw me in darkness?"

Lia look at her and smile saying " Don't worry. All days for man,one day for the real man" she said,still throwing her in the darkness.

"Message pop on Klhoe's phone"

"Hey baby bitch. It's Wilson Clark. I'm anticipating on when you're gonna come visit. This is my address.."

She finished reading the message and shake her head. She doesn't know what to say again to Klhoe. She didn't show her the message Wilson sent. They both step out of the room to have a nice dinner.

Her mother couldn't take an an eye roll off her till they finish their meal. it's just as if she's Looking at a stranger who came in here to give her unnecessary thoughts to think about.