

Klhoe is the daughter of Mrs. Hale. Her dad pass away while she was young. Every since then, her mother automatically became a parent to her. She started catering as a father, and a mother to klhoe. They are very rich and own an important spot in the world. Numerous luxurious property. Klhoe is a belle that any guy would want her forever. She's very beautiful and very intelligent. She found herself in a mysterious situationship that struggles her mental health and her way of life. She doesn't want to spew it out to her mom, she pleaded Lia to keep it to themselves alone .. The situation is damaging her life and it leading to death and yet she kept it to herself and her best friend Lia. what could lead to this fear of not wanting to open up to her? Will she later spew it out? Who would find the solution to the mysterious situation she can't explain? Stay tune and grab your popcorn to bask every episode happily. Read and leave your honest reviews.

Lateef178 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


"I think we will need a small bag for the last outfit we want to wear after party. Should i pick the black one?", Klhoe said showing Amelia the beautiful bling bling bag she is holding. "Awww..it's beautiful" Lia check the bag and check it quality too. Message pop on Klhoe's phone. ",Hope it's alert" Klhoe teases.

"What's good bitch. I don't know your name. Maybe you should tell me. I'm lost in the air. I'm trying, seriously. I'm trying to get over this feelings. Is not helping but, getting deeper beyond measure. Are you feeling the way I'm feeling? Just give me response. Maybe,I will be alright. Bitch,I'm drowning. Help me out of this. I'm always anticipating your response. This is Wilson Clark." Klhoe's mood changes as she finish reading the message .

"I didn't reply this message last time I saw this message. Was it in the dream? Am I really okay? I have seen this message before. I don't know where,when,how,from who. I'm literally confused" Klhoe said to herself innerly.

"Khloe! Klhoe! Klhoe" Lia pushes her to know if she is really okay.

"You just pushed me" Klhoe said to Lia

"why won't I push you. I've literally call you thrice now. Come here bestie,are you okay? Lia calmly ask her.

"I'm not okay" Klhoe started tearing out . That got to Lia because she have never seen her in this emotional mood before

"Why are you crying? Who sent you message? What's the ideal of the message? Why crying? Lia hold her bestie down to calm her down

"Never mind Lia, I'll be alright. I'm just over thinking things I think." Lhoe said as they exit the shopping mall.

"You know what,let go for lunch and sort this mess out", Lia said as they both hop in Lhoe's Benz.

"You gonna drive?"Lia ask Klhoe

"Nah. Don't have the strength. I think I need rest" Lhoe said

"Alright let head home then" Lia zoom the car

On their way heading to Klhoe's mansion, Amelia calls her mom, telling her she wouldn't be coming tonight.


"You're fine?" Mrs. Hale ask her daughter as Lia and Lhoe arrive home .

"Mom, I'm good" Klhoe said

"Amelia, you're sure she's good?", Mrs. Hale question Lia

"She's good mom. She's just tired", Lia replied her

"Oh my gush,it's 7pm already" Lhoe screamed as she jerk in her room

"When did you started lying to your mom? I've never seen this side of you before. I mean,you could lie to anybody,not to your mom. I'm curious!" Lia said as she enter Lhoe's room with lots of packages on her hands.

"I know right. I think you are just taking too serious. I'm fine Lia. I won't lie to my mom you know." Lhoe said

" (Screaming) You will be twenty one tomorrow Lia and I will be twenty one next tomorrow. Isn't that great?" Lhoe said

"Awww.. thank you so much bestie. I mean, beyond greatness" Lia calmly said as she huge her bestie

"I know you're celebrating your birthday on Sunday but,I've got you special gift tomorrow Hun" Klhoe said as she huge her bestie"

"You're making me feeling emotional" Lia teases

"Awww... that's so sweet of you Lia" Lhoe said

"21 girls should come down for dinner. It's getting late already" Mrs. Hale said as she tease the girls to come down for dinner

"Okay mummy. A minute" Lhoe said

"Your food is so dilicious mom" Lia said.

"Thanks dear. I've got that skill naturally" Mrs.Hale said as they all laugh out loud


Just as it should be, Klhoe wake up as early as possible. She makes sure Lia isn't awake too. She stoop up and headed to the sitting room. She is very happy her bestie is 21 today and she'll be 21 too tomorrow. It's no doubt Klhoe came from a wealthy family so,she could achieve every of her desires. She have been preparing this moment since like forever. Her plan was to surprise her with the guy Lia have been crushing on which she's aware of. She has been preparing this special surprise with the guy and it's no doubt,the guy also feel the same. She call the guy if the guy is in their compound already. Of course, everything is well set in a glamorous pinkish settings. She come out to see the handsome guy. His look is enchanting and very charming. She told the guy to wait,that,she will be back in few minutes. She headed to her room to call the birthday girl. She wants to brush her teeth before going out but Klhoe insisted her on going that way. She came out and got aback of all the fabulous surprises and amazing packages her friend have bought for her. Her favorite singer was there too. He sing for Lia and huge her too. The one that got to her is the guy that she have always want to have as a boo.

"Oh...my ..God! " Lia screamed

"what's that" Klhoe asked

"Jeez!! Did you know him? Where did you know him from?" Lia ask as she turn her back to the guy

"Well,I realize he is the guy you always want to have as your boyfriend even beyond. So,I thought of asking him if he likes you. And guess what Lia? Lhoe teases

"Don't be weird Lhoe. I'm feeling exnervous already" Lia said

"He came to ask you out. He also feel the same way." Lhoe said

"Are you sure?", Lia ask

"I'm Richard" he stretches his hand to have an handshake with Lia

"He is cute" Lia said to herself innerly

"I'm Amelia. Closes call me Lia " Lia said

"I'm not surprised" Richard said

"Why?" Lia ask

"Because beautiful girl like you always bear the name " Richard hyped

"Well,if you say so" they both laugh off it..

"Happy birthday beautiful Lia" Richard wishes her

"Thanks" Lia appreciated

"Happy birthday bestie, welcome to 21 hood" Klhoe said

" I love you bestie. You are the best. Thanks" Lia said as they all headed inside

",This is a palace,I must say" Richard said as he step in the sitting room.

"Thanks dear" Lhoe said

"Happy birthday my beautiful daughter. I'm so happy you're 21 already. Long anticipating Beautiful moment" Catherine said as she walk towards her daughter

"You didn't tell you're coming" Lia said in a surprising mood

"Always there, anytime Lia" Catherine said

"Awww..I love whenever you call me Lia. You are the best. Thanks mummy" Lia said

"I bought you this Beautiful necklace" Catherine give her the necklace

"This is beautiful mummy" Lia said

"I know you will like it" Catherine said

"Mom,I love it. Thank you" Lia appreciated

"This is a gift from me" Richard give her ta beautiful box

"oh my gosh! This is beautiful Louis Vuitton wrist watch" Lia said

"Yup!" Richard nodded

"Thanks" Lia said as she huge him tightly. She quickly stop as everywhere became silent

"Sorry. I was just over moon" Lia said to Richard

"I understand. I mean,you should be" Richard said

"Happy birthday 21 girl" Mrs. Hale wishes her

"Awww.. thanks" she quickly rush to meet her and huge her


Birthday messages pop in Klhoe's phone

"Happy birthday bitch. I'm so happy it's your day. I wish you more knowledge and prosperous days in life. I want you to know that I love you. I care about you. I cherish you. I adore you. I respect you. I wish to see you. I could go extra mile for your love. For you. For your love. This is Wilson Clark,your beloved. Your response could heal me,trust me when I say that. Happy birthday 21!

"Bestie, I'm so happy today is your day. I'm so happy it's not just a year of success but beyond that. Happy birthday. I will catch you in a minute,miss 21!" Lhoe drop her phone as she finish reading the messages that pop in her phone.

"Aww.. thanks bestie" she said innerly

"I'm not gonna lie,I have ..." Lia cut the her short as she complete the statement for her

"seen this message before,but don't know where,when,how,from who. Are sure you are okay?" Lia said as she jerk in