

Klhoe is the daughter of Mrs. Hale. Her dad pass away while she was young. Every since then, her mother automatically became a parent to her. She started catering as a father, and a mother to klhoe. They are very rich and own an important spot in the world. Numerous luxurious property. Klhoe is a belle that any guy would want her forever. She's very beautiful and very intelligent. She found herself in a mysterious situationship that struggles her mental health and her way of life. She doesn't want to spew it out to her mom, she pleaded Lia to keep it to themselves alone .. The situation is damaging her life and it leading to death and yet she kept it to herself and her best friend Lia. what could lead to this fear of not wanting to open up to her? Will she later spew it out? Who would find the solution to the mysterious situation she can't explain? Stay tune and grab your popcorn to bask every episode happily. Read and leave your honest reviews.

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The bighall is luxuriously decorated in a pinkish settings. Well garnished with few bling bling beautiful colors. The looks and height of her cakes couldn't hold down a bit, because,it caught the attention of even nonliving.Today is the celebration of Amelia's 21 day and everywhere is making a sound amazingly.The setting of the big hall is what should be studied because it beyond just an art of creation.

Everyone is well set at the hall looking fantastically puted. "Jeez!" One of the guest said as he graced the beautiful hall.There is different food, drinks, games,and many more to be done in Amalia's birthday. She has always want to have a big birthday party celebration where everyone will come celebrate with her even anyone.

This is her first birthday celebration and she's indeed happy about it. Her mother and her father are all set ready to zoom out to the hall. Yes,it's all about their daughter's birthday, Amelia.


"You look beautiful" Mr. Ben reveals as he look back to see her her daughter."Thanks dad. I should be, you know" Lia teases as she huge her dad"I know right" Mr.Ben kisses her daughter's cheek"You don't have to be shy,you are the word belle" Catherine said walking towards Amelia and her husband. "Mom,don't be weird. I'm on makeup" Lia said as she embrace her mom firmly "I LOVE YOU MOM!" she said ."oh! You don't love me?" Mr.Ben teases as they walk out of their abode."DAD! You know love is what I have for you" lia said as she entered the car. Zoom! zoom! Off to the hall


Everyone is enjoying the dainty moment of the birthday party as the celebrant grace the hall. The M.C raise an alarm as Amelia walks majestically heading to where her cake was. Her mom is by bedside her just as the way her dad hold her sweetly. It was an amazing moment that can't be trade for nothing for Amelia.The popular singer started singing, Amelia dance classily to her special seat. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMELIA!" was what Amelia could hear. She felt the look and it look and sound real to her."Happy birthday my beautiful daughter,I love you so much. I will always be there to make you happy anytime. Hope you like this decorations" Mr. Ben said as she kisses her cheek."Awww... I'm emotional dad. Thank you my backbone. I love what I'm seeing dad." Amelia said hugging her dad firmly.

"Birthday of belle is always different, just as the way different minds grace this hall today,not because of the birthday,but the belle that is rare. Happy birthday my beautiful belle" Catherine wishes her daughter."You are always poetic with your words. I love you so much." Lia said giving her mom the sweetest kisses on her cheek. It's time to cut the cake. Everyone was screaming her name making her feel more happy about her day." Oh my gosh!!! Where's Klhoe?" She said to herself looking round the big Beautiful hall if she could see her. She walks towards her cake calmly. This time,with her new Beautiful pink gown.Richard walks in looking fabulously clean from his hair to his toes. Amelia couldn't hold but to sign out of what she's seeing.Richard walk towards her and collected the microphone from the M.C insisting he has a poem for Amelia. The M.c announces it and everyone was happy about it and that makes Amelia more confused on why everyone is so happy on hearing from him. As if the person is in her mind, "He is a popular poet with a nice voice" one of he guest clear her thoughts"Happy birthday Amelia" Richard said as he huge Amelia. "Thank you" she said ."I have a poem for you" Richard said In a sweet voice that Amelia couldn't control her emotion."Wow!" She gushes ."I hope you like it" Richard said


I never know the word love

I couldn't define it for real

I crave to know love

be'coz I want to feel the moment of reel

I believe I could see one

That will make me feel it

Faith told me have found someone

That will foreverly give me to eat.

Lia never talk to me

But I could feel the vibe from afar

Whenever she passes me

It always the feeling i crave for so far

Now! I can define love

Because have felt a different feeling

Feeling that can't be trade for loaf

That's real and always make a healing

Everyone was in the feeling, enjoying the amazing poem Richard was reciting for Amelia. She was shy,at the same time feeling the moment.

Happy happy happy is you (Pointing to Lia)

Just as the way I always want it for you

I will never make that an opposite for you

Only you,you is all I see everyday, world of you.

Everyone stood up to clap for Richard for the amazing recitation of poem they heard him sang with his nice voice. It was indeed a beautiful moment to see and experience. "I hope you liked it Lia?" Richard said facing Amelia who is just staring at him emotionally. "Thank you so much Richard. I'm glad I could make you feel that. I could relate too" Lia said hugging Richard. "I bought you a gift" Richard said ."Wow. Really?" Lia said."Yay" Richard said as he stretches his hand giving Lia a rap big box. "Thank you so much Richard. You are a good friend" Lia said .

They cut the cake Klhoe haven't arrive still. The party started fully as everyone begin dancing with the celebrant and spraying her money. It was indeed an amazing birthday celebration.Amelia quickly rush out of the hall to call Klhoe outside."She is not even picking" she said to herself."Who's that " Catherine walk towards her daughter. "Klhoe. She is not here" Klhoe said to her mom ."What happened to her?" Catherine ask trying to call her on her mobile phone."she's not picking still" Catherine said to herself."Oh my gosh!" Calm down Catherine said to Lia ."Maybe she's not with her phone or something urgently occur that's why she couldn't make it." Catherine said trying to take Lia's mind off the pressure

"Mom, Klhoe would have call me zillions of time if she wouldn't make it" Klhoe said feeling uncomfortable."Don't stress yourself and enjoy your day. Klhoe isn't coming Hun" Richard said as he join them outside the hall. "For real?" Lia ask .", For real!" Richard clear her thoughts." Let go have fun,it's your day! She will be fine you know. Maybe she's into something important. I saw her" Richard said trying to calm Lia. "O-okay. I will catch you in" Lia said."No Hun,let go in together", Richard said to Lia .