
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

The Kim Clan's Mini Family

Or maybe, Jim might-be-passed-out soon?

"Yargh, what just happened?"

"Make a way! Make a way!" he moves a bit faster before flopping the weight that he carries on his back on the sofa.

A small cute figure, with jet-black hair, lay peacefully on the sofa. He frowns a bit while shutting his eyes tight.

"Don't tell me he's drunk..." says Reese, glaring at Jimin.

"He is not. He just... Sleeping,"

All eyes watch the figure. He keeps his composure tight. Taesan shakes his head a bit.

"Sleep? For real??"

"He's too lazy to wake up. I need to drag him out of the car. I feel like my back got dislocated now," Jimin stretches his back a bit.

"Hyung... Gi hyung..." Taeyang shakes the body a bit. He grunts before slamming a small pillow on his face.

"Hyung... Wake up..." he murmurs something before smacking Taesan's hand away.

"Jimin, bring me a hand towel..." asks Reese. Her eyes squint a bit. She has her way to wake her brothers. They are familiar with that method.

It's either the towel or the fan.

Jimin comes out from the kitchen with a hand towel. Reese grabs the towel from him and snaps the towel, pulling both ends of the towel. A snap sound echoes all over the house.

Slowly, Gi opens his eyes and wakes up. He looks at Reese with his small cute eyes.

"Fine... Fine... I am awake now..."

"Good. I was just about to give you a good massage," Reese smirks. Gi scratches his head, his lips turn into a straight line.

"You lied to me, hyung?! Do you have any idea how heavy you are??" Jimin almost smacks Gi's head. He grins and doesn't even flinch at all.

Gi grins as he slowly stands up and pats the boy's shoulder. Jimin was about to kick his shin but since his leg had given up on unnecessary activity just now, he only sighed heavily.

"You did well. I'm proud of you..."

I should just toss you in front of the main gate, you scum!

Jimin squints his eyes toward Gi. The man winks a bit, making him blush all over his face.

Say no more!

No matter how much trouble Gi gave him, he always knew how to tackle Jimin with his actions.

"So, did you kill him?" Gi flashes a face of interest to Taesan and So. Taesan shakes his head.

"Eh? You should kill him! Remember our policy, no live victim!" he fusses up.

"There's no need for killing a stupid cheater like him. Not even worth it," says Taesan.

"He deserves to die, Hyung! I mean, noona gave him everything! Even took care of him when he was sick!" says Taeyang.

"Don't forget to mention, he did receive a brand new laptop and branded clothes!" says Jimin, agreeing with Taeyang.

"We should burn his house!" Taeyang exchanges glare with Jimin.

"Maybe, his girlfriend's house?"

"Sounds even better? Do you have the lighter?"

"I don't but we can borrow from Gi Hyung!"

"Why are you dragging me into this?" Gi chimes in laziness.

Taesan and So watch the scene of two best friends trying to commit a crime of arson with a confused mind. Taesan later chuckles, amused by the skit that they play, along with Gi.

"Calm down, boys..." one stern voice, and everyone shut. Reese is a lovely sister, but if she's in her leader mode, she is scarier than hell.

Those subordinates called her Medusa for a reason!

"Let's move on. I am moving on. So are you," she glares at them.

"We can. Not a big deal. But, noona, you should know the real problem," says Taesan. A soft reminder to his sister.

"Can we talk this over supper? I'm hungry..." Jimin whines.

They giggle in tiny.

"Okay, let's go to the dining room. Hyung, let's go- eh? Where's Gi Hyung?" asks Taeyang. They look around and realize that the man is missing.

"Yarh, what are you guys waiting for???"

A voice coming out from the dining room. They quickly enter the room only to find Gi, casually sitting on the chair with a glass of coffee in front of him.

"When it comes to food..." Taesan scoffs.

"Say no more, hyung..." says Taeyang.


"So, what now, noona?" asked Taesan. Reese looks at him with a smile. She slowly sips her tea while looking at them. Jimin was busy serving drinks to them. Tea for everyone except Taeyang and So who request hot chocolate.

"I just need a break at the moment. This husband-hunting makes me exhausted!" she responds.

"I'm fine with anything. It's just... I hate to say this, but dad keeps bothering me!" says Taesan.

"Yeah, he messed me up too. Asking too much information about you. You know, he even asked me if you're still a virgin..." says Gi.

All eyes are on her now. Reese frowns, looking at them with a frustrated expression.

"You are, right?" they still waiting for the answer. Reese flushes a bit, but there is no use in dodging the question. These hyenas will never stop questioning her if she dodges.

"I am, okay! Who do you think I am??"

"Sorry, noona! It's not us. It's the dad!" Taesan flinches. He's in his late 20s, the third oldest in their family but still afraid of her.

"San, Gi... Don't worry okay? I'll handle Dad myself. But for now, I rather be alone and single. Let me move on okay?" says Reese.

"Hmm... Kinda have a doubt... I wonder for how long you gonna stay single," Taeyang rolls his eyes and smirks.

"What do you mean?"

"The toy that I found under your bed..."

"That's not a toy! That's.. a massage device!" Reese couldn't hide her embarrassment. All of them smirk at her, teasing her in such a cute way.

"Aish, no need to yell! We can hear you. Loud and clear... Every once a week..."

"Stop it, San before I cook your precious carp! And you mister, don't ever think about cleaning my room again!" Reese points her finger at Taeyang. The younger quickly nods, shrinking himself into tiny.

Noona is even scarier now!

"We don't mind if you wanna chill a bit. But, Dad doesn't take it too well. I heard that he is arranging a blind date with his friend's son. You might end up marrying a mafia," Gi spills some information that he got from hearsay.

There's a gloomy mode in the air. Everyone is against the idea so much! Especially Gi and Taesan. They knew how mafia guys' real nature. They only bring harm to the family. Yes, both of them are mafia too! But they aren't like any normal mafia, partly because they have a perfect and loving family. It's impossible to find a great mafia guy like them.

Plus, marrying a mafia means they need to accept a conjoint between two mafia clans. Which will eventually cause a fight for a position as a leader. It's harmful to the clan too. Although the situation might bring them some fortune like clan expansion, expansion of power, and colonies. But they can be seen as a threat in the future.

"Noona, the last thing that I want is to accept a mafia in this very family. We don't mind So because he used to work with us for a long time. But a stranger..." Taesan sighs. He watches Jimin closely.

He is Taeyang's best friend. A pure civilian. Unlike So, he was born into a normal family until he befriends Taeyang. As his best friend, Taeyang never keeps a secret from him. Now it seems like Jimin is taking part in the group. He can be announced as a mafia too but the situation was different.

Jimin is their responsibility now. The last thing that Taesan wants is for him to get hurt. It will jeopardize their good image.

"I feel ya, San. I'll talk to Dad later. Don't worry. Now, all I need is a timeout. So, please give me some space okay?" Reese tries to persuade them. She loves her family so much.

And she knew how hard it was to face such pressure from her father. That is why she moved out of the main house and lived with her small family on their own. It's unbearable and sick.


Everyone was dismissed from the dining room after the discussion. It's quite late for Jimin to go home, so Taeyang recommends a sleepover. Gi went ahead first, those fluffy beds and pillows are summoning him from afar. So silently went inside his room, even though he refused to leave Taeyang from sight.

All this happened right in front of Reese, though she acts subtly and in ignorance. She knew So was checking on Taeyang.

She's monitoring them almost all the time.

Taesan carefully hops down from the second floor. He held his bag tight and tried to be as silent as a mouse.

"Going out again?"

"Aish, noona! You scare a hella shit of me!" he jumps a bit when he saw Reese, calmly standing in front of the kitchen entrance.

"Him again, huh?" she smirks. Taesan squints his nose and nods.

"You never give up, don't cha?" he nods, again.

"You need him?" again, Taesan nods.

"We both know it's not an easy path. Just give up. I hate to see you get hurt," says Reese. Taesan flashes her a faint smile. She indeed knew what was in his mind now. But, he chooses not to talk about him.

Instead, he playfully smirks at Reese.

"So... Noona, what about him?"


"The bicycle guy," he sees her smirking at him. Reese knew she couldn't escape from Taesan just like that.

"What about him?"

"I can see he got some interest in you..."

"Yeah, before he knows about us and fleet as well!" Reese gives him a bitter smile.

"Noona, why don't you just give it a shot?" Reese looks at Taesan. The brother that she trusts the most when it comes to seeking some opinions.

"Should I?"

"Yeah, believe in my intuition. He looks like a good guy to me," he grabs both of her palms, pecking them before taking a leave.

Reese stares at the blank space. Measuring decisions. Contemplating. Questioning.