
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


Reese gives her hair a light shake. She feels revitalized after a hot shower. She collapses onto the bed. Taesan's words danced around in her head.

Should I take a chance? I mean, it wouldn't hurt if I did! But it might feel strange if I text him unexpectedly!

Reese brushes her thoughts aside. She's fiddling with her phone when Sun appears in her mind. His warm smile and a lovely gesture.

Reese had been in several relationships, but Sun was unlike any of them. All of those scumbags are only interested in her beauty or her money. But Sun gives her a good vibe. It feels warm and welcoming like the sun shining.

Okay, just a quick 'thank you' message!

This time, Reese is giving up.

R: Hello, Sun! Reese here. Thank you for accompanying me just now. It means a lot to me.

She smacks her phone on the pillow and waits, her heart pounding. When she heard a ping, she burst out laughing. She unlocks her phone slowly.

S: It's okay. I'm glad that you like it. It was fun to know you.

Reese almost stops breathing. She rolls her body side to side, feeling excited.

R: Can we hang out again after this? Not a date! You know, as a friend?

(Where did I get such a brave act!!! God, I am so shameless!!!)

Reese decides to stop writing the text. But, unable to contain her excitement, she knocks down a frame.

The text has been sent.

Reese is in a state of panic. She attempts to remove the text, but it is too late. The double blue tick completes the transaction.

Oh my goodness! She hides beneath her duvet. As if Sun is nearby!

A ping.

Reese's heart stops. She peeks at her phone. Slowly slide open and read the text.

S: Sure! I would love, too... And... I don't mind a date as well... *shy face*

"Ahhhh!!" now she looks like a fangirl who screaming at her favorite idol. She kicked her duvet out of shyness and almost fell from the bed.

Easy, Reese! Easy!

R: Okay then! Goodnight, my sun...


She was about to delete the text when she got another reply, quickly like lightning.

S: Goodnight to you, my moon...

"Ooouuu...." Reese couldn't help but coo. She hides again under the duvet, squeaking and giggling like a little girl, surrounded by flowers in her world right now.

And with that, she's fast asleep.


The hot industrial kitchen is making a lot of noise. People enter and exit the kitchen from the back. Taesan can smell some delicious food coming from the kitchen. He smiles as he enters the kitchen through the back door.

"Hyung!" exclaims a bulky man with a smile. His small eyes don't even match the rest of his appearance. He wipes his hands with a clean towel that hangs on the wall.

"What's up, Chan?" Taesan throws him a side hug. The man smiles broadly.

"I'm doing good!"

"Where is Bin?" Taesan inquires.

"He's cleaning the bar outside. Today is a busy day because we have a group dinner," Chan replies.

"Wow! It's raining money!"

"Hell yeah!"

They give each other a high five. After a while, Taesan can see Bin enter the kitchen from a distance.

"Ayo, Bin!"

"Oh, Hyung!" He dashes toward Taesan. With his large muscular body, the man hugs him.

"Man, you look stiff!" Taesan makes fun of him. Bin smiles sheepishly and flexes his biceps.

"So... Hmm..." Taesan frowns.

"I know exactly what you've been looking for..." Chan says.

"To be precise... Who

"So... Is he here?" Taesan inquires. Chan and Bin exchange glances.

"Anyone taller than 190cm with a proclivity for destroying things, burning houses or kitchens, please move your ass out from here!" Taesan smiles as a tall, broad-shouldered man walks sassily into the kitchen.

"Hi, Ji hyung..."

"Get the hell out!"

"Wait, I'm here to meet you!"


"Don't you miss me, Lovely Ji Seok?" Taesan follows him around with a cute cracked voice.

"O.U.T... Out!"

"Wait! I have to..."

"San, save it for later! Out. Bring him out, Channie and Binnie! Now!" he commands. Both men are hesitant as they touch Taesan's arms.

"But... Mr. Boss..."

"You did hear me. Throw him out!"

They are staring at Taesan. The man's size and bulk. Yes, Bin and Chan are both bulky.

Taesan, on the other hand, is more than just big. He's a bit enigmatic. His profile fits his name well.

"Could you please be respectful, boss? Just a little... Tiny... Respect?" Bin inquires.

Ji Seok swats the man with a single lethal stare right into his eyes. Bin feels like he has been hit by a bus.

"I can't breathe!" he cries, clutching Chan's shoulder with a wrinkly face.

This guy probably is huge, but has a fainted heart! Chan murmurs something.

"I think we should leave..." Chan whispers. Bin nods slowly. They slowly leave the scene before being caught by some gruesome spatula-no jutsu.

"I know I shouldn't put my trust in those two!" Ji Seok mutters something under his breath. He directs his gaze at Taesan.

"I brought some drinks!" he grins as he lifts the plastic bag.

With a bitter expression, Ji Seok grabs the plastic bag. Two bottles of soju and a snack. He sighs, knowing Taesan's intention.

It's the same old, same old!

He stormed outside with the packaging without saying anything else. Taesan pursues with a broad grin on his face


"Do you think I'll change my mind with this soju?" Ji Seok wonders. He and Taesan spend the late night in the kitchen's small garden. That's a place where everyone can hang out and smoke or drink. As they are doing now.

"No. This is not a bribe or persuasion material. I just want to hang out like we used to. Is that wrong?" Taesan inquires. He observes Ji Seok as he drinks another shot of soju.

When Ji Seok looks at him, he chuckles, "I still got that semi-auto, you know."

"Would you dare to shoot at me, Hyung?"

"I shot your father once. Do you ever think I won't be able to shoot you? Just because we used to be close..." After finishing his fishcake, Ji Seok flicks the skewer. "Even friends ratting on each other," Taesan sighs deeply.

"Hyung, I thought the problem was solved," Taesan says.

"It is. And, as I previously stated, I am done with this fucking shit! I lost my sister and was on the verge of losing my mother. And the only friend I trusted has turned against me,"

"Hyung, I'm in a pickle..."

"You chose the wrong side and now you told me you're in the wrong spot?"

"You want me to fight my father?"

"If he wants me dead, one hundred percent," Ji Seok responds vaguely.

"It was just a miscommunication, Hyung..."

"Which I'm glad is happening. I never knew what betrayal was until it happened to me," Ji Seok leaps from the table. He was about to leave when Taesan grabbed his wrist.


"I think we're done..."

Ji Seok hops down from the table, leaving Taesan alone, soaking in his frustration.