
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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39 Chs

The Kim's Monthly Meeting

"Is everyone present?" asks the meeting speaker.

"Taw's family is absent. Madam Taw just gave birth yesterday," one of the members of the meeting announces the news.

"How old is she? The new one?" asks Master Kim.

"The same wife for almost 25 years, sir," his assistant whispers at him. "She's almost 50," the voice becomes almost mute.

"Oh my, I should ask Master Taw the secret..." Master Kim puts a huge grin on his face. The rest of the member of the meeting giggles along with him.

"Is it much better if you have grandchildren instead of another child, Master Kim?" Master Lee smiles at him.

"Aish..." Master Kim sighs. "I'm done waiting for that. If they refuse to breed, let me take over the job!" his reply makes the whole room shake with laughter.

"Ah... Speaking of the devil!"

The attention drifts to the main door. Reese, Taesan, Taeyang, and Gi enter the meeting room, followed by Mino from behind. So closes the door, leaving the gang inside the room.

"Welcome Young Masters! It's an honor," Master Lee greets them with a wide smile.

"The honor is mine..." Reese politely bows to the crowd. Her charismatic features wow the whole room. With her brothers by her side, she looks superior compared to these old-timers.

Mino takes his seat next to his half-drunk older brother, Yuno. His eyes goggle at Reese.

"You're lucky, Second Brother! She's hot!" he pats Mino's shoulder.

"Be careful with your words, Older Brother. She might pluck your eyes anytime..." Mino warns him. The man gives him a snarky look.

Reese takes her seat, next to his father. Gi occupies the other side, with Taesan next to him. Taeyang takes his seat next to her sister. As this is his first time, he chooses a safe spot.

And Reese is his safe space.

"Let's start the meeting!" Master Kim announces to the whole room.

After some time, the meeting starts smoothly. There are a lot of issues that arose during the meeting; managing the downline, monetary, until the area dividing issue.

"Can I ask something?" Reese asks.

"Sure! Go ahead..." says Master Kim.

"Alpine Street. Who is in charge of that area?"

"It's... Quite hard to figure out who owns the area. It's in the middle of three divisions. It's a wild area," answers Master Kang.

"So, it's open," says Reese.

"You can say that. It's open," the man replies to her again.

Reese glares at Taesan. The man nods. He glances at Jackson who sits just opposite him.

"May I ask why?" it's Taesan's turn to ask.

"The area has been free because of the community watch group. They upstand the area from being occupied by any mafia group for a very long time," answers Master Lee.

"We did try once. You know, just to penetrate the area. However, the leader of the community watch is so determined to protect the area. We end up losing to them," says Master Kang.

"Don't worry, Dad! Soon, we gonna conquer the area..." Yuno smirks. He glances at Reese while playing with his wine glass.

Reese's heart sinks. She exchanges looks with Taesan, giving him a meaningful signal.

"That's quite a shocker plan! How?" Master Kim asks.

"I heard the leader of the community watch is old. Old enough that he can die anytime. I have a good connection with his nephew. He is willing to cooperate with us," Yuno replies.

"Are you sure there will be no one who will fight back?" asks Master Lee.

"Come on, Master Lee! That area is quite an old area. Some of the community watch members are either old or have died already! The youth generation in that area, most of them are high schoolers who were raised to be oblivion. So, I think they will never care about all this stuff," Yuno states his reason, full of confidence.

"Unless there's another person who dares to challenge us..." Master Kang sends a deep glare to someone. The person stares at him unblinked. Mino looks at the person as well.

"I think we should just preserve the independence of the area. Through the years, they have caused us no issues. Let's be it," says Reese.

"Ah, I thought you wanna try your luck, Young Master Kim! Alpine Street is just around your border..." Master Kang smirks.

"It is. And we dare not to mess up with it. No matter how dirty the business is, there is no way we should disrespect the people who live in peace there," Reese replies.

"You know if we have the area, we'll gain more. It's a street full of businesses. Imagine how much we can collect from those shops and buildings," says Yuno.

"It's a good business, Reese..." Master Kim pats her hand, encouraging her to fight for the area as well.

"Did you know the area also has one middle school, one high school, a kindergarten, and an old folks center? There is also a dance academy, prep schools, and Youth center, too?" asks Reese.

"Really?" Yuno asks her back.

"You need to do some homework, Young Master Kang. The place is full of businesses because of these facilities. Now, let me ask you. Would you rather invade a place where those innocent people reside?"

Yuno suddenly laughs. So hard that it annoys Reese.

"Young Master Kim, we're mafia. Our job is to expand our territory. If we care so much about people's charity, let's just quit being a mafia! We should work with the Charity Board or become a member of the YMCA!"

"Being a mafia doesn't mean we need to conquer all places with violence. They pay us to protect them," Taeyang suddenly speaks out. Everyone can't hide their shocked face.

"And people pay taxes so the government can provide them a high quality of life. But, is it true? Did the government do that?" asks Yuno.

"They did. Even with some hardship. Alpine Street is a peaceful place. And I, who happened to have my territory near that area for almost a decade... Never for once, I wanna breach the area. It's a truce area, where we can gather in peace. So, whatever is in your mind, please stop it," Reese sends Yuno a soft yet meaningful warning.

"I'll never back off if it means more money and larger territory for me, Young Master Kim..." Yuno again smirks at Reese. "If I'm you, I might get ready for some trouble. I don't think I need to explain how, or what. You're wise enough to think about the aftermath of my conquest," he continues as he sips his wine a bit.

"Master Kim, your daughter is good indeed. She has such a noble heart! A softie! I can't imagine her being a leader of your clan in the future..."

"Are you suggesting that my sister is weak?" Gi throws a sharp gaze at Master Kang.

"Oh no! I'm praising her!" Master Kang laughs.

The gang can't hide the feeling of devastation from their eyes. The one who gets the hard impact is none other than Master Kim himself. He can't help but feel insulted by the claim made by Master Kang.

"Don't get mad, Young Master Kim! Sooner or later, we will become a family! What belongs to us, belongs to you as well! I'll make sure Yuno divides the area so you and Mino can take charge as well! My son is a family-oriented person, he won't let his brother live in vain!"

"Or, you can rule alongside me," Yuno leans forward a bit, eyes lingering on Reese. "I don't mind sharing with Mino..."

"Young Master Kang, please be respectful!" Taesan warns the man. Yuno's gaze drops on him this time.

"Oh... Are you jealous? Maybe you wanna take her place? I don't mind having you..." Yuno tilts his head, softly licking his lips. "I know you don't mind having a husband instead of a wife..."

"Watch your fucking mouth, or I'll slit your throat!" Taeyang almost grabs the man by his collar when Reese stops him with one sharp, deep gaze.

The room fills with tension. Even though no one is moving, everybody is ready to strike. They might look solemn, but every gun in this room is ready to unload.

The tip of each one of them is already pointed out under the table.

"Older brother, stop clowning yourself..." Mino gives Yuno a deadly stare. Although he is the eldest brother, Mino does not mind warning him if the man is crossing the line. What he did is disrespectful. And, for that, he does not mind correcting him.

"Don't get so tense, everyone! It's the wine!" Master Kang puts up his glass. Everyone slowly losing up a bit. Maybe Yuno is drunk. And it's his style if he gets drunk.

Master Kim glares at Reese. The girl keeps her composure intact. But, only God knows how devastated she is.

"Let's end the meeting. It's quite late already. Whatever we discuss today will be discussed again in the next meeting..." Master Kim sighs as he closes his tab and leaves the room.

"Crowd dismiss!"