
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Dating Day: Day 1

Sun checks himself in the mirror several times. He fixes his bucket hat a few times. His hands are sweaty as hell as he waits anxiously in front of his studio.

Today is the first date for him and Reese. They had been together for almost a week now. But both are quite busy lately for a proper date. The last time they hung out with each other was the night after he visited her family and ever since then, they only communicated via texts and calls.

Luckily, after some arrangement, they can have time for themselves. So, Reese decided to ask Sun out for a date. He smiles by himself when he remembers the day when Reese asked him for a date. She stuttered so much that she needed to sit down after she asked him.


So, because of this date, Sun is busy since the morning. After the class ends, he quickly goes home and prepares himself for the date. After roaming inside his wardrobe, he decided to wear something comfortable like a blue hoodie and jeans. From home, he runs into the nearest store to buy a flower bouquet. He put a high anticipation in today's date.

Sun roams around the studio, waiting for Reese. She's quite late, unlike usual. He tried to reach her phone but the call got diverted somehow. Maybe she has work to do. And for that, Sun slowly feels gloomy and low in motivation.

"Maybe the date has been canceled and she forgot to tell me," he whispers to himself, pouting his lips. He slowly walks home when a car slowly pulls at the side of the road.

"Sun hyung!" the window rolls down and two men waving from inside the vehicle.

"Taeyang? Jimin?"


The door gets kick off from outside. Guns blast everywhere. Three persons walk fast along the narrow alley, attacking the whole bunch of men with merciless expression.

Reese grabs her gun and shoot some men who charge forward to her. She walks into the alley with her poker face expression, blasting her gun to anyone who blocks her way. When she notice the gun is empty, she tosses it away and grabs her knife and began slaughtering some throats.

"Woah! Slow down, noona!"

Reese shoves a dead body to Gi The man winches and tosses it away.

She keeps walking, ignoring those men who keep coming from different side. She punches some who again blocking her, and injure several as well. Her facial expression is scary as fuck, adding that vicious act that deadly as hell.

So and his two wingmen arrive from another direction. They clear the path for Reese to walk in. The lady snatches the gun from So and keep on walking to her destination.

"Medusa looks scarier than usual..." Taemin whispers at Gi. The man shakes his head and sighs. He hands the man a small finger, coating with blood. Taemin frowns and almost jump away.

"She cut this when the man tried to touch her," says Gi. Taemin flicks the finger away.

"Let's go before we got killed!" says Jinyoung.


Wah!!!" Taeyang shrieks happily in front the Gucci store. He is running inside the store like a little kid.

"Tae, wait for me!" says Jimin. The little guy follows him inside. Sun freezes in front of the store, panting heavily. His hand is full of shopping bag.

An hour ago, he was approached by Taeyang and Jimin when he almost going home after Reese failed to show up. Those boys told him that Reese got some important business to attend, so she asked them to entertain him for a while until she finishes her job.

As a result, now Sun, who drenches with sweats and unable to walk anymore further, standing with loose knees in front of Gucci store.

Boy, they did love shopping!

Sun unable to stand properly anymore. His soul just left his body and energy just disperse like that. He finally found a spot to sit when..

"Hyung, are you tired?" Taeyang approaches him with his boxy grin. Sun sits straight, flashing his smile.

"No! It just.. there's no one who can look after these, so I was thinking maybe you two should continue shopping without me," says Sub. He tries to smile so he can still look as energetic as usual.

"Oh, you can just leave it at the counter. The assistant will take care of it. Come!" Taeyang pulls him up and drags him into the store.

Reese, how dare you left me with them!


Another door has been sacrifice today, got kicked from the outside. A lady is humping a man on the bed. Dirty moaning surrounds the air, making them cringe.

"Wow... This is rather nastier than OnlyFans..." says Gi.

"You have an account?" asks Taemin.

"For some undercover, yes," Gi subtly replies to him.

"Yeah, right..." So casually disses Gi, putting a lot of suspicious at that man. The man nudges So's waist, making him flinches in pain.

Without any warning, Reese throw a knife towards the couple. It flies straight, passing the girl's bare shoulder and piercing the bed board like a thunder. The girl yells, immediately jump off from the man.

"Hey!" the man screams and wakes up. Reese marches towards him, climbing those expensive king size golden love bed and stomps the man's body with her boots.

He screams like crazy.

"Talk... Or you'll die..."

"Who... Who are you!"


Only screams could be hear from the escape room. Well, that's what happen if you let three scaredy cats try something new!

"Mummy! I wanna go home!!" Jimin whines

"Just abort the mission! Leave!" Sun yells

"Whose idea is this?!" asks Taeyang.

After a clean half an hour, the three of them manage to escape from the horror theme escape room. All of them panting hard, Jimin's nose is getting red and Sun can't even walk properly.

This is not what he expect for a first date!

"See, I told you we should take the Sherlock theme!" says Jimin. He almost pissed in his pants just now. It's too horrified for him.

"It was your idea to come here! You know we should make a reservation for the room!" Taeyang yells at him.

They start bickering with each other. Sun, who is too tired to yell, slowly grabs their shoulder from behind and glares at them

"Stop fighting, or i will kill both of you..." Jimin and Taeyang flinch, and turn their head at Sun, feeling scary by his deep voice.

Sun scoffs and leaves them stood there, feeling chilly. They exchange look, glances at each other.

"He is scary..." says Jimin in tiny.


"You know who I am... Talk..."

"Go to hell!"

"Look, don't tempted me, dickhead! I'm late for my first date, so I'm not in the mood right now! Just fucking tell me where he is!" the man screams like crazy. Reese stomps and squeezes her boots directly on his head.

"Rigid Ranch! He is planning to go to Rigid Ranch this weekend. Business deal with someone!"

"Who?" the man shakes his head. Reese pokes his head with her gun tip.

"Wrong answer, sir..."

"I don't know! He's being secretive lately!"

Reese lifts her gun. She hops down from the bed and walks away, handing the gun to So.

"I got a date to catch," Reese grabs the car key from Gi and walks out from the room.

"You can take it from here," says Gi. The Spring Cleaning team nod, understand well enough of it.

Seems like the beginning of the day when Reese is suppose to be in Sun's embrace and enjoys the lovey dovey moment is not that good. Can they manage to meet and date today?