
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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39 Chs

Come Back To Me, Love

Daylight brightening so bright that it can blind someone just by its sight. This means it's a good new day. Kim's household started the day like usual.

Reese tidies up herself. She's planning to fetch Yoongi from the hospital today. Ever since the talk between her and Taeyang, she became much calmer than before. But she still hasn't contacted Sun yet. She just wanna give him some room to breathe.

The house seems empty because Taesan was out of town for some work. Reese descended downstairs towards the kitchen, looking for her morning coffee. She was about to enter the kitchen when she almost witnessed something unexpected.

Taeyang and So stand way too intimate against the kitchen counter. Nothing explicit so far, but that's enough information for a whole year of teasing. Reese smirks as she slowly shows herself at the entrance.

"Noona!" Taeyang gasps. He quickly pushes So away from him. The man, too, stutters as he acts like nothing happened between them.

In Reese's mind, she dances a slow dancing song.

"I'm going to fetch Gi and Jimin," Reese informs them. She is about to leave but halts in the middle. She pokes her head out from the kitchen and smiles.

"Have fun, boys! Ah, you need to send Jung In to the daycare, so don't fall asleep after, or you will be late," Reese smirks. Taeyang can't hide his pinkish rosy cheek.


Reese arrives at the car porch just next to the house. Today, she chose to ride the black Jeep Discovery.

It's not just an ordinary car. The car is equipped with bulletproof doors and some high-tech gadgets. She wants only safety to usher Yoongi's home. Just in case. She can't take any risk. Enemies will take advantage of Yoongi's state.

"Good morning," suddenly a delivery man came from out of nowhere. He brought a big bouquet of black and red roses.

"Yes?" Reese slowly walks towards him.

"Is this Kim's Mansion?" she nods.

"Are you Miss Reese Kim?" she nods again.

"This is for you. Please sign in here," Reese scratches her head. She grabs the pen and signs the acceptance receipt. The delivery man takes off, leaving her with the bouquet. She stares at the bouquet, feeling confused.

Who sent this?

She carefully reviews it, but she realizes that she is already late. She quickly got into the car, along the roses with.


"Hyung... Slow down! You gonna hurt your mouth!"

"Hmskakfhodk..." Gi mumbles.

"Ah! Be careful!"

Gi ignores Jimin's whining voice.

"Hyung~~ look! It spilled all over the place!!"

"Pass me some tissue..."

"Hurry!" both of them in a hurry, cleaning up the mess that they made.

Unholy minds?

Let's dig into the truth.

Gi is enjoying a fresh homemade hotteok made by Jimin. The younger spent a night at his grandmother's house last night. So he managed to make something special for Gi.

Homemade honey hotteok, fresh from the oven.

And that clumsy cat ahjussi just spilled the filling on the bed.

"Oh, looking healthy and sturdy..." Reese enters the room with the flower bouquet in her hands.

"Yes, I can't wait to leave this boring prison! I should have been discharged last week. But I don't know why they won't let me!" Gi shakes his head a bit.

"Hyung, you need to be careful..."

"Yes, and a slight reminder, you just get your body open," says Reese. She puts the bouquet on the table.

"What's this?" Jimin takes the bouquet from the table. He examines it carefully.

"Someone sent it to me. But I'm rushing here so I brought it along. You can have it if you want. I hate flowers,"

Jimin notices a card inside the bouquet. He picks out the card and reads it.

"Can't wait to get drowning in your beautiful dark eyes again. Have a nice day, beautiful soul... Mino..."

"Mino? Kang Mino?" Gi almost jumps from his bed if it wasn't for Jimin who stops him from hurting himself again.

Reese lifts her shoulder, making a poker face.

"Noona, I thought you said no mafia guy. What is this all about?" Gi gives her a sharp look. He lays both of his palms on the bed and gazes at his noona, waiting for her answer.

"Dad forced me to have dinner with him. Relax, nothing happened between us. He treated me nicely," says Reese. Jimin glares at Gi.

"I knew him, and I don't like him. He is a good lawyer, not involved in any mafia business but still living like a mafia. With bodyguards and sort," says Gi. He probably knew some details about Mino while attending monthly meetings.

"Some part of him is good, anyway. I mean, he's a lawyer. Enforce the law," Reese spurs some facts to Gi. The younger shakes his head a few times.

"Ever watch Frozen? Anna's first boyfriend, The Prince?" asks Gi. Reese nods, and slowly grasps the meaning behind that metaphor.

"He's the third in the throne. And happens to be the son of the second wife. There is no way he can rule the Kang, except if his brother is dead. So, he's been looking for a merger, or a clan that he can join so her can rule in the future," says Gi, "... And Kim's Clan is open for a vacancy, at least according to Dad," Gi glares at Reese.

"Don't worry. I just wanna shut Dad. No biggie," Reese replies. She is alert to her situation. There is no way she can make room for an intruder like Mino.

"Hope you meant that, noona..." Gi sighs in relief, feeling ensure enough.

Suddenly, his eyes capture Jimin who smiles at the nurse who comes in to clean up the room. His eyes got shady, grunt released from his throat.

"Who brings the flower?" asks the nurse.

"You can have it if you want," says Reese. The nurse nods and takes away the bouquet.

"Thanks for your hard work!" says Reese.

"You're welcome. Hope you recover soon Mr. Min," says the nurse.

"Thank you so much," Jimin gives her a bow.

"You are welcome, Mr..?"

"Kwon Jimin..."

"No," Gi slowly grips Jimin's palm. "It's Min. Min Jimin," he then gives the younger a smirk. Jimin pouts and glares him back.

"Oh? You two are brother?"

"Nope..." Gi slowly stands up and hugs Jimin from behind.

"This cutie is my husband," says Gi.

Jimin glances at him, his mind is puzzling. The older just smiles and pecks his cheek.

The nurse smiles before she hastily leaves the room. Jimin swats a sharp look at Yoongi. But the man just grins.

Reese shakes her head and laughs, leaving them alone to clear up the situation.


"Noona, Ji Hyung said we need to stop by for groceries. He'll send the list to you now," says Jimin. To celebrate Gi's discharge, Reese decided to cater Ji Seok for a small lunch gathering. She thought they could go straight to the man's bar, but Taesan insisted that Ji Seok should cook at their house instead.

That means Reese has to do some grocery shopping. She skims around. The only grocery store is just a few blocks away. The one that she went to with Sun before.

She suddenly feels gloomy while thinking about the time that she had with him.

Now she has no choice but to go there again.

She parks the car and checks the list that Ji Seok sent to her this morning.

"Wait in the car. I won't take much time," said Reese. Jimin and Gi nod.

"Hope the plan works," says Jimin. He then sent a text to Taeyang.



Reese is strolling along the aisle, looking at her cart full of groceries.

"10 packs of lamb, 2 kilos of cabbage, three bags of frozen corn, iceberg lettuce... What the hell!" she grunts by herself. "Is he going to feed the whole neighborhood?!"

Reese continues babbling all by herself. She was about to turn to the next aisle when her phone rang.


It's Ji Seok.


"We need some pasta sauce and spaghetti too. 2 bottles of original sauce, 2 pesto, and 3 packs of angel hair..."

"Yargh, are you planning to open a soup kitchen or what?!" Reese tries to control her volume. She's fuming right now.

"Bye, noona..."

"Ji Seok!" Reese stomps her feet, feeling frustrated. Now she needs to turn back to the previous aisle. She swings her cart, only to accidentally collide with someone on her way.

"What are you, blind?!" the man scolds her.

"I'm so sorry!" Reese quickly apologizes. But it seems like the man really wanna pick a fight with her.

"If you're blind then just stay at home, for fucking sake! Do you know who I am? I'm the best jockey in town. This leg of mine is so damn precious, maybe more than your old piece of junk car! Can you afford to pay the insurance?!" the man yells with high volume.

Reese tries to put her composure, more like calming herself from breaking those precious legs of his into pieces.

"Well, I know I did wrong, but no need to yell at me like that mister. It's inappropriate," says Reese. The man getting more pissed off and pushed his cart, hitting her cart. Reese almost fell from the impact.

"Sir, please control yourself... Or else..."

"What a lady like you can do to me?" Reese grits her teeth.

Oh, you have no idea what I can do to you, you piece of shit! You'll be dead if we are alone right now.

"Please, don't make a scene here..."

"Then, pay the compensation!"

"What compensation? You seem fine, and so did your leg," Reese had enough of this. She's getting pricked by that maniac's act.

"Do you want me to show you how bad the injury is?" the man drags her down to the floor.

But before she could ever reach down, a hand comes from behind, pulls the man's hand harshly, and tosses him away from her.

Reese looks up.

It's Sun.

He now grabs the man by his collar and pulls him closer.

"Is that necessary for acting so rough against a lady, mister?" he stares at him with anger.

"Chill man!"

"Sunny, please stop..." Reese grabs his hand from behind. Sun stares at her pitiful eyes. He calms himself for a moment before letting the man go.

"Sick man!" the man grunts.

"Come again?!" he was almost this close to launching his fist on the man's face. But Reese manages to stop him.

"It's not worth it," says Reese.

"Apologizes, now!" Sun forces the man.


"You've been overreacting! She already apologized!" says Sun. At first, the man hesitates, but Sun's sharp eyes make him change his mind.

"Sorry..." he says.

"Now leave!"

The man quickly leaves.

"Are you okay?" Sun grabs Reese by her shoulder, checking her if she's doing fine. Reese nods, putting a smile on her face.

Then, the air feels awkward.

It's been two weeks since they met. The last time they met, Reese kissed him on his lips, making Sun stunned a bit.

Now, how is he gonna face her after the incident?

But deep down inside, both of them feel glad to see each other after a while. This longing feeling eats them alive. When Sun looks at Reese, he feels like his day suddenly becomes so meaningful. Those bad and uninteresting days pass by just like the wind.

They realize how much they miss each other!

"You didn't call... Or text..." Reese bravely starts the conversation.

"I'm... Busy..." Sun can't think of any better reason. What should he say? That he feel ashamed for not returning the kiss properly?

He blushes all of a sudden.

"Even for a good morning?" asks Reese. Sun is unable to look straight into the lady's eyes. He might have a cardiac arrest if he does.

"You're mean..."

"I'm sorry, Reese. For everything... For not calling, no texting... And... For the kiss as well," Sun has almost gone mute at the last word he murmurs.

"I'm the one who is supposed to apologize... I kiss you without your consent," says Reese, looking down while fidgeting.

"I... The kiss is okay..." Sun braces up himself, telling the truth.

Reese's lips utters some words but somehow, they got stuck in her throat.

Smiles form on their face. Both of them seem to enjoy the moment but with different views and perspectives. Here is Sun, who feels shy about having that kiss all of a sudden. On the other hand, Reese thought she'd been overboard.

Deep down inside, they knew they had been falling for each other.

"I... I should go.."

"Wait!" Reese stops Sun from leaving.

"Do you mind... I mean... We have a small party at home... As you can see these will feed the almost entire neighborhood. So, would you like to... Join us?" asks Reese.

"I'm so underdressed..."

"You're looking good. Just nice. Really..." her words gave him a huge assurance.

"Please..." Reese coaxs him when she feels like Sun still hesitates to come.

"Fine..." Sun finally agrees.

Reese couldn't be so much happier. She almost hugs him but strains herself because they are in public. And she just apologized for kissing him out of the blue.

Don't repeat the same mistake twice, Reese!