
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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39 Chs

(Divorcing) Era: Enlightment

She sits next to her wide window, looking outside with zero expression. She hangs her chin on her knees, squishing herself like a fur ball.

Why am I feeling so hurt? It's even more hurtful than before! I'm feeling dying day by day. He is not my boyfriend either! Why am I feeling so dejected!?

She is into her emotions when she hears someone knocking on the door.

"Noona..." Taeyang pokes his head into the room. Watching her being like this distressed the household. No one knows why she behaves like this and she never cares to explain either.

She lifts her head slowly. Taehyung shuts the door and sits on her bed, carefully scrabbling some words.

"Noona, are you okay? You behave strangely after the blind date. Mino did something to you?" asks Taeyang. But Reese remains silent.

"Please say something, noona! So Jimin is getting insane. They already planned to raid Kang's," says Taeyang.

"Nothing happened between us. He didn't even lift a finger on me. It's just..." Reese looks down again.

"You know you can trust me with anything, right?" Taeyang slowly approaches her, pulling her into his embrace. She is a savage leader, a mafia heir but still, Reese is his sister. Their beloved sister.

She's a lady with a soft heart behind those tough acts.

She sighs as she pours everything into Taeyang. From the moment she and Sun met, until the unwanted kiss incident. Taeyang never saw how broken Reese was before, like now.

She's so in love with this Sun guy.

"I don't know why I feel so broken. I mean, he is not my boyfriend! We just knew each other. But now I miss him so much! What's wrong with me, Tae?" she stares at him. Taeyang can't help but coo at her innocent look. She is still innocent when it comes to love, even though she is the oldest in the clan.

"Noona, you are in love! I know you have been dating around before but I can guarantee you. This is true love! You love this guy so much!" says Taeyang. Reese puts her head on his shoulder, confused by herself.

"What should I do now, Tae? I'm feeling dying inside..." Taeyang smiles, caressing her back softly. Now he wants to meet this man so badly! He wants to know who is the man that makes his noona go crazy like this.

"Well, have you ever texted him?" she shakes her head.


"I don't know... I just... He must be hating me for doing that to him! I just kissed him, Tae! Without his consent! He just thought that I was a pervert!" says Reese.

"Did you force him to kiss you?"

"No, I didn't even hold his head,"

"How did he react?"

"He stoned a bit. Just laying there,"

Taeyang giggles. He cups her face, making Reese look at him.

"Noona, that man likes you! It's just, maybe he never kissed anyone before. And, who doesn't get shocked when you get a nice romantic morning kiss from someone that you love? Believe me, you were not rejected. He just getting shocked. I believe that man likes you too, noona," says Taeyang.


He nods, smiles plasters on his face.

"But, why the fucking hell is he not calling me?"

"Maybe he is shy. Like I said, who isn't shocked when they get a kiss like that," Reese sighs. Maybe Taeyang is right.

"I shouldn't be so bold! Now, I'm screwed!"

"It's okay to express your feelings, noona. You are not a robot. And love is not a sin. You deserve what you feel," he caresses her hair, full of affection.

This lady is probably the scariest mafia ever, but she's still a human being who needs love and care. Well, she's worth it! After all, she's the best sister they ever have!

Reese hugs him tight. She needs this comfort so much. That's why she never regretted leaving the main house and staying here with her brothers. She knew she would never get this treatment at the main house.

"Thanks, Tae..."

"No problem, noona. Well, did you plan to call him? Text maybe?" asks Taeyang.

"I don't know... I just wanna give him more time," says Reese. She wants to take this matter in the most calm way possible. The last thing she wants to do is force Sun to love her.

"You know you can count on me for anything, hmm?" says Taeyang.

"Thanks, Tae. Er, there's more..."


"Please don't tell this to anyone. And, please clear things up with So and Jimin. I don't wanna cause trouble," Taeyang nods.

"Trust me, I can keep this secret, noona..."


"Sun?" Taeyang nods. They look at each other.

"Sunny Arthit Attanarvit to be precise..." Taesan shows them his laptop. There is a document, with some of Sun's details.

"Hyung, you knew about this?" says So.

"Ji Seok Hyung knows about this too..."

"Yargh, I only knew a few bits of it when you showed me the footage," all eyes are now on Taesan.

"What footage?" asks Jimin.

The older grins sheepishly.

"Don't tell me you were stalking this guy!" says Taeyang. Taesan looks at him nervously.

He switches the screen, now viewing the whole apartment unit to them. There is Sun, sitting silently on his sofa bed, watching TV. He looks a mess as well, like empty inside. His face looks gloomy.

"So, you did know what was happening that night! And not telling us about it!" Taeyang glared at his brother.

"I tried to, but you see... We still gather some information about him. I was kinda skeptical and wary about him, that's why I did it," said Taesan.

"Since when?" asks So.

"Since the trapping incident. Noona was missing that afternoon, and I felt uneasy so I followed her with Ji Seok while fetching Jung In from daycare. From there, I know where he lives and set up the camera while they were having lunch outside," everyone is listening attentively.

"Ji hyung, you know about this from the beginning?" asks Jimin.

"I don't know. He said he wanted to send my car for fixing and he dropped me at the mall. I only knew this a few days later," Ji Seok confesses.

"So far, how's it?"

"He seems like a nice guy with a clean record and usual routine. He will go to the dance studio and come back before eight. Sometimes he will go shopping at the grocery store. He is friendly around the neighborhood. And he never brings anyone home. Except for noona," says Taesan.

"What about his family?" Taeyang inquires.

"He's not local. His family is from Bangkok. He was a graduate of the local university. Major in contemporary dance," says Taesan.

"So, what now? I mean, noona likes this guy. She never behaved like this before. Even when she broke up many times. She is broken inside now," asks Taeyang, feeling concerned.

"I think he likes our noona too..." says Taesan, smiling softly.

"How did you know that?" asks them.

"The way he stares at her. The way he smiles and cares. He is quite protective too. Someone who noona can rely on," says Taesan.

Everyone is watching him on screen. Somehow they feel this man can bring some happiness to Reese.

"So, what should we do now?" asks So.

"I think, I have a plan," Jimin wiggles his eyebrows and smirks.