
Love and Crosses~ Kim Sunwoo

"You sold me"? Was I now going to live with someone I don't know about? "Are you Kim Sunwoo?" "I think I fell for you"

Jaeversez · Others
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14 Chs

He really bought that all? For me?

[Chaewon's POV]

11:20 p.m

It's Friday today and last night was fine since I didn't sleep much. My mind was just a disaster.

Sunwoo left early today, well that's what I think because no one was in the house except me.

I got dressed to be comfortable. I was in a black hoodie with blue jeans and my hair was open.

I was pouring myself water when the main door opened revealing Jimin with three bags.

Jimin: "Hi"

He smiled cheekily and I gave a pleasant smile back.

Chaewon: "Hey"

Jimin: "How was yesterday? Sorry I didn't check on you"

Chaewon: "Oh it was fine"

Jimin: "So tonight, Sunwoo's business partner is going to throw a party and sunwoo will take you along with him."

Chaewon: "I don't wanna go"

I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Jimin: "I know but you have to"

I scoffed and he sighed

Jimin: I bought these dresses, shoes, and accessories I don't know what a girl needs to be perfect, but yeah.

He handed me the bags and they were heavy. He left after bidding goodbye and I took those bags to my room.

Two bags were of Chanel and one was of Dior.

I opened the Dior one first and it contained a box with perfume in it along with a beautiful handbag. Another small box contained beautiful red earrings and rings with pretty shining diamonds.

I placed that all aside and opened the first Chanel bag. It had the most beautiful, stunning and I don't have words to describe this but this was the perfect red dress a girl can wear. I couldn't stop staring at it which led my eye to the price tag attached to it. IT WAS FREAKING 109.48 WON? That expensive? Wtf is wrong with this guy?

I placed the dress aside and opened the last Chanel bag. It had alluring red heels in it. That was shining right now. Why would he waste this much money on these things? Guess he is rich.

[Time skip]

I have watched anime and drama for the past 6 hours but then got a text from jimin to get ready.

I went to my room and started putting the dress on. It was pretty hard but I managed it somehow.

I kept on wearing the emerald colour necklace that I had which was given by my birth mom and never took it off. I wore the earrings and did a bit of make-up and was I in love with myself? I was looking so beautiful ugh but the only problem was the scar on the back of my neck. I hid it with my hair for now and then wore my heels. I hope I don't fall.

I could hear the central door opening which caused me to know maybe Jimiin or sunwoo was there. I glanced at myself again and made my way downstairs.

I met sunwoo's eyes and his eyes were magical. No chaewon...Stop.

He had a cold face which irritated me too much.

Sunwoo: "Let's go"

I nodded and followed him outside and the moment of happiness I had when I finally took a breath of the air outside. This house was like prison oh my god. I closed my eyes and felt the wind blowing against me. Sunwoo tapped on my shoulder which made me open my eyes.

Sunwoo: "We're getting late"

Chaewon: "Ugh"

Sunwoo: "Did you say something missy?"

Chaewon: "No"

He turned around and walked to his car. Two more cars were parked along with the car he was going towards. I looked behind me and got the way of how big the mansion really is.




`N`E`X`T C`H`A`P`T`E`R `L`A`T`E`R`!