
Love and Crosses~ Kim Sunwoo

"You sold me"? Was I now going to live with someone I don't know about? "Are you Kim Sunwoo?" "I think I fell for you"

Jaeversez · Others
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14 Chs

You sold me?

[Chaewon's POV]

Walking back home from university, I suddenly felt someone calling my name and it was changmin.

Changmin: "Hey hey Chaewon wait!"

I turned around to face him and he looked like he ran a marathon.

Changmin: "You forgot your history book"

Chaewon: "You could've given it to me tomorrow, why would you make yourself tired? Oh my gosh."

I facepalmed myself and he awkwardly smiled.

Changmin: "Come I'll walk you home"

He said as he returned the book to me and we made our way towards my home which was only two blocks away.

Changmin: "Why didn't you come yesterday?"

Chaewon: "Step-Mom"

He nodded since he knew what she does with me. Probably like beat me up or lock me or made me do chores. It was just so annoying. We were at my house at the moment and I bid Changmin goodbye as he left and I made my way inside taking a deep breath.

Chaewon: "I'm back"

She said with a trembling voice but didn't hear a response.

I saw towards the sink and saw multiple dishes that were waiting to be cleaned. I took a deep breath and placed down my bag, making my way towards the sink to wash the dishes.

I sighed as I saw the marks on my hand from yesterday. I touched them slowly but suddenly heard the door opening and closing.

Chaewon: "Mom, you're back"

I turned around but saw an unfamiliar guy with her.

Stepmom: "This is her."

Chaewon: "What?"

The guy nodded and left.

My stepmom came towards me and grabbed my hand but this time she did it gently.

Stepmom: "Oh sweetie pie."

She said as she removed some strands of my long hair to the side.

Chaewon: "You're acting weird"

Stepmom: "Don't be mad at me but I sold you"

Hearing that, my whole world shook. I couldn't stand it, I fell down immediately while my stepmom watched me.

Chaewon: "What do you mean?"

Stepmom: "I said I sold you for money"

Chaewon: "I know you wanted money and I said I would help with working but selling me for money? That absurd"

She grabbed my hand harshly but I jerked it off.

Chaewon: "Whom did you sell me to? And for how much?"

Stepmom: "Kim Sunwoo. For 10 million."

I looked at her with teary eyes as I saw the same guy from before opening the doors and coming towards me.

Guy: You're ready to go miss.

He grabbed my hand and injected something into my arm. It strung and I lost balance and my eyes couldn't see anything.




I opened my eyes slowly as I saw a bright black room. I tried moving my hands but they were handcuffed. I panicked but then remembered that witch's words. I was sold. I sightly chuckled feeling sad and tears started to form in my eyes but then I heard a soft sound near me.

???: No need to cry bub!

Following that voice, I looked up and saw an angel. Was he here for me since I was dead inside? I looked at him with doe eyes and I could feel a smile on his lips. He turned on the lights so I could get a better view of him.

He really was an angel, he had blonde hair and he had plumy lips and was wearing ripped jeans with a black and white striped shirt and wore a black jacket on top of it. He was tall but not that much.

Chaewon: "Who are you?"

???: "Oh sorry, I didn't introduce myself... I'm jimin.

I nodded and realised that he wasn't that sunwoo guy.

Jimin: "You must be Hwang Chaewon"

I nodded and he smiled looking at my scared face.

Jimin: Sunwoo won't be here for two days so you can chill. I'm sunwoo's best friend and in charge of his house when he's not around so you're safe with me.

He smiled again and looked at me.

Chaewon: "Why does sunwoo want me?"

Jimin looked into space and replied.

Jimin: "I don't know about that. I'm sorry"

Chaewon: "Can you at least open the handcuffs, it hurts."

He looked at the handcuffs and came towards me, opening the cuffs.

Jimin: "I'll show you around"

He lent me his hand to grab it but I didn't. He shrugged his shoulders and walked before me.

He walked towards a room and said.

Jimin: "This is Sunwoo's room. Do not enter unless you have the wish to die"

He said and continued showing me around. That house was bigger than a damn palace.

He entered a room with a big door and said.

Jimin: "This is the library, sunwoo spends time here when he's bored"

I nodded and then he took me to the kitchen.

Jimin: "Do you want to eat something?"

I looked at him with suspicious eyes and said.

Chaewon: "How would I know if you add poison to it or not."

Jimin: "First of all, sunwoo would kill me if I do that and second, why would he buy you if he wanted you dead? Why would he waste 10 million?"

He had a point here.

I nodded and he gave me a smile. He was a nice guy.

I sat down while he cooked for me. I stared at his back while he was busy cooking. He was very handsome. He had been cooking for the past half hour.

He turned around and faced me and placed 5 dishes in front of me one by one. The first dish had fried chicken, and the second dish had spaghetti in it with mushrooms on top. The third dish had medium half-cooked steak. The fourth dish had crepes in it and then it was dessert on the fifth plate, which was 8 macarons he took out of the cupboard earlier.

Chaewon: "You cooked this all in just an hour and all for me?"

Jimin: "Yep"

He placed two chopsticks, a fork and a knife in front of me.

Jimin: "Disfruta de tu comida"

Chaewon: "What?"

Jimin: "It means: Enjoy your meal"

I nodded and gave him a warm smile.

He walked over and sat next to me and said.

Jimin: "You can enjoy yourself for two days with me because sunwoo won't let you. Plus you can call friends here too but not more than 3 but don't do that when sunwoo is here."

Chaewon: "I can call friends?"

Jimin: "Yeah!, but not when Sunwoo is around, plus you'll be going to uni every day so don't worry"

He smiled and patted my back.




I'm actually dead inside rn but I'll write the next chapter later on!

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