
Love Across The Ocean

Aisha Musa is a Nigerian girl who meets Lee Do Hyun during a work retreat in South Korea. They hit it off immediately and starts at the beginning of their journey. Follow their journey as they face the obstacles that come their way from family members, to differences in cultures and religion. This is their love story and the true definition of love knows no bounds.

WagS · Urban
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7 Chs

Rumors flying


"I called you last night,'' he manages.

I saw his missed calls but it was already late and I wasn't up for a conversation about getting back together. Sal has been pushing for a chance. We didn't break up on bad terms. One day, I just thought about how hard being in a relationship was with him. it was my first real relationship and I felt exhausted. We were both trying too hard. Trying to communicate, trying to spend time together. at the end of it all, I felt tired and I couldn't anymore. I want something that will be easy. It shouldn't be that hard. Being with the person you love. You should want to talk to the person every day. Messages from that person should make your heart race. I never got butterflies with him. he didn't make me giddy and emotional.

There were no hard feelings and I thought he understood it. I explained to him that we were better off as friends and he accepted it.

He didn't fight it like I thought he would. I gave him a chance to prove that he actually loved me like he said he did but he just gave up easily. Yes, that was what I wanted but I at least thought he wouldn't accept it easily. I thought we were finally over but over the years, he has started pushing again. dad has brought up the topic of marriage so many times and every time he does, he mentions Salam and how good of a husband he would be to me. The fact that we have a personal and work relationship doesn't sit right with me.

"I went to bed early.''

He sighs "Okay, I was wondering if we could have dinner tonight after work. I have some things to say to you,'' he manages.

"We have work tomorrow,'' I remind him.

He nods "I know how much you hate going out on workdays but I miss you and I want to spend some time with you,'' he breathes out. The longing in his eyes even stronger than earlier. I really want to say no to him. I mean, I don't want to go out tonight but I also don't want to hurt his feelings right now.

"Okay,'' I agree because there is no harm in a dinner with a friend. Sal will always be a friend to me. I will always have a special bond with him. I just wish he would just accept that we are not going to get married. I just wish he would stop listening to my father and believing that we actually have a chance. Once he does that, things between us will actually be good.

His smile is wide and it makes me think that agreeing to this might not have been a good idea. I don't want to get his hopes up but I also want to spend some time with him. he is my friend; he is good company and I haven't had good food in a while. "We can meet up at the parking lot. We will use my car and then I will drop you home tonight. You can leave yours in the office,'' he suggests.

"I need it to get to work tomorrow,'' I remind him.

"I can come pick you up. it is no big deal.''

He is so eager that I don't even know how to respond. After I leave him, I go back to the kitchen and Ada is using her phone as she eats. She looks up immediately and a knowing smile crawls up to her face "What did he want?'' she asks.

I sigh as I sit down opposite her "He wants to have dinner tonight.''

"Like a date?''

I shake my head immediately because this is most definitely not a date. I will make sure that he doesn't think that this is a date. This is anything but a date.

"Not a date. We are friends.''

She rolls her eyes "You know Salam doesn't think of you guys as just friends. You are already betrothed to the man. So don't even think you can escape from him.''

"I am not betrothed. We are just family friends."

"Does your father think he is your boyfriend?''

"No, he doesn't," I deny it even though deep down, I know that he does. Baba has it in his head that I am going to end up marrying him. there is no objection or refusal. Mentally, he is already preparing our wedding.''

She rolls her eyes and then takes another bite of her sandwich "I just think you should make things clear to all the parties involved. Tell your dad that you don't have feelings for him and also set things straight with Salam. What is the point of just being quiet?''

"You know I have told him that before. He knows but somehow, in his head, he thinks that there is still some faint chance that we will end up together, what do you want me to do?''

"Tell him point blank," she chews her food. I sigh as I remove my sandwich from the container "So back to bigger gist, Funke told me that Gbenga said that Mr. Emeka approved the international work retreat. This time, it seems legit oh,'' she exclaims excitedly.

I am not interested in their work retreat. I have never really been interested in getting to know my colleagues and all that. I am the kind of person that clocks out once it is five. I don't even like to spend a second more in the office if I don't have to. An international work retreat means I won't be able to escape. I will be in another country with all these people. That is not a vacation.

It is hell on earth.

"Why are you excited about this?''

"Dude, we could end up going to the States, or maybe an island like Bali. Wouldn't that be a fun vacation?'' she squeals excitedly.

I highly doubt that they will pay for a trip to the states, which is basically like the other side of the world. "See, if they actually pull through on this trip, it will not pass Africa. Don't get your hopes up,'' I warn her. she rolls her eyes and I continue "Maybe they will take us to Ghana or South Africa. They are too stingy to spend that much money on us, all in the name of a work retreat."

"You are too negative jare, why can't you just believe that it could be possible," she stands up from the chair and walks away from me to the other side of the kitchen. I watch her as she fills a cup up with dispenser water. Slowly walking back to me "You are just saying all this because you don't want to go,'' she rolls her eyes.

"It is not even confirmed and you are already daydreaming. This might just be a rumor like the salary increase they talked about the last time.''

She laughs and for the rest of our lunch, I think about the possibilities of actually traveling out of the country and going somewhere. The kind of excitement that Ada has dwells in the pits of my stomach. Maybe it is actually possible to have my adventure. Maybe there is a chance to find