

WARNING!!! ADULTS ONLY AREAS (21+) Alea is a beautiful and calm writer with potential in the action and gore trailer genre. Each of his works has always been a best-selling book. Readers melted in the plot that he made. But, who would have thought, scene after scene in the novel was his actions which he immortalized in a work with a psychopath theme. So, can Alea change? And can he have a love for the opposite sex? While psychopaths are known as figures

All1110 · Urban
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10 Chs


As usual, whenever her office tasks are completed, Alea opens her data, just writing down ideas that happen to come up so they don't get lost. If not, sometimes edit the manuscript, correct or revise the writing.

With white glasses that framed his face, he looked relaxed at the computer, scrutinizing every sentence, wiggling his feet under the table.

The phone rang, quickly grabbed it, after learning from HRD who called and asked him to go to Pak Max's room right away. He immediately rushed to the young big boss's room after saving the data so it wouldn't be lost.

The door was not closed, the boss was waiting for him, seen from the way he sat leaning on the swivel chair facing the door, and a smile broke out when he saw Alea in the doorway, "Come in, Alea. Let's sit there!" he cried, pointing to the chair in front of his desk.

Alea, you know the law

"Take a breath Alea, calm down! You can discuss this with Wulan," he said alone. "good." The girl started to open her eyes which had closed for a while in thought. after taking several deep breaths and exhalations.

Alea glanced at the clock on the touch screen. It's already shown at 21.00WIB. His composure began to be disturbed when he realized it was nearing midnight. In addition to the quiet atmosphere of the office that is gripping the office?

1. The boss can never go wrong

2. If the boss is wrong, go back to chapter one and

3. Please find a new boss, ok?"

"Yes, sir," answered Alea with a little stutter and disbelief. But, he was proud, anyway, because he was able to get a position that much female staff coveted. He who didn't expect it to get it for free.

"Okay, now you prepare everything, hand over all the documents regarding administration to Reyna. And tomorrow morning you can go straight to this room," said Mr. Max.

"Yes, sir. Thank you for your trust, excuse me," Alea returned to her room, not happy, but confused.

Being an assistant to the CEO will make him take up a lot of time, while writing is his hobby? It would be a shame if it had to be abandoned, while this is the process of publishing his second novel. But, considering the deadline is less than a month away, it's not possible. Except, he could sacrifice a little sleep at night. What can't be achieved in this world as long as you try hard? Those are the pearls of a tall, slender girl with long straight hair and white skin.

. It made him even angrier when he remembered the story of his co-workers who often saw the appearance of the occupants of this office.

However, it didn't last long. Because a few moments later he remembered that the ghost did not exist. Only human hallucinations are finally realized by the jinn according to the visuals they imagine.

A memory in the past is like a role film in Alea's mind that only she can see.

"Mom, it's dark in here. Alea is scared, Mom." A girl who had been silent in the corner of the room began to whimper while holding the woman she called mother.

"Patience dear, Mother is looking for a candle to light our room. What are you afraid of, right?"

"Scared of ghosts," he said innocently.

"Did you ever see?" the woman asked, staring at him in the dim light from outside the house, for it happened to be a full moon.

"No, ma'am." The girl shook her head and held tightly to the shirt and buried her face in her mother's arms.

"Then why are you afraid?"

"My friends, Mom. They often say ghosts, ghosts are scary and are in dark and lonely places," she whined.

"No honey, the proof is you've never seen it yourself, have you? That's superstition, maybe they're telling lies on purpose to scare the others!" cried the mother, quietly. "Well, it's clear." Yulita smiled at Alea, her baby after finding a candle and lighting it.

Another cliché from his childhood memories flashed through his mind.

"Ustdzah, there is a pocong ghost there, jumping and glaring scary, Ustadzah!" exclaimed a friend at the madrasa school.

"Did you see it yourself, Lucy?" Asked the woman in her thirties, dressed in a closed-off dress typical of a Muslim woman, in a soft tone.

"Yes, Ustadzah." he was panting, fear evident on his sweat-covered face.

"For everyone, yes. Especially Lucy. Ghosts don't exist. Like pocong, kuntilanak, wewe gombel, etc., they are jinn that resembles to scare us. So the genie embodies visuals or human images of ghosts. still believe and are afraid of ghosts! Don't give the jinn a chance to scare us, "explained the ustadzah in front of the class to his students.


"The ghost doesn't exist Alea," he muttered to himself with a smile. Continue the task.

Whoa! A strong wind blew in through the window of the room. Suddenly, his gaze swept across the room. The room was quiet, only him who was working overtime. The others had been gone since four-thirty earlier.

Alea looked at the window that happened to be open. Then, he closed it. However, before he closed the window, he took a look outside. Then down. Where he was standing was on the twentyseventh floor of the building. Naturally, if the air is very cold. Isn't the taller the tree the bigger the storm and the wind? Only there were no trees as tall as a floor building.

"Sigh, this is so annoying," he muttered to himself. Then he locked the window tightly and went back to his work. Tired, really. But, what can you do? Tonight must also be finished because tomorrow he has to change tasks and rooms. If it was with the other staff, this will be with the boss. Ugh, awkward isn't it?