

WARNING!!! ADULTS ONLY AREAS (21+) Alea is a beautiful and calm writer with potential in the action and gore trailer genre. Each of his works has always been a best-selling book. Readers melted in the plot that he made. But, who would have thought, scene after scene in the novel was his actions which he immortalized in a work with a psychopath theme. So, can Alea change? And can he have a love for the opposite sex? While psychopaths are known as figures

All1110 · Urban
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10 Chs


"Alea!" calls a man.

Alea turned her head, she saw a handsome white-faced man with bluish-gray eyes, thick black hair, about 183cm tall. The center is right behind him. Touched his shoulder with a big smile.

"Mr. Max? Is there anything I can help you with, sir?" Alea asked politely.

"Last month's administration report, have you made it, Lea?" the man asked in a formal tone.

Alea frowned in confusion at the man's question.

"Yes, yesterday I gave it to you," replied Alea calmly. She is the only woman who is always calm and never once tries to get attention for the man whose full name is Axel Maxmiliam. Maybe that's the reason, why that man always approaches Alea. Because he's different. His calm and quiet demeanor provoked his curiosity.

All eyes were on Mr. Max and Alea, occasionally they whispered to each other and smiled at Alea when she realized the quiet girl was watching.

During recess, Alea is no longer in the office park, her favorite place. He was in the front restaurant where he worked, repeatedly checking his watch and his surroundings, plus a glass of avocado flood which he just stirred without drinking.

"Sorry, I'm late. Long wait, huh?" said a woman with long straight maroon hair at the bottom. The top and bangs remain black.

Without further ado, the woman immediately grabbed the avocado fload from Alea's hand and took a sip without hesitation.

"Ten minutes I'm waiting for you, that means, I only have fifty minutes left. Quick, check my manuscript, there are already one hundred and fifty pages in there!" said Alea while handing the laptop that she had prepared to show to Wulan, the editor.

Wulan reads page after page, the look on her face depicts the satisfaction with Alea's work, it is clear when she smiles with satisfaction every time she passes page after page that she reads. Although still not entirely.

"Wow, this is cool Alea, I'm sure, this second novel of yours must be a beast seller like your first novel, BROKEN HOME." Still looking at the laptop in front of him while his hand fingered the avocado fload glass and drank it.

"Oh, yes, yes," said the man, who was Alea's superior, smiling awkwardly while slapping his head. "This is Reyna, I ordered coffee, I don't like milk coffee, just for you, okay?" The twenty six year old man handed Alea a cup of milk coffee.

Still, with her calm face, the girl smiled. Then without hesitation received a cup of coffee from the hands of the CEO of the company he worked for. "Thank you, sir," Alea answered briefly, then the man left.

"I hope so too, there's still 30 minutes, what do you want to eat?" said Alea, looking at Wulan expressionlessly. Alea was a pleasant person. However, he doesn't get along with new people easily.

"I'm already full of your treats, you take the psycho mystery theme, this will make the readers horrified and scared, the same as BROKEN HOME, many are sad. Cry along with the plot," said Wulan while smiling a smile that seemed endless.

"Get carried away?" Alea leaned back on the chair and folded her arms in front of her chest.

"That's what I mean, ok bye... I still have work, I'm waiting for it to continue until you and," said Wulan, finished off the remaining Avocado fload that he snatched from Alea and just left. "Don't forget that you immediately send it to my email, Alea!" shouted Wulan from a distance.

Alea watched the slender girl leave with an expression that was hard to explain, "Really unique, just came without permission to play loot," she muttered with a small smile.

Alea closed her laptop, intending to leave the restaurant, but, a tall man with a typical Indonesian face and tan skin shouted to stop her.

"You have friends too, don't you think. By the way, who is she? Beautiful. Hehe," said the person, Andra.

"Would you like to have lunch here?" Alea looked at the man who was much taller than her with a slight lookup.

"Yes, yes, but with you, huh? I'll treat you, let's sit down again, don't go!" cried Andra, with a funny face.

Andra in his office is known for being humorous, and not easily angered, as well as the only person who dared to try hard to approach Alea after Mr. Max, the CEO of their company. But the method is different, if Mr. Max approaches calmly, Andra does the opposite. He often bullied and bullied Alea to the max. But, the girl was never angry. He just laughed at most yes hit back.

"Stand you here."

"Who am I?" asked Andra, pointing to his nose.

"No. A ghost!" said Alea annoyed.

"Lea, it turns out that you are not only beautiful but also annoying, huh?" Andra said while eating his crispy chicken.

"Huh? It's annoying? How come?" Alea asked confused with furrowed brows.

"I've been here accompanying you all this time, it's a waste of time to talk to you, don't even glance at you, with you." The man acted sulky and sullen.

"Then who do you think I asked?" Alea answered laughing stifled staring at Andra strangely.

"Ghost." This time Andra made a sad face. Then focus on the food in front of him.

Alea laughed when she got that answer from Andra. To him, he was an annoying and fun person at the same time.

"Five more minutes, it's work time, let's go! Is this your treat?" Alea looked at Andra with a sweet smile on her lips. "Ndra, why are you dumbfounded?" he said as he swept his hand in front of Andra's face.

"E, uh yeah, I already said I was the one to treat. Alea!"

The girl turned gracefully to Andra and replied in a soft voice, "Yes, what's the wrong Ndra?"

"If you smile like that, it's really cute," Andra answered with a blank face looking at Alea.

"This is sweet," said Alea, handing him a glass of orange juice that was only a quarter of a glass. Answered by cheerful laughter from Andra. Then, the two of them went to the office. Because time was running out they joined hands and ran towards the company.

"You're crazy, Ndra! He ran fast," said Alea, panting for breath.

"Ah... how fast is it? You girl," said Andra then he squatted in front of Alea.

"What are you doing?" Alea stopped in her tracks. He looked strangely at Andre.

"Instead of you being tired, here I carry!" cried the man.

"No! I don't want it!" Alea exclaimed while walking towards the lobby.

"Said you were tired!"

"Whatever!" Alea ran and laughed with Andra into the study. They happened to be in the same room. His workplace is also close together, it's an easy opportunity for the man to tease Alea. When there is no boss of course.