
Lost Son Of Thor and Storm

In a moment of passion Storm and Thor create a child but they decided that this child was unwanted and abandoned the infant in a dimension that held beings across the multiverse that were killed and suppressed their powers. The baby would either have to grow up fast to survive of die.

SirZurone · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The lost but now found

The sky was a sickly yellow as it seemed like the inside of a stomach, and the ground was mostly flat with the landscape dyed a similar colour as the air.

As small creatures slithered around the ground a loud boom was heard in the sky followed by a gust of wind that was felt by even the biggest of the monsters that called this dimension home, a portal opened up in the sky, and almost immediately after Raiden came flying out of the portal that closed immediately after.

Raiden plummeted to the ground while being flipped by the air, Raiden's eyes shot open due to being unconscious for a few seconds and immediately realized he was falling through the sky at an incredible velocity and tried to stop himself from spinning but due to the spinning he was too disorientated to focus.

"Come on work!" Raiden shouted out his voice being carried away by the wind.

He bundled up in a ball and focused as hard as he possibly could gritting his teeth and digging his nails in his palm his body shot open in a starfish-like shape and an explosive gust of wind spread around him making him come to a halt completely and held there as it kept him suspended.

The release of power drained Raiden of his energy and as blood flowed from his palms he looked around at the landscape and saw a world destroyed and smoke from every crevice escaping.

(Pretty much Doom universe just without Doom Slayer)

"Where have they sent me" Raiden's hand started shaking but stopped when he grabbed it.

Raiden looked at his hands and saw the wounds healing he gave a wearily smile until a drop of blood hit his hand, he flipped his hand and more drops of blood fell on his hand.

In confusion, he brought his hand to his nose and realized he was having a nosebleed from both nostrils as soon as he found out Raiden suddenly felt extremely drained and not resist passing out.

The pocked of air keeping him from falling disappeared and he once again fell through the sky like a comet and he got closer and closer to the ground his eyes opened a tiny bit and saw the ground rapidly approaching but he could not do anything even holding his eyes open took every fibra of his existence to keep up.

'I am sorry Tempest I can't get your retribution, forgive me' Raiden thought in his mind hoping Tempest could hear him.

A cloaked figure on the ground is seen on the ground jumping great heights and using magic to destroy any demons in their way, the land was greatly uneven with great hills and cliffs, and due to those enormous canyons and ravines scattered everywhere.

The figure dashed up and hill and when they reached the top jumped off and caught the falling Raiden and cradled them in their arms and then landed at the other side of the ravine.

"Hello child, so how come you were dropped through that portal" a female voice came from the figure and that was the last thing he heard before truly going into the world of dreams.

(What he sees)

(Time skip)

In a small room, Raiden lay asleep on a bed with a cloth on his head breathing heavily coupled with his head flicking side to side, his eyes were darting around under his eyelids as shown by the movement of his eyelids.

Raiden shot up from laying down and now sat up in a cold sweat, as he looked around he scanned the room, the wallpaper of the room was a dull grey, and furniture that looked like it came straight from a dumpster was put around the room such as a desk, nightstand, chair and a wardrobe.

The whole room looked old and like it was stuck in one style, Raiden heard light footsteps coming towards the door and so he jumped off the bed and tried walking to a nearby window but at his first step, he fell under his own legs as he immediately felt immensely tired.

His body hitting the floor created a loud thud and in response, the light steps quickened until the door swung open, and in came walking his supposed saviour.

Raiden could not see their face or body except their feet as the angle he fell off the bed covered most of his vision, two feminine feet came walking in and the same smooth female voice he heard before spoke.

"I mean boy I not only saved you and nursed you back to relative health then the first thing you do is disappoint me by trying to run away" she stepped around the bed and looked down at Raiden as he did the same with wide eyes.

(Not the crown thing thing just her in the room)

"My~ My~ look at you have done with your self but don't worry young Raiden I Hela will help you"

"How do you know my name? And who are you?" Raiden struggles to pull himself up but fails and falls again.

Hela walks over to Raiden and picks him up surprising Raiden with her strength as she effortlessly lifted him and put him on the bed.

"Don't try and move your still too drained to move yet, I mean what were you thinking using that much power, you have to understand here you can't use your powers willy nilly here maybe out in the real world you would be fine but not here" Hela reprimanded Raiden while covering him with the blanket.

"And I know your name because I read your surface thoughts and I heard that name so I assumed it was you, and who I am is something I will tell you when your better so" Hela lifted her leg over Raiden and onto the bed and followed by her body now above him, she put her hand on his forehead and leaned in close to Raiden practically laying on him then put her mouth where his left ear was.

Raiden tensed up as she pressed against him and he could feel her breath on his ear.

'What are you doing?' Raiden meant to say it aloud but was unable to as he just stayed still not because he was forced to but just was unable to move.

"sleep" she whispered as a light glow filled Raiden's vision from her hand.

Raiden was put to sleep immediately, Hela backed up a bit now hovering her head over his face, and saw the redness leave his face, she smiled mischievously and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Naughty boy~ Try and rest I will wake you up tomorrow for breakfast then maybe you can tell me why you came out of that portal" Hela got off the bed and went out the door, closing it on the way out.

She grabbed her black cloak that hung on a hook and threw it on and walked to the front door, Hela took a deep breath and stopped smiling replacing it with a serious expression, and grabbed her black sword that rested on a table nearby.                                                                                                          

She gripped the handle and sprinted out slamming the door, a deadly silence crept around the house until a monstrous roar was heard out there and cuttings of flesh and bone were all you could hear instead.