
entry 1#

My name is Liv Moore. I'm an orphan and I live with my foster parents . I turned 16 recently.. description: i have long black wavy hair and black eyes with long lashes ..I have pouted lips and a straight nose. im slightly underweight and 5`2 ft short ( I would say short instead of tall. I mean lets face it 5`2 ft is shorter than most of the girls..) my skin is tanned and kind of bronze .. It's n fully bronze. a mixture of pale and bronze..lets just leave it here. my description is quite complicated.

I'm an introvert. I love psychology..

I hate my life ..literally i hate it..i hate school and thank god i graduated ... cant wait to get out of this depressing place..

2 more weeks ..i will be in Australia ..im hella exited .. im doing psychology as a major..and i cant dream my life any better..