
Lost in infinity

in the distant future humanity ventures out In to space and has colonies across the solar system. In order to advance humanity further they needed to explore the cosmos but the technology of earth has been stagnated for decades so there was no viable method to explore space efficiently. so In order to make long distance space travel a reality the nations of earth pool their resources in to project PIONEER to study light speed travel.NEW HORIZON a ship under this project finally breaks through the light speed barrier and takes a new step for humanity but this has disastrous consequences as humanity is exposed to new dangers beyond the thier imagination and leads to a war for survival that nearly lead to the extinction of humanity. but contrary to all odds humanity manages to push back the invaders with the help of people who can use resonance which appeared with humanities accession to the 4th dimension. this story takes place a millenia after the accession and follows the life of Cillian Ruth who once had a bright future falls In to path of of no return after a single incident that changed his life forever I don't own the image in the cover

Idle_fantasies · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The perfect testing ground

The pirates all stood like statues around Cillian, none willing to make a move.

Looking at his nervous subordinates, Blancher roared in anger,

"You monkeys, he is only a single E Grade. Use your freaking guns!"

The pirates, who snapped out of their shock, hurriedly drew their guns and aimed at Cillian.

"So it's gonna be like that? you want to resist? I was going to make this quick and painless, but I think this will be a good opportunity to test my new powers."

Without any hesitation, the pirates all discharged their guns on Cillian. Cillian used the pirate he had as a human shield, but the lasers came from every direction and managed to hit Cillian multiple times.

But Cillian didn't move a muscle. Inwardly he was laughing, 'Idiots, give me more. The more energy you pump into me, the more I have to test against you. After 2 minutes of continuous firing, their low-grade laser guns overheated and went on to cool down mode . Just as they stopped shooting, Cillian discarded the pirate's body he held, which was now full of holes.

" That's all you got? I am a bit disappointed; a girl could shoot better than you bunch."

With that, Cillian broke into a sprint and reached the nearest pirate before he could react. He held his head with his arm and raised him to eye level. He said while looking straight into the pirate's terrified eyes,

"Let's see, how about I start with something simple like electricity?"

With a single thought, Cillian's hands started to crackle with electricity, which made its way through the pirate. The pirate's body twitched as his muscles contracted and burned from the electricity coursing through his body. In a few seconds, the pirate's smoking body was thrown aside by Cillian.

"That was interesting. Now let's try something else."

The pirates who just witnessed what transpired were frozen in fear. They only had one thought in mind: "monster"

Cillian instantly made his way to another pirate who was just about to fire his laser gun again, ignoring the overheat warning. Cillian held the gun with his hand, the muzzle pointing directly at his head. The pirate instinctively pulled the trigger, but there was no laser discharge. Cillian smiled in an evil grin. He had drained the energy cell of the pistol in an instant. The old him would've taken at least half a minute to do that. He let go of the gun, grabbed the pirate by the face. Just as the pirate started to beg for his life, his head exploded!

"MM, that's what happens when you add kinetic energy to one's brain. This one's too messy for my standards," Cillian casually said, cleaning out the brain spatter on his face.

The pirates were beyond terrified at this point. Even Blancher was scared and drenched in sweat.

Cillian didn't mind any of this and picked up an alloy sword from the ground.

"Let's try something cool."

With that, the alloy sword started glowing white-hot as Cillian released thermal energy into the sword. He waved around the sword a bit and charged into a group of pirates who were discharging ammo-based guns into Cillian.

"I gotta give it to them, they are really helping me test the limits of my power," Cillian thought as he watched bullets enter his body and stop after getting their kinetic energy absorbed by his muscles. As Cillian made his way into the pirate group, he hacked and slashed with his superheated alloy sword without any care in the world. "Getting shot hurts, you bastards," Cillian muttered as the heated blade cut through armor, skin, and bones like butter, the heat cauterizing the wounds and prolonging their suffering.

Cillian stood among the agonizing cries of the pirates, while the others moved behind their commander, fearing Cillian.

Cillian looked at the alloy sword that was already deforming from the prolonged heating.

"Too inefficient."

He threw the sword to the ground and picked up a plasma cannon and absorbed the energy in it. Energy moved like ripples into Cillian's arms and spread throughout his body.

"Ah, much better."

He then extended out both his hands to his sides towards the pirates squirming on the ground in pain. Electricity crackled through his hand and shot out of his hands like lightning, electrocuting the pirates on the ground.

"So, the energy can also be projected outwards as a ranged attack that's nice "

As Cillian was busy exploring his newfound powers, Blancher was wracking his brain to find out a way to take Cillian down.

Retreat ? Where to ?

Take him head-on? Too risky, I don't know what abilities he possesses.

Negotiate with him?

That sounds like it may work, but is it worth it? Me a D rank admit defeat to a mere E rank ?

In the end, Blancher's pride won over reason, and he decided to take Cillian down head on .

"All of you, quit acting like cowards and fight, or else he will pick us out one by one," Blancher shouted. The other pirates also realized the severity of their situation and agreed with their boss.

"Captain, what should we do?"

"All of you, charge at him together. It seems like he can't use his powers very well. When you guys distract him, I will deal the final blow."

The pirates didn't like becoming bait, but seeing their leader's expression, they realized that there was no backing out of this. So they swallowed their fear and charged at Cillian.

Cillian saw this and was amused, "Coming at me in groups, eh? I don't mind." As he raised his hand for an attack.

But just as the pirates were about to reach Cillian, a humongous arm emerged from behind the mob of pirates, smashing them and Cillian, who was sent flying from the impact.

Cillian's body slammed into the wall of the ship, caving it from the impact. He groaned from the pain of the impact. While Cillian had a high mental tolerance for pain, he wasn't immune to it. moreover even lf ciliian didn't need his organs or bones to survie his body needed it to fight . His hastily regenerated body was already at its limits .The pirates that got hit didn't fare any better; most got crushed by the impact, and the lucky few were knocked out.

"Man, I got to stop being careless." Cillian cursed his carelessness

As Cillian was struggling to get out of the ship's wall, a huge fist crashed into him, embedding him into the wall even more. Then came another, then another, until Cillian was completely embedded deep inside the walls.

Cillian felt that his entire body was put inside a crusher. It hurted everywhere, and his regeneration was increasing the pain even more. Unlike other pioneers whose regeneration was mostly painless, Cillian's regeneration hurt just as badly as getting wounded.

As Cillian was struggling to cope with the pain, Blancher emerged with two enlarged hands that looked very out of proportion with his body.

"You attacked me and killed my crew, so Even if hell freezes overI will make sure that I get what I am owed from you. Pray that you are actually worth something on the black market, or else you will wish you were dead."

But as blancher rambled on Cillian was lost in his thoughts to listen to Blancher's threats.

"There are no more enemies left to experiment on other than this guy, and I am in enough pain already. It's time to end this . Maybe I should end with that."

As Blancher finished his speech, Cillian spoke up.

"looks like its your lucky day! you will get to experience my new resonance law firsthand!"

"Your resonance law? You have even more laws?" Balncher said in a shocked voice

'An E grade is supposed to have only two laws, but this thing has already shown multiple abilities already ! what kind of anomaly is this thing ? '

But before Blancher could finish his thought, he was interrupted by Cillian.

"Energy manifestation: lightning armor!"

Lightning enveloped Cillian's body as he felt his attack power, agility, and speed increase as the lightning coursed through his body.

"What amazing power!" Cillian thought.

Blancher was stupefied at Cillian's transformation. " what kind of monsters are those bastards creating in their secret base ? "

He wanted to raise his arms to defend himself, but before he could, Cillian disappeared in a flash and appeared behind him. Blancher couldn't make sense of what happened as his body collapsed to the ground; his entire right arm and shoulder were gone!