
Lost in infinity

in the distant future humanity ventures out In to space and has colonies across the solar system. In order to advance humanity further they needed to explore the cosmos but the technology of earth has been stagnated for decades so there was no viable method to explore space efficiently. so In order to make long distance space travel a reality the nations of earth pool their resources in to project PIONEER to study light speed travel.NEW HORIZON a ship under this project finally breaks through the light speed barrier and takes a new step for humanity but this has disastrous consequences as humanity is exposed to new dangers beyond the thier imagination and leads to a war for survival that nearly lead to the extinction of humanity. but contrary to all odds humanity manages to push back the invaders with the help of people who can use resonance which appeared with humanities accession to the 4th dimension. this story takes place a millenia after the accession and follows the life of Cillian Ruth who once had a bright future falls In to path of of no return after a single incident that changed his life forever I don't own the image in the cover

Idle_fantasies · Fantasy
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34 Chs

An unexpected surprise

Cillian limped to Blancher's collapsed body dragging his broken body along and kneeled beside his face.

"Even after that attack, you are still alive! A Grade D is no joke!" Cillian joked when he saw that blancher was still conscious.

Seeing Cillian coming closer, Blancher started screaming at him, struggling to move far way as possible.

"Don't you dare mess with me. I'm an underling of 'Hansa the Plague,' of the Blood Band alliance ! if you do anything to me, you will answer to him!"

Cillian ignored all his threats and placed his bloody hand on Blancher's terrified face. As he was thinking about how to finish him off, he felt something that made him unconsciously break out in laughter. "Interesting! Very interesting! It seems like the godess of luck finally decided pay me a visit ! "

Blancher was practically going crazy from fear because of Cillian. suddenly, he felt something tremble inside him, his instincts screaming at him. For some reason, he had a foreboding that what Cillian was about to do was going to be far worse than anything his comrades suffered. Blancher struggled with all his might and begged Cillian to spare him but Cillian ignored his struggling and begging, and waited in anticipation. And then, at that moment, he felt it. something that he only felt once in his life during his captivity in the research base .He smiled ear to ear, which looked very disturbing combined with his skinless face.

A pure blue energy flowed from Blancher's body to Cillian's body through his arms. Something more amazing followed: Cillian's missing body parts started regenerating at an astonishing pace! what Cillian was absorbing from Blancher was pure higher dimensional energy ! an energy so rare that even the foundation with all it's resources could only spare a single medium quality energy crystal for experimenting. The reason why higher dimensional energy crystals or super crystals as they are commonly called is due to it's ability to enhace resonance abilities and to make wepons aginst pioneers who are immune to most conventional wepons . As Cillian was enjoying his moment

Simon, who was sitting frozen in a corner, watched with wide eyes as his boss, who was a D Rank, screamed and struggled to break free as his body shriveled and crumbled, and the terrifying monster who had killed his entire crew turned into a well-built man with a teenager's face.

"Having a whole body feels great ! "

Cillian inspected his newly reconstructed body. It looked just like the one he had before he was incinerated, except for some parts that where still missing some skin. As he was inspecting himself , he finally noticed the one person he had missed, who was cowering in the corner.

Cillian slowly walked towards Simon. "Oops, I almost missed you. Can't have any loose ends, can we?"

Seeing Cillian approach, Simon knew that his life depended on what he said next. So he practically knelt on the ground and started begging, "Please spare me. I can be helpful to you, so don't hurt me."

"I can't trust you,"

Cillian said nonchalantly.

But Simon didn't give up.

"I will never betray you, Not after what you have done to them."

Cillian was amused by Simon. Simon didn't show any hostility towards him from the start, and Cillian was in a good mood after his recent discovery. He decided to humor Simon. "I will give you one minute to convince me."

Simon finally saw a ray of hope. His answer would decide his life.

"I, I can help you start a new life! I can help you get into the empire. I can help you hide! I have a friend who can help you start again with a clean slate!"

Cillian was surprised by his response, but his expression didn't change at all. He asked in a slightly suspicious tone, "What makes you think I want something like that?"

Simon didn't answer; he was clearly debating whether to answer the question.

But he didn't have a choice here, so he answered in a low voice, "Because, because I know who you are, Cillian."

Yes, Simon recognized Cillian! Even though he bulked up a bit, his face didn't change much so anyone who saw thw news should be abke to recognise him ! .

Cillian raised his brow, but he didn't make any other move like Simon feared.

Cillian spoke calmly, "So even pirates in the Frontier know about me. These guys from the foundation really screwed me over, didn't they?"

Simon didn't fully understand what Cillian said, but he hurriedly said, "No, you are mistaken. I was in the Republic during your trial, that's how I know. I am originally from the republic."

"Oh, that's good to hear. I thought I would have to change my whole face," Cillian said casually.

Simon said in an awkward tone, "About that, you might want to hold on to that idea, because you are just as famous in the empire as in the Republic."

"Damn," Cillian cursed.

"But don't worry, I have a way to smuggle you into the empire's territory and even make you an official citizen! even an official pioneer !"

Simon hastily said.

"How are you going to do that? All my biometrics, including my resonance ability, are registered in the galactic criminal record. There is no way the empire will give me citizenship, much less allow me to become a pioneer," Cillian replied.

Simon quickly grasped the opportunity in front of him. "All that can be taken care of. My friend can solve your citizenship and identification problems. The matter of people recognizing you can be solved with some basic surgery, and even without that, if you lay low for a few years and put on some basic makeup, no one is going to recognize you anyway since you are still young and growing. The resonance problem is also easy to solve; there is no way to identify a resonance specifically without specialized tests, as many resonances have similar abilities. And you where unawakended when you where arrested so they don't have your resonance signature either . so unless you get into some serious problem or expose your resonance ability, you will be just fine."

Cillian fell into deep thought. Simon waited by his side nervously.

After two minutes of silence, Cillian finally came out of his thought.

"It seems that it's your lucky day. I accept your proposal. You are free to go as long as you fulfill your end of the bargain," Cillian said with a smile.

Simon practically collapsed on the floor in relief. "Boss, I will definitely keep my word!"

"You better, or else you will end up like him," said Cillian, pointing to the pile of dust that was once Captain Blancher.

Simon felt a chill down his spine, thinking back to how his former boss died.

"I will, I swear on my life!"

After Simon spent another 5 minutes praising Cillian, he had enough.

"Stop the babbling and let's get going. Before that, get me some DAMN CLOTHES!"

Cillian yelled as he realized that he had been naked all this time.