

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Come closer, I won't bite" he said calmly as he took a sip from the wine glass while feasting his eyes deviously on her like a lost prey. Laura looked up at the masked man nervously while sitting at the other end of the sofa. She felt vulnerable and silly while biting her finger with her red rosy lips. His next action surprised her. He stood up and grabbed her unexpectedly. "I can't wait any longer" he said as he clasped his arms around her. "You're driving me crazy" the masked man added. Laura swallowed nervously, this was not going to end up well as she thought. Laura was a poor orphaned girl who was desperate for the need of money to pay for her late father's bills in order for the debtors to stop harassing their lives. And the only way out she could think of was seeking help from her best friend, who hooked her up with an unknown billionaire. That was the only way out of her mess. Spending one night with the Billionaire. But what would happen if something were to go wrong? Will this be a reoccurring affair, or is it going to be only tonight... ***** Please don't copy the cover is mine. Thanks!

DaoistJhgTfu · Urban
Not enough ratings
211 Chs

Chapter 3


The interior of the apartment was simply marvelous, it was small yet comfortable looking with some expensive looking furniture . Jasmine was proud of her apartment being that she did the interior design herself but she thought the apartment was rather small for her and she was definitely going to move into a bigger one. But to Laura it was like a hotel suite in one of the rich neighbourhoods in the area. Much better than where she lived in.

"Have a seat, let me get your bags inside" said Jasmine. She gestured to the sofas in the living room.

There were three of them all white and softer than any furniture in their home, Laura thought as she sat on them. There was a huge TV set hanging on the wall. With what looked a digital fireplace, Dennis kept staring with wonder at the fireplace with curiosity.

"Oh that's just a screen!" said Jasmine when she saw the look on the little boy's face, "The room has temperature control" she said as she turned a knob on the wall. They could feel the room start to get cooler.

Laura was bewildered. She tried to tighten her grip on her brother before he slipped off her shaky hands.

"Jasmine, is this house really yours?" She asked as she turned to her friend who seemed busy with the luggage.

"Yeah. What do you think?"

Laura tried to formulate actual words but she just stared stupidly.

"Okay, let me take you to your room. I hope you love it."

Jasmine led the way while Laura followed. Her eyes watched the house in fascination. Laura just couldn't keep her eyes off the place as she digested everything she was seeing.

"Welcome to your room." Jasmine said lifting the luggage into the wardrobe at the corner of the room.

"Wow!" Laura exclaimed with her eyes roaming around the room.

The lights on the ceiling caught her attention. It seemed alluring; something that would probably be owned by someone that's definitely comfortable. She was drawn to the things around her and wished that one day she would own a house like this one.

"You can drop Dennis on the bed while you wash up." Jasmine said to her after she had dropped the luggage inside the wardrobe.

"Oh okay." she answered with a lovely smile and dropped Dennis gently on the soft massive bed big enough to fit an elephant. She covered him with a blanket and placed a sweet kiss on his forehead.

"Good night Dennis."

Jasmine stood at the doorsteps as she stared at the siblings lovingly. "I guess you can go and take your bath now." Jasmine said interrupting the silent moment.

"Oh, that's true." Laura answered.

She was about to take a step into the bathroom when she stopped.

"Jasmine, about the job. When am I starting?" Jasmine turned and looked at her friend. She was already at the doorway.

She hadn't thought about that yet. She had to think of a decent enough client that wouldn't mess with Laura too much and would be willing to pay a lot. She didn't want her to sleep with any type of sicko but since Laura had requested for it and didn't have any objections, she would try to make it as smooth as possible.

She hoped there was a way she could get a client for Laura that would pay the exact amount she needed for just a night. It would be possible seeing as she was a virgin. Most of the clients she had would pay good money to have a virgin.

But still it was possible for her to make an error judging their character and hand her friend to some bastard that would end up ruining her life in just one night.

She smiled and said. "When you're done you can come down to the living room and we can talk about it. Okay?"

Laura nodded to her friend as she retreated to the bathroom.

Jasmine left the room. Laura looked pitifully at the little boy sleeping on the bed. He looked so peaceful. She just wished all this would be over soon so she could focus more on her life and that of her little brother and give him the life he deserved. He was too young for all these things happening to them.

Within ten minutes, Laura was dressed and had gone out of the room to have the talk with Jasmine.

At the dining table, Jasmine was going through some files that contained some of her prospective clients. The people she supplied girls to consisted of mostly high statued and civilized men in the society, who paid extremely well for their girls. But she was scared she might lead her friend to a sicko among them, she knew some of them could be crazy during sex and even crazier after.

She sighed tirelessly and hit her fist on the table against the files. Some of them slipped to the floor.

"Gosh!" She said, frustrated. She didn't know who to pick from the men she had available because it was hard to judge a book by its cover. Just when she bent down to pick up the files on the floor, one file caught her attention. The one with the name written boldly, 'Mr A '

Why hadn't she thought of that earlier. Yes, Mr A. That was the name of a regular client. Since some of the clients didn't want to reveal their real names, they would use a different name to cover their true identity. It was good for business because the less they knew about their clients, the less the complications that might arise.

These men were billionaires in the country; that was all they knew.

Some were married men who wanted to spice up their married life without divorcing their wives. To them it was harmless cheating on their wives by fucking hot whores since no one would ever find out about it.

What made this business so successful was the confidentiality. Her clients could do whatever they wanted and walk out of the room without staining their clean social image.

She smiled when she picked up the file. Speaking of a man who paid huge money; Mr A.

He had a great reputation, he was a casanova with the ladies. He fucked some ladies so good they even tried to decline payment. Of course that wasn't possible because this was a business, but such was his prowess, ladies got excited at the mere mention of his name.

Some of them yapped about how great sex with him was . "If you want to be treated like a lady should be treated you need to fuck Mr. A" one of her workers had said once. He was rough according to them but he did things to them that could only describe as pleasure so intense it made you go crazy .

But that was if you were a "good girl" and did whatever he told you to, he was a master of the art and he was very specific about his sex methods. At the end you will receive a higher pay than you could expect. When it came to sex and money the man was the best.

It was a shame no one knew who he was or what he looked like. It was against their rules. The client's faces were always hidden behind masks whenever they had fun with the girls.

Every girl she had ever sent to Mr A had something new to say, this made even Jasmine curious as to what methods this man employed. Jasmine herself was once a call girl but never had the privilege of meeting a man like Mr. A, that life was now behind her and she could hardly sleep with any client now, let alone a masked unknown man called Mr A.

She was happy taking her percentages from the exchange of services that went down in the Maiden Hotel. Maybe he was the right one for Laura, she thought to herself.

It had been a while since Mr A requested for their services. Would he be willing to go for Laura given her lack of experience? Given his previous choices, he had always gone for sexually experienced girls. These thoughts ran through Jasmine head. She was thinking of how she would be able to get Mr A interested in Laura.

Its possible he might be able to pay extremely well for Laura since she was still a virgin, but you never know with this men. She picked up her phone and was going to dial the number on the file when someone called her name. She looked in the direction of the sound that had just interrupted her.

"Jasmine!" the voice called out again, stepping out of the room innocently was Laura. She wore a tight nightgown that brought out all her hidden curves. Her dark brown hair rested over her shoulder. Her blue eyes sparkled playing out like the beauty of the ocean when light reflects on the surface. And her pink glossy lips was sensual effortlessly as it curved in a lovely smile. She was the definition of beauty. Did Laura know how beautiful she was? Jasmine wondered.

This girl was beautiful, Jasmine thought to herself and had more sex appeal than her average call girl, her beauty coupled with her being a virgin was the icing on the cake.

"I hope this is okay?" Laura asked as she watched the expression on her friend's face. "I didn't really have anything to wear to bed so I wore this night gown I saw in the wardrobe" she said.

"Yes. It's fine, its an old night gown I left out for you, you look stunning Laura. Have you ever looked at yourself in a mirror?"

"Hmm, not really?"

"You really should" Jasmine said standing up from the dining chair. " Guess what? I have a perfect client for you, he's a total gentleman and If we handle it well, you would get the money you need."

Laura jumped up in joy and excitement, As far as all the money she was looking for would be settled there won't be a problem and she would accept anything that came with it.

"You have to listen to every word I say, but first I need a pretty picture." Jasmine requested with a sinister side grin.