

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Come closer, I won't bite" he said calmly as he took a sip from the wine glass while feasting his eyes deviously on her like a lost prey. Laura looked up at the masked man nervously while sitting at the other end of the sofa. She felt vulnerable and silly while biting her finger with her red rosy lips. His next action surprised her. He stood up and grabbed her unexpectedly. "I can't wait any longer" he said as he clasped his arms around her. "You're driving me crazy" the masked man added. Laura swallowed nervously, this was not going to end up well as she thought. Laura was a poor orphaned girl who was desperate for the need of money to pay for her late father's bills in order for the debtors to stop harassing their lives. And the only way out she could think of was seeking help from her best friend, who hooked her up with an unknown billionaire. That was the only way out of her mess. Spending one night with the Billionaire. But what would happen if something were to go wrong? Will this be a reoccurring affair, or is it going to be only tonight... ***** Please don't copy the cover is mine. Thanks!

DaoistJhgTfu · Urban
Not enough ratings
211 Chs

Chapter 2


"What!? Are you stupid?" Jasmine asked, she couldn't understand what her friend just said. Laura wasn't this kind of person, this wasn't her world. She had always been shy when it comes to men but what could have happened to change such an innocent flower.

"What are you saying?" Jasmine asked again, eyes widened trying to keep her voice down as little Denis played phone games loudly at the corner of the room. "Dennis, go play outside with the secretary" she said as she opened the door and gestured him out of the office so they could continue the conversation in privacy. Laura didn't seem to care.

"Do you know what you're saying?" Jasmine asked again as she shut the door behind her.

Laura nodded with determination in her eyes. She had made up her mind before coming here. She knew the nature of job Jasmine did, delivering girls to rich billionaires. With luck she would be able to raise the money or maybe get some kind of advance from Jasmine which she would gradually work off.

"Laura, this kind of job is not for girls like you, I can't allow you to do that. If you need money I can help you with that, but working as one of my call girls? Do you have any idea what this job entails?" Jasmine asked slowly.

"But you have to help me Jasmine! " Laura cried.

"I need the job to pay off my father's debt. Our safety is being threatened because of this money, and I'm not expecting a handout of such magnitude, we're talking thousands of dollars here!" the girl begged with watery eyes, looking too pitiful to resist.

Jasmine rested her back on the chair and stared at her friend for some time before asking

"How much does your father owe?"

"It's about 2 hundred thousand dollars" Laura replied

There was silence for a few seconds, Jasmine lit up her cigarette again and inhaled deeply. Laura was right, she would have to work to get that kind of money.

But still, Jasmine couldn't help but think, what kind of good for nothing father would gamble away his life and leave his kids in debt knowing fully well they had no one to cater for them.

She wondered, while her eyes looked into Laura's as if searching to understand the pains she was going through. It must have been hell for her all these days after the death of her father. And to be a call girl? She must have been desperate.

She knew Laura had no experience with this job, and how difficult it can sometimes be, taking her as one of her call girls could even be risky to her reputation as she might be too innocent for some of the demands of these men.

Jasmine sighed and said "Okay I get it. 2 hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money and you can't get it easily but I need you to understand the nature of this job and what it involves, you'll have to please a stranger anyway he pleases and the Laura I knew couldn't even look into a man's eye."

"Jasmine you're my only option. I have just four days to pay off this debt. Please!"

Jasmine looked at her friend pitifully. With the way she was going about it nothing she said or did would change her mind. It seemed this girl had made up her mind before coming to meet her.

"Are you sure you're ready to do this?" Jasmine wanted to make sure she was doing the right thing and had made up her mind to accept any risk that came with it. Laura nodded in as affirmation.

"I'll help you" she said smiling at Laura who looked happy and stood up from her couch to give her friend a lovely hug. Squeezing hard and holding her body tightly.

"Thank you so so much Jasmine. What would I have done without you?" Laura appreciated joyfully.

Jasmine almost couldn't breathe because of the suffocating hug Laura was giving her.

"Laura, I think that's okay let's not break my bones" Jasmine said jokingly. Laura was always bigger than Lilah and had an average sized body, a body any man would go crazy over.

"Oh sorry" she lets go. Jasmine sits up and straightens her dress "Now, that you have accepted. We have to get you clean and looking good for the wealthy clients to pick you. This is really what you want?" Jasmine asked again wanting to know if she might have changed her mind or had any second thought.

It looked like there was none as Laura's eyes lit with hope that Jasmine had agreed to hook her up with the richest men in town.

"Jasmine, I've told you. I've made up my mind okay?" She answered, she had a slight smile on her face but you could tell this wasn't something she was excited about. But she had no choice, becoming a whore for a night would pay big compared to other jobs.

She couldn't go to college because of their financial situation, and there were no good jobs she could qualify for that would help her raise the money in time.

Although, she had never had sex and would lose her virginity to a stranger she knew nothing about, she had accepted her dark fate as their lives were on the line.

Her hands clapped onto Jasmine's hands who seemed so worried about the decision her friend chose to take.

"I'll be fine. I promise and I'd do whatever it takes just give me a chance" Laura pleaded. Jasmine knew she could make that money within four days if she met the right persons. She was good looking and the billionaire men loved to have girls who were young and pure but she couldn't shake the worry from her head completely.

She could have easily done it for any other girl but not someone who was this close to her. She felt a bit bad and wish she could give out that money freely but the nature of their business meant money was always needed to keep affairs running. She had girls she had to take care of, all her employees always needed to look their best because these were no ordinary men they were trying to satisfy.

"I'll help you get the money within the four day. If that is what you want but-" she paused and lifted her eyes up playing on thinking about something serious while she was not.

"But...what ?" Laura asked, looking worried.

Jasmine chuckled when she saw the look on her friend's face.

"There's no but. I'm Just kidding!" She laughed and Laura pushed off her hands. "Always the joker!" The girls laughed, forgetting about their worries for a minute.

They stepped out of the office and Dennis was curled up by the corner in the secretary's office. He had slept off on one of the counters, making the two friends continue laughing.


A black cab parked in front of a luxurious little villa in the estate. That was Jasmine's apartment! Laura was mind blown by its appearance, not like their little mini apartment down the countryside.

"Jasmine, is this your house?" Laura asked, looking surprised at the fancy Apartment.

"Yes, for the meantime. I'm hoping for new changes in my life"

"A new change?"Laura asked. If she was the one that had this type of Apartment. She would have been over the moon.

Laura stepped down from the cab along with her brother sleeping on her hands. She carried him up on shoulder to make him feel more comfortable while Jasmine helped pack her belongings and headed towards the apartment followed by Laura.

Jasmine clicked on the door and it opened. Laura eyes widened at the immediate view inside. It was fascinating!

"Jasmine" her mouth dropped wide.