

         "You stay with a man and a woman in your house who don't love each other?" Asked Rose looking at her.

"No, just my mother and her childhood friend, they are always arguing like lovers. Like they were trying to decide whether we should come to New York or just avoid coming, do you know they said that New York is a bad place?"

Rose glared at Noelle. He lives in New York but he has. Never heard of a bad place in New York so he doesn't know why some people who have never stepped foot in New York are complaining that New York is a bad place.

He picked some snacks and three apples from the bag pack that Davids had packed for him. He gave Noelle one of the apples and they started walking out of the school halls. 

Behind them was Abrianna folding her hands on her chest watching the two walking away. Her cousin was towering over her. Watching her reaction. He still could t understand why his little cousin would be mad that a boy had decided to walk with another girl away. 

"What's wrong with you and Rose?" Asked his cousin after watching her for some time.

"Who said that there is something, focus on your life cousin. Why are you even hanging around the lower block, you should be playing with other students not here at the grade one's block."

Abrianna walked off leaving him still standing. He watched as Rose and Noelle walked off to the corridor. He didn't leave until he couldn't see them again.

"Don't tell me you are falling for Rose at such a young age, your dad is going to kill you."

He walked off.

"So, this is the school cafeteria, in case you want something, you can come to get it here or if you want something now, I can get it for you now."

They had arrived at the other school building. Rose wanted to show Noele every place. He has already shown her to the washroom and Noelle complemented that they were the best school washrooms she has ever seen. 

"No, you've given me everything. Unless you want to get something."

Rose shook his head and scratched his chin.

"I save my money, I don't see a need of buying snacks yet I get some from home." Said, Rose.

"That's a nice idea, who taught you that?" Asked Noelle while looking at him smiling.

"My dad said that is common sense and she said that it's nice to think before spending all your money on meaningless items like snacks that are not going to help you."

"Wait, why did you say your dad and used 'she?'" Asked Noelle.

Rose looked at her and didn't know what answer to give her. It's not like he was trying to hide that he had a father who is a girl and is beautiful. Though no one knows about that.  He decided he is going to keep it silent until he feels that everyone will accept that.

"Sorry, I think I confused, it's was supposed to be, 'he.'"

Noelle nodded as they went on walking to various parts of the school. He showed her the playground which was beautiful with various playgrounds outlined. 

"I love your basketball pitch, I play basketball," said Noelle.

"Wow, you play basketball? That's amazing. I run marathons once in a while and play chess. Not to brag I also play jazz." 

"Wow, how did you know how to play Jazz?" Asked Noelle as they sat on the rooftop of the echo library. 

"My dad is a Jazz singer but he doesn't soling or plays jazz anymore, he said he lost interest and doesn't have an inspiration," Said Rose.

"My brother does Jazz too and is a ballet dancer. You know I envy his jelly bones that can do anything he wants to do, from backflip like five times without breaking it and can walk on the rope freely, though he is still practising on that," Noelle narrated.

"You don't need to be, that's his talent. Maybe your basketball is going to take you places and his dancing and jazz will also take him places, so don't be worried."

They sat watching as other people down in the field were walking around and some were eating in the school dining area. 

"So why did you bring me up here?" Asked Noelle.

Rose didn't know why he brought this new girl up to this place. 

"It's the only place you will be able to see the whole school. I mean since we don't have an aerial view of the place, we can use the top of this dining room just admiring the view."

After finishing, he started thinking that he might have given a very lame reason. 

"It's cool though, I get to see various places in the school." Compliment Noelle and Rose agreed to it.

"Rose, some help?"

They heard the voice and quickly looked in the direction in which the voice was coming from. Rose didn't need a second look to know that it was Abrianna trying to climb on top of the building. 

"Oh, Hello Bree," said Noelle extending her hands for Abrianna to hold. 

Abrianna looked at her and kept her hands to herself and eyed Rose. Rose moved forwards quickly and stretched his hands for her to hold. 

"Thanks, Rose, I didn't want to fall. Why are you guys here anyway?" Asked Abrianna sitting in between Noelle and Rose. He pushed them apart so that she can be in there.

"Nothing, just Rose showing me the view of the school. It's lovely and I admire it."

Rose was caught in between talking or just listening to the two girls talk and for him to take note of what they were talking about.

He didn't get why Abrianna decided to come up here today yet she has never been up here. He is the only one who had been coming up the place. 

"You know this is also my favourite place. I cine here every evening to look at the sun setting, its always beautiful" Said Abrianna.

"Wow, that is cool, I mean I would love to see the sunset in this place. We do that with my brother every day because our window faces the area where the sunsets." 

Everyone went back to being silent. Behind them was Abrianna's cousin. Hiding as he listened to what they were talking about. He didn't know what he wanted to do but he knew he couldn't trust Abrianna to be by herself and the two. What he didn't understand yet is if his cousin wanted Rose or if the little girl with Rose is what made him follow them everywhere they go. 

He listened to their conversation and was shocked at how these small kids could talk that much. It's not like he knew anything. He is with a family full of drama ever. They talk about amazing things, office work wealth and all sorts of drama and that is the same thing the two kids who were sitting on the roof were talking about before Abrianna interfered.

He wanted to step forward and sit amongst them but he hesitated. He is thirteen, too old to sit with some seven years old kids talking about shots. Though he had to admit they were smart and whatever they said made sense.

"Rose, why don't we show our visitors the school library before they leave, it will be a good you know," suggested Abrianna standing up first.

 They all stood and followed Abrianna. Rose had not said a thing ever since Abrianna walked in, though Noelle looked fascinated with Abrianna.

"Have you seen my brother?" Asked Noelle. 

"Yeah, he is in good hands. They are inside the music room the last time I saw them. My brother was admiring him to play the Jazz like no one's business." 

"Rose, do you want to do a competition with my brother?" Asked Noelle. 

"Rose? Jazz? He doesn't know how to do that shot. I bet he will be the last. The only thing he can do better than everyone is classwork," mocked Abrianna.

Rose looked at Noelle and tried to stop her from talking fast, but Noelle shouted that they should see by themselves who is the best at it.

All the legs headed to the music room and Adrian and Zeke were still in the music ton together with bigger children trying the Jazz.

"How are we going to know the winner, we both know nothing about Jazz," said Noelle once they were at the door.

"Just give me a minute," Abrianna disappeared and run towards the staff room. After some time she came back with their music teacher. 

"So, sir, we wanted to ask you if you can be our judge and decided who is the best at playing Jazz," said Abrianna's.

"What? Most of the kids nowadays don't love playing Jazz, you all love piano and guitars."

Noelle stepped in front and introduced herself before pleading with him to allow them just to compete and see for himself if there is still some little hope. 

"Okay, you guys will sit down and I will pick my favourite Jazz if the two competitors are not familiar with the song, they will say."

When the song was introduced, both Zeke and Rose nodded and Zeke went first. Zeke was not that pro, he is good at ballet, and unlike Jazz, he plays firing his free time. Rose, is a dedicated student. Low key but his talents will speak louder than his mouth.

"Wow, I am loving him already," said the music teacher giving him some little clap.

When Zeke was done, he looked at Rose and smiled at him. Rose couldn't understand why Zeke would be nice to him yet they were competing.

He closed his eyes and placed his mouth on the Jazz. Abrianna chuckled and Noelle told her to shut up. 

In his mind, Rose pictured the perfect moment that his dad and he would be sitting in the living room, the firewood boring slowly and the low music from the music box doing its magic. 

He knew the song by heart, this is the first song his dad would sing every day when they start to practise.

One blow into the trumpet and everybody was silent. Noelle watched as his lips stuck on the Jazz, Abrianna was shocked by how steady he held the Jazz without even fearing anything. Their music teacher smiled as he watched him complete the last line of the jazz. 

Noelle rushed and hugged him. Zeke followed too, congratulating him for the goldwork that he has done.

"Who taught you how to do it?" Asked Zeke when everyone was smiling and looking at him. 

"My dad, she is, I mean he is very good at Jazz and plays it every time. "

"Hey, my teacher is sometimes absent, would you mind giving me some lessons in jazz? I will give you my number you know."

Rose looked at him then he looked at her sister who was smiling by his side. Nodding his head, Zeke quickly picked a piece of paper from the middle of the book that Noelle was holding and wrote his number. 

"Nice work, though I didn't keep on confusing between him and her when talking about your dad. No offence but if you are ready to talk about it."

Rose nodded and just looked at her.

"Okay, kids, it's time to go back home, we are heeded at the airport."

"That's us, I think we should go," said Noelle. 

Rose nodded as he watched her pick up her school bag. 

"Nimo, where is your sweater?" Asked Zeke when he didn't see her sister wear any.

"I think I left it on the plane, Lord, I just hope mum won't kill me today," said Noel as she looked at her brother.

"So what are you going to wear it looks like it's going to rain any minute." 

"Here, break this, my dad will be picking me up soon I can withstand the cold," said Rose quickly removing his jacket. 

"No, you don't have to, I know I have a mind at the airport," said Noelle.

"I insist, Nimo, or do you want the hailstorm from this lace to beat you to death?" Asked Rose. 

Nimo had no otherwise. Rose helped her put it on. 

"Okay, here, my bracelet, a present maybe you can keep it you know, in case one day we meet again I will bring your jacket back and I will have my bracelet."

Rise chuckled looking at her. He accepted the bracelet.

"Ooh, your snacks are inside your jacket," said Noel when she felt them.

"That is your trip snack you can eat it."

Rose carried his backpack and walked out as the visiting student also walked out. Zeke hugged Rode and they promised to meet again virtually for the jazz lessons. Noelle waved but Rose went ahead and higher her.   He stood at his spot until the school bus was out of vision. 

"So, is she your girlfriend?" Asked Abrianna's cousin looking at the list Rose.

"Cuz, not now, just let him be," said Abrianna, "look at Adriana, looking all list, Lord, it's like he jas list his long time friend."

"Rose, Rose?" Rose was started from his thoughts by Davids.

"I'm, hey dad, sorry I didn't hear you come." He said and walked toward him.

"Where is your jacket?" Asked Davids.

"Ooh, a student didn't have one u gave it out."

"Ooh boy," said Davids as he once get a suit jacket on his body. He looked at the bracket in his hands and just smiled. She knew that she met good friends.