
241: Nice to meet you

Rose was busy tying his shoelaces. Davids was trying to pack his lunch while Damien made sure he had all his books in order. It was not yet time, they were trying to be on time because they loved it when Rose gets to school early. 

"You said your school is hosting some students from another school?" Asked Davids while placing his food on the table to access.

"Yeah, would you mind adding more fruits, I might meet new friends today," said Rose. 

Davids raised her eyebrows and looked at him. She had never heard him ask for more food, sometimes he comes back with the fruits that she packs for him. 

"Are you sure you are going to finish all of them up?" Asked Davids walking to the kitchen to pick some more apples that were on the kitchen counter.

"I am just trying to be good, and one extra water bottle," said Rose. 

"Okay, these are going to be heavy, you should know that."

Rose walked to the counter carrying his bag like it weighed nothing to him. He placed it on the table and looked at David and Damien who were in the kitchen making breakfast for them.

"No, it's not heavy, I know when it's heavy when I am bored and I don't feel like going to school."

Damien and Davids laughed at him. Davids placed two water bottles on the sides of the bag and packed some extra fruits on the other side of the bag. To add to the food given, Damien picked some snacks from the fridge and placed them inside his bag. 

"Ladies love snacks, you will win a heart you know," said Damien before winking at Rose.

"Okay, not now with girls Damien, you have been telling him that ever since you got inside this house. Oh, girls are pretty get yourself a girlfriend, on, don't fall so hard for them, they will kill you. Christ Damien man up and tell him something important." 

Damien placed his hands akimbo and looked at Davids, "What other thing are you going to be him?"

"Damien, be polite, offer your meal but not all. One thing don't let any of those guys tell you what to do."

"Is that advice? That sounds like a lecture for christ's sake, stop it," said Damien.

"Okay, we should get going, you guys are like women who love arguing every second."

Their gazes fell on Rose after hearing what he was saying. They haven't heard him tell them something like that. They ate their breakfast and they were done ready to go.

Damien was having a busy day in the office, he was not able to ride together with Davids. They waved their goodbyes and everyone went in their direction. 

Rose was sitting in the chair calmly as Davids drove him to school. They had the hugest vehicle while going to school. Davids loved big cars, unlike Damien who already had the latest Tesla and was just causing havoc on the whole road.

"What's wrong with your hands?" Asked Davids after seeing him clenching and hitting his hands on his thighs.

"Nothing, nervous though, you know I beat my classmate in the game, I don't know how she is going to react," said Rose.

"You did? That was good, let's hope they are not going to bully you again," said Davids.

Rose smiled and placed his hands on his mouth. Entering the parking lot, the school bus with the kids from the other school was also arriving. 

"They are here, they used our school bus though," said Rose.

"You be you, people don't love normal so don't be normal, just be who you want to be. I bet you will find one of your kind there," advised Davids.

Rose walked out of the vehicle and bid Davids goodbye. Davids waved too and turned around. Rose walked out and was heading to his school locker when someone stopped him amidst his walk.

"Please don't brag that you defeated me in the game, I wanted you to defeat me," said the girl.

Rose ignored her and went on walking toward the lockers. Other students in the school were looking at the two. 

Rose placed his bag inside the locker and got his books for the day.

"So you are not talking to me?" Asked the girl pulling Rose to a corner where no one could look at them.

"Abrianna, please stop, I just wanted you to stop bullying me," said Rose looking at the wall in front of him.

"If you want me to stop bullying you, look at me," said Abrianna.

Rose raised his head but he couldn't face Abrianna's gaze. There is something about her eyes that he doesn't want to look into. It's like they will know that he was afraid of her.

Abrianna lifted his face and forced him to face her. 

"No one is going to say anything to you, They will have to deal with me, you understand?" Asked Abrianna

"Mmh," nodded Rose.

Abrianna picked his hands and intertwined them with her and they matched to class. 

Everyone looked at the because they were the last to walk inside the class. Every student raised their brows when they saw the bossy girl of the school holding the hands of the boy he once bullied and slapped.

"Wow, you guys finally made mends, that's good," said their class teacher Miss Lia.

"I am a good person and a good person is always supposed to forgive Miss Lia, he is my best friend now," said Abrianna in a cheeky voice.

There was a knock on the door and the school principal welcomed some new students into their class. They were to be with them till the end of the day. Given that it was Friday, it was a half-day and they knew they won't be taking long.

The students walked forward and introduced themselves. 

"Hello, I am Noelle from River wood school it's nice to be here." 

When Noelle was done presenting herself, Miss Lia asked who wanted to sit with Noelle. 

"Me, I miss, I want to be with Noelle." Said Abrianna.

Miss Lia smiled at her but instead of giving Abrianna to Noelle, Rose was given the responsibility of taking care of Noelle for the rest of the day. 

Zeke settled with Adrian, Abrianna's twin.

"You guys are twins?" Shouted Adrian after he watched how close Noelle and Zeke were.

Noelle nodded because Zeke was not talking much.

"Well, Abrianna and I are twins too," said Adrian looking at his sister Abrianna.

Rose was still quiet, he hadn't said anything. Instead, he went behind the class and picked a seat. He let Noelle have his sit and sat on the seat that he had brought.


"I am Noelle," said Noelle stretching her hand out for him.

Abrianna hissed from the front sit and Rose looked at her. She showed him the killing sign and Rose swallowed hard while looking at Noelle's hands.

Miss Lia watched the interaction and asked Abrianna to clean the board for the rest of the day.

Rose got the opportunity to shake the hand of the lady who was sitting next to him.

"Rose, Rose Black, Templeton."

Noelle raised her eyebrows after Rose. He had said his name. She didn't imagine he would be having a girl's name yet he is a boy. 

"You are a boy right?" Asked Noelle while looking at Rose. 

Rose pretended to be looking at his books but he was just looking at her slender fingers that held a bracelet and the pen in between her fingers.

"Yeah, you wanted to sit with a girl?" Asked Rose.

"No, I am just wondering why would you get a girl's name instead of a boy's." 

Rose chuckled and looked at her, "my father has a man's name but he is not a man but a female, is that wrong?"

Noelle shut her mouth and went on to focus on what the teacher was talking about.

The be rang for break time and the student was supposed to have snacks. 

"You want to grab some snacks? I have extra." Said Rose trying to impress the person in front of her.

"Yeah, but I got mine you know," said Noelle.

She watched as Rose's face turned as she told him that. She thought of a way he can change that and looked at Zeke who was laughing and talking with Adrian.

"You know what, I won't mind having a share of your snacks as you show me around," said Noelle.

Rose quickly grabbed her hands and walked with her out of the place but before they could arrive anywhere, Abrianna was at the door looking at them with flair. g eyes.

"What do you think you are doing? Do you want me to bully you again?" Asked Abrianna.

"Hey, Bree, stop it, not today," came the base behind her.

It was Abrianna's cousin who is in year seven. He came and stood in front of the young kids who were terrified. 

"Rose flower, not today, and you little princess, nice hair," said Abrianna's cousin and they left with Abrianna.

"What's with her?" Asked Noelle as they stood in Rose's locker.


"Nothing, she just loves being bossy," said Rose.

"Are you sure she is not falling for you? I have two grown up in our house and they act this way, to some extent I think they are in love."