
194: Clara?


Davids was outside the court, her hands couldn't stop sweating. She was not ready to walk out and face the audience that was crowded all over the place. There was no other entry that they could use. Her lawyer had said it won't be a good picture if she is not seen by the audience. She had to be confident to make the people see that she had nothing to be worried about. 

Andrew was sceptical about his idea, he didn't know how to tell him that it was okay for Davids to use any route she feels like will be okay for her, but he couldn't.

"Ready?" Asked Mr Chen.

Davids nodded, though she was not ready, she didn't know how today will turn out, but she had to face the day, it's won't be a night forever.

"I am sorry baby, try your best okay," she heard her mother's voice. The person who had been quiet for some time and we avoiding her. 

She turned and looked at her, "I will mum, but I fear that the result won't be what we expect."

The door opened for her and immediately the news anchor saw her, they all rushed toward her but luckily for her, Andrew had instructed the guards to protect her from all the cameras and the questions that were being shot at her. They used their coats to protect her but also being cautious not to hurt any audience because that will be added as one of the issues that they are trying to avoid.

She was grateful for their efforts, the guards were supportive, the family has been their friends, sharing their bread with them, good pay and commission for good work done and they were not going to abandon them at this point.

Mr Chen was disappointed because he was expecting that the guy they paid to ask some questions will torture Davids with some questions to make her nervous and lose it because of her temper but turns out he didn't get the opportunity. After all, the security walked Davids up to her seat. 

That's didn't seat well with some news anchor who wanted to torture Davids with words. They used that protection to provoke the family. They wrote on their tabloids how The Blacks are using their wealth to hire expensive bodyguards to protect a rapist from answering questions.

The school famous bloggers were also present, they were there to support fellow students. Though they could have been on the front line to be against her, they were positive about Davids and they believed they were innocent.

The court started on time. Daniella was not around but watching the proceedings from the hospital. Her mother was present and they considered that as I'm at because she was still a child and her parents could stand-in for her. 

Davids was in front alone, with Mr Chen. She wanted to look over to Daniella's mum, Amanda but she avoided her and looked at the judge who asked them to present their witness. 

The first person to be put on the stand was Damien. His uncle was present. He was dressed in a suit and looked more presentable. He looked at Davids. 

He didn't know what he was going to say since he was not prepared for anything, he just received a call from Mr Black asking him if he can testify. He was a friend and he was not going to just let her go to prison for doing nothing.

"State your name for the record," started Mr Chen. 

He knew that whatever he was going to do was nothing compared to the prosecutor's side, so he made sure he doesn't give him any clue.

After asking him questions, Mr Chen sat down the lawyer from Daniella's side stood and walked towards him.

He was a tall man, six feet tall, bald. He emitted the aura of being mean and Damien could feel it.

"Mr Damien, can you tell me an outstanding thing about Davids Black?" Asked the lawyer.

"To me, Davids is a passionate person. She is ready to listen to you, change you but before she does that, sje gives you a chance to weigh your options," stated Damien.

"Wow, did she change you in any way?" Asked the lawyer.

"In many ways, I never used to associate more with people and would block them away but when I met her, she taught me how to open up, how to understand people and can say I was able to talk to this girl whom I loved but couldn't tell her anything because of my shyness."

The court chuckled.

"That's is so sweet," the lawyer walked to his desk and picked a document and presented it to the judge," let it be known that the piece of evidence I am going to present in this court might explain why this young man was afraid to talk to people."

Showing the document to Damien, he furrowed his brows as he saw the picture of her mother, dead on the floor and bedside her was his father whom he had never seen. 

"Can you recognize the people in the picture?" 

Damien liked at his uncle, Mr Marcus raise his left brow as he looked at his nephew. The lawyer that had accompanied them had to walk to the stand to look at the document.

"You can't use this, this is not allowed," objected his lawyer and the judge agreed with him. Using the traumatic pictures to devastate Damien something even Mr Marcus has never done we not allowed. 

"I don't have any other question got the witness," said the lawyer and Damien was dismissed from the stand.

Marcus thought he was going to be angry at him but he walked and sat next to him clasping his hands into his uncle.

"I would love to call upon our first witness, Clara," said Daniella's lawyer and Davids shot his head to look at her and latest if it was the Clara she knew about or it was just another Clara they were talking about.

Damien had to stand as he saw Clara walk towards the stand, trying to call her, his lawyer told him to sit down because he might be charged if he starts talking with the witness. 

Her head was down as she stood on the stand, Damien was wondering what she was going to say.

The lawyer stood and nodded at her, Clara did the same.

"State your name for the record," asked the lawyer.

"Clara, Clara Marley," said Clara with hesitation I'm her eyes.

Damien watched her as she was talking and he knew that this was not the girl she knew. The girl she knew won't be out there doing something without asking him.

He tried to look at her fingers and was disappointed that she  was not wearing the two rings that she had given her. 

'Clara what are you doing?' He thought to himself as he waited for him to answer the question her judge had asked her.

"He tried to force me into sex while we were on a vacation but I refused and he said that we have to break up if I was not going to offer him sex because as a girlfriend I am not giving anything in the relationship."

Everyone in the courtroom started mumbling. Davids looked at Damien and found him already standing but Mr Marcus forced him down together with his lawyer. 

This is when it's started seeming on Davids that tho gs might have been staged up, he had speculation of the people who attcacked her mother and were never found. 

"Don't say anything, just let her talk and after she is done, we will sort the issue out," said Mr Marcus.

"Can you identify your so called not friend in the audience?" Asked the lawyer using air quotes.

"Yes, there he is, sitted with his uncle," said Clara and everyone turned around to look at him.

"He is the friend to Davids," said one of the audience.

"Yeah, who is this what they were learning?"

Everyone was mumbling and it was hard to know what each of the was saying. Damien sat put though he wanted to storm out of the court he was told to stay put, that was the only way to avoid being labelled as a bad person. 

"I know most of you are asking why I have brought in Clara in this room," started Daniella's lawyer when everyone was silent," she is the jest friend of the assaulted young lady, and tell me how comes two best friends ended up in this situation if not other two friends trying to seduce them for their lust and se,"

"Objection your honour, the prosecutor is speculating!" Shouted Mr Chrn even before the lawyer could finish his statement.

"Mr Gali, you are not allowed to speculate," said the lawyer.

"Sorry," said Mr Gali, "I don't have anything to add."

"Okay, thanks for today, the court has been adjourned and Miss Davids' Black, the pleas for your bail has been denied, you will be taken to the state prison, solitary section until tomorrow," said the judge. 

Davids looked at her parents, her mother was already out of the room, his dad was mumbling sorry. Their hands were tied and they couldn't do anything for their daughter. After Clara comes clear with Damien's intention, everyone feels like it was not good to let Davids out.

"Don't panic, they will not win this okay?" Asked Mr Chen.